Most Americans would approve of deterring them with force

people don't buy the fake news, no one except the most retarded of people will buy into their sob stories. those people aren't the majority and don't matter.

people realize they already have to spend 100 plus billion yearly to cover illegals already here. they don't want to pay more. nor do they want their kids growing up in a country increasingly nose diving into third world status.

people would support the military, they would support tear gas and other riot dispersing strategies. they would also support live rounds if warranted. Americans don't want their country to be invaded without a fight. And that's what this is, an invasion

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Other urls found in this thread:

Israelis are SO DESPERATE to have Trump use violence to deal with this because they need cover while they genocide palestinians. How pathetic are Israleis really? Super WEAK people. pathetic sad subhuman filth is what Israelis are.

drumpf isn’t going to do anything and there’s nothing you can do about it hahahahahahahahahahahaha

most mexicans too

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that's what I keep saying
we elected Trump to stop this shit, using military force would only show that he is strong and keeps his word
his approval would go up I guaruntee you

NPCs often have poor pathing scripting. You can usually trap them with creative mazes.

it's true

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this is true. we should construct a u shaped tunnel that would redirect them back towards Honduras. this would remedy the problem


I would ne ok with a pre-emtive maneuver deep in Mexico.. to prevent a distraction veiled terrorist incursion away from the main masses

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I agree he has to keep his word on this and i think he will,

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the sob story of the people from honduras is true

libertarian nutjobs have been trying to turn honduras in to their utopia for 8 years

this is literally the last straw for me in terms of giving liberals the benefit of the doubt. if you support this you're unironically a traitor who should be executed. I exploded on two of my liberal friends over this. I don't expect to ever hear from them and I don't care. these people are the enemy.

Not our problem

that means taking the resources, kicking people off their land making the citizens of that country into serfs

americans are funding it
your government is funding it
americans hold key positions in the honduran government

Not our problem. I don't doubt that everyone in Honduras wants refugee status in the USA. Fuck off we're full

hondurans are running from that shit hole.
which makes them refugees.
the us has obligations under un treaties they signed

Maybe the swamp is funding it, that is who we are fighting

The national guard was literally formed for this exact scenario. This is a foreign invasion. They are obligated to repel it.

why hasn't trump cut funding?
I was kinda hoping he would

I think the majority of the people would be ok with a massive military presence at the boarder. Realistically using every non lethal option available to them and hopefully gain control from there?

As great as it’d be, if Trump gives the order to vaporize 50k + people, I think an overwhelming amount of people and the world would absolutely lose their shit.

This is a really shitty one to deal with, but I think it’ll end up having a good ending. Nothing to base that off of, just a gut feeling.

you can't just shoot people
they are refugees

We are not obligated to take on 10-50k people from a country

They're not refugees. These people are being paid by organizers to do this


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Actually, you can just shoot them.

you are free to believe anything you want
you can't just shoot people. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

So now filling in holes with dirt is libertarian. I want to strangle whoever wrote this drivel

They're invading our country whilst calling our leader a Nazi and burning our flag. They have ill intent towards us and should be treated as an enemy.

You clearly don’t live in coastal cities lmao
>kill me now pl0x

lol pro lifer no doubt

collective guilt?
are all whites responsible for slavery?

shits man, stop hanging out with the buggering bongs.

I couldn't get past the first 2 paragraphs

>By Edwin Lyngar / Salon
now it makes sense

No only countries adjacent to their own, that’s the law

it was printed by a lot of outlets

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lol your an annoying faggot

what law
that didn't happen in europe.
you can't say this or that other shit hole is good enough for you

>the swamp
lmao the establishment ain’t going nowhere. bread and circuses you stupid goy

Nice straw man. Again, they aren't refugees. They're being paid and organized to do this. They are being transported to do this. It is fake and planned

Are these people vaccinated?
I tend to dislike people not being vaccinated because shooting up is cool and I can't understand why you wouldn't, but the left really shills for vaccinations. Why is this not being used?

