Obama telling it like it is
obama is a roach, he must have turkish ancestry
full of shit as ever
he just speakin truth to power homey
Dont worry obama we will be back 2020
Republicans inherit the shite economic conditions of their Democratic predecessors.
He should donate kadaffis gold
Obama should stick to sucking circumsised jew dick.
Yah. Can you imagine how shitty this nation will get when the economy crashes again, and the Trump deficit comes due? We are boned.
>became president during massive recession
>didn't prosecute the bankers
>didn't BREAK UP the banks
>basically gave them bailouts and a free pass
>after leaving office, immediately started giving speeches to Wall Street bankers for six-figure sums
>"clean up"
Republicans are definitely fucking up the economy long-term, especially by further deregulating the banks, but let's not pretend that a Democratic president will fix anything in the next imminent recession. There needs to be an actual revolution if anything is going to happen.
Yeah it's called bipartisan deepstate collusion and it was designed to ruin the Republican party.
Said the piece of shit who dropped bombs on school children and made it legal to drone strike kill Americans without trial.
whatever happened to obamaleaf did he get banned
He's just saying what we all already know
wtf is this real!?
Reagan and trump are Democrats
He didn't clean up shit.
The Fed dropped rates to near 0, put the economy on life support as it slowly recovered.
Bernanke printed $800B, and the banks were $1.8 trillion in free cash.
Now the Fed is raising rates and taking the economy out of intensive care.
oh no
Those children were terrorists, the records say so.
Can somebody please explain this shit to me? Hasn't your economy been doing better than it's been doing for a long time? What planet are these people living on?
>left vs right
Wake me up when globalists start being executed.
Wasn't the last one caused by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? You know.. the two GSEs that had little to no regulation on them because Democrats in congress only supported regulating them one time out of the dozen or so times that the Republicans attempted to do so? The same one that George Bush called for regulating in 2007 (the one time where something WAS done)?
Housing Bubble. Go read up about it. See how it was the left's fault.
The Dow increased 300% under Obama
Thanks Obama!
Israel is getting 3.3B in foreign aid. Trump is increasing it by 200 million. Complains about foreign aid. Doesn't complain about the aiding for Israel.
>counting the low March 2009 bottom.
>thinking printed QE Banana Republic money = value.
>thinking a broad based asset bubble backstopped by government bailouts accurately reflects value.
If you only knew how bad things really are.
Well we still have the same asset bubble only 5000 points higher on the Dow now which apparently is now a major win
The 20th century was dominated by Republicans and we had a fucking amazing economy for most of it before and after the depression
he wants it :^)
something something about a big lie something