I’ve played enough tower defense games in my youth to be 100% open to lethal force on any illegal border crossers.

they claim they can't survive that paradise
they are refugees

it doesn't matter they don't need anyones permission

1) Buy Honduran flags

2) Go to the encampments at the border

3) Position yourself in sight of the most triggerable males

4) Defile, deface and burn the Honduran flags

5) Yell things like "Honduranos stan cagaleches" or "Only let the women in".

You get the picture.

>Israel is desperate for Trump to use violence because they need cover while the genocide Palestinians.
Look who it is that posts these messages and also purity spirals againstvecery right wing leader.
>while they genocide Palestinians
Who cares about that crap. Only
*Muslim immigrants
You will remember this, hopefully.

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> Survive that Paradise

What? No they are not refugees. Sorry

US immigration law you utter retard

It's shit. Also I find it amusing that they attack Friedman for "lobbying". The lobbyist behind libertarianism was extremely based.

But beside that one instance, I can't think of a single lobbyist pushing for libertarian policies. It seems self-defeating in many ways to push for libertarian laws when you're a corporation

You're absolutely retarded

The Mexican invasions of the 80s and 90s bankrupted us once This group would like to bankrupt us again.

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Im not saying everyone in the caravan is a refugee. but you can't just say you can tell who's legit and who isn't

Where does it say that refugees get a free pass everywhere, no matter what?

Day of the rake can't come soon enough

oh they can judge who is a refugee from 1500 miles away?

where does it say you can decide what's good enough for them?

How do I even pay this?

If you travel through multiple countries, you are no longer a refugee. Why are simple concepts so hard for your retard brain to process?

noun: refugee; plural noun: refugees

a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

>what are they escaping leaf?

Too much evidence says otherwise.they are being encouraged to do this. They were paid, this caravan sprung out of no where. You're an idiot if you can't see through it

Jesus christ you are an annoying faggot. Fuck off and die.

Not my problem, they can figure it our wherever they came from.

I guess we'll see

Realistically, how can they be impeded from entering with minimal violence? Is that even possible??

lol libertarians

Canadians are insufferable cunts, disgrace to light skinned people everywhere.

We'll even side with the Azteca Bros if we have to. I can understand Venezuelans with commies and riots; but the caravan coming in are either:
>Mercs hired by the DNC to slaughter most of the bordermen patroling the Texas/Mexico Border
>Actual people getting trafficked against their will
>Payed actors
>Jews (go figure)
>Californians doing some fucked shit
>POWS taken in herds by the Cartel

what if they were harassed beaten up blocked in mexico? it was probably a mistake for trump to ask other countries to try to stop them.
you just legitimized their claim


Why are you so worried about violence? It's a perfectly reasonable response.



this is white fragility.

>non lethal

absolutely cucked

god damn refugees, stay in the country you were told to stay in.. or else!


Not refugees

I hope I get one right between the eyes, just for you, you shitskinned cuck


dead bean

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pretty sure you can't make a legal judgment until they get an interview

trump panicked and started rambling off.
he should let the lawyers handle the legal work

Already evidence they were paid. No evidence they are actual refugees

yeah someone might wanna see that evidence
conspiracies theories you found on the Internet won't count

Conspiracy yes. No longer a theory though, sorry

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not real libertarianism ?

Published on Oct 10, 2012


Try it leaf.. Go to Niagra, and run full speed through the US checkpoint.. Always a leaf when I see a fucktarded comment..

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> I have enough strength, energy, food, money, and other resources to walk 2,000 miles
> Butgibsmedat I refuge

That's right.

I would approve massacring every last one of them and parading their corpses through the capitol.

Education, health costs, social services, detention centers, ESL programs to name a few.

Kek approves

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hondurans can immigrate to cities in their country if they have enough money?

holy shit and you're bitching?

Seriously what would happen if some random citizen just opened fire on that crowd with an AR? What would the fallout be?


show flag canada

food vouchers

A lot of people would support him. The media would label him a Nazi Trump supporter. He would definitely go to jail because our justice system is kiked