Tasks: Make memes and propaganda for Germany Spread and share said propaganda and memes on social media Always believe and have trust in Germany and the German people Beware of defeatist and leftist trolls
I dunno guys, it still feels all so shitty. I once hoped if AFD gets on the trails, CDU/CSU would get their shit back together to a pre 2000 state "like it used to be". Yet the coalition is still eating itself. CSU is a shadow of itself and Grüne on the rise. While I'm kinda enjoying SPD taking the piss, how did we even get to a state where a workers party can't even reach workers anymore. I'm still not 100% behind with AFD, cause I'd like them to see do anything else than muh immigrants and family. It all feels kinda broken to me.
Geh jetzt aber erstmal Brötchen holen. Haut rein, Jungs!
"Worker's Party" was always meant to be about the elite, they play off the "dumbness" of the worker's, cause they know the average pleb doesn't do research into things or is too stupid too, and they vote "Oh I'm a worker, this must be for me!"...based off words. We were taught this in public school.
Lincoln Mitchell
It's like why voting "Green" sounds hilarious to all of us here, because to the pleb it's only environmentalism and in reality it's Communism Open-Borders, no laws, no safety.... they play on words for tomfoolery. In fact, you can already say that Germany does have a 2 party system now, where it was just 1, Green, SPD, CSU, CDU are really just 1 party, they all collaborate with each other, AfD is telling the truth, it really is the ONLY one that does not lie in its name, and it's an ALTERNATIVE to your ruling party, which makes sense, it's honest. Honest in a sea of lies, which is good for Germany.
Colton Perez
We just have to accept that Hofreiter will be our Gottkanzler after the next election.He will install an eco-fascist monarchic Regime, his GreenStapo will raid any natural german homes and pust them in large camps where the man get gassed with a gay-turning gas and the women will be forced to breed with the Goldstücke until every German resembling person is extinct.
That is their plan. The left in the USA have already admitted to plans to execute every "white" person, and kidnap their kids for things like sex slavery, murder, camps, or what they called "adoption into POC family", they've admitted a lot more.
Dylan Ward
>I'd like them to see do anything else than muh immigrants and family Well, they do a lot more. We got next week's reformation day thanks to them, we got the spreading DENUNZIANTENWEBSITES!!!, their demands for more Volksabstimmungen and Amtszeitbegrenzung, less insane Waffenrecht, Bargelderhalt, Abschaffung der GEZ etc. Just because the political opponents reduce them to immigrants doesn't mean they are actually reduced to that. I think think it was Meuthen who recently said that, "we were called a single-issue party with regards to the Euro back when we started, now we're called a single-issue party with regards to the immigration, we're seem to totally have quite a lot of of 'single issues'" or something along those lines.
what is a white person in usa actually? is jontron white? he's half persian and half bulgarian. how about george zimmerman? he's half peruvian with african ancestry.
Jacob Cox
It's someone who looks white, so not mixed race with any African or Asian, European "mostly", because most Africans or Asians in the USA have no idea what Europeans really look like; the left have no fucking clue about their own ideas and policies, it's all made up "on the whim", when it benefits them. In liberal world, they would say Jontron would be white and that George Zimmerman a white, well actually the liberals news had a field day with Zimmerman a "white guy who shot an innycnt black baby."
Lucas Sanchez
What a weird country. In Germany theres no white people, only native germans and migrants. If all your grandparents are Germans, spoke german and live in Germany all their lives youre a native German simple as that.
Jack Sanchez
Well, finally we can become a real resistance then. Can't wait to invoke Art. 20 (4) GG, though we should actually be already able to enforce it right now.
Kayden Parker
This unironically.
Gavin Ramirez
Yeah, have a good day.
Nathan Morales
So what? It's not like we lost "dumb" workers, it's just these people don't wanna vote at all anymore.
I'll see your point, but cludges like Grüne - FDP - Linke won't get in line anytime soon.
They really fucking hate Germany and Germans. I'd really like to see an analysis of their recent voter surge by ethnicity, there was an article in the Welt a few weeks ago about "German" Turks leaving the SPD in large droves. At least for people who don't really identify as German it'd make sense to vote for an anti-German party.
Hallo? Oh, Germany, it's you. No I'm sorry, you can't come over right now, the place is a mess.
Logan Baker
>pre-2000 That's 55 years too late. If the party wasn't in the Harzburg Front, it isn't worth shit.
This informed opinion brought to you by your friendly neighborhood mutt.
Jackson Perry
Thats how it is in Germany and other countries. The japanese dont call themselves yellow or Asians, they call themselves Japanese. The Koreans too, they call themselves Koreans. Even the Taiwanese only call themselves Taiwanese. Germany is of course no different, Germans dont call themselves white or european, they call themselves Germans. They have a right to do that because their culture, their language, way of life, history etc are all unique to them. If they call themselves white, then their culture will be mutted down by the cultures of other people who looks white, being mixed with the french, the poles, the brits and the americans. Like a slurry of shit that has no origin. When people ask, who's Brother's grimm? People will say some white guys who wrote snow white probably from europe or canada or something if the germans do not protect and conserve their German heritage.
Ethan Myers
Isnt that why we always have to come to you tho ?
Brody Carter
But it didn't work. Let's try the co-op mode next time
Japanese are Asian and in the USA they would be Asian or yellow, there is no such thing as the "Japanese race" to Americans, they are all Asian. USA is like a rodeo, you don't call the shots. So white in the USA would mean German, it'd also mean Polish, Lithuanian, Finnish, Norwegian, British, Irish, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French. White basically means "European" although most people would call Russians white as well, but the Russians don't consider themselves white but yellow, which means they really need to get the fuck out of Europe. Ukrainian is considered white as well, which is why the fightings in Ukraine are not on a single US network because it's a "whiteland" being invaded by muh communism yellow people = so?
Left in power = USSR gulags for the European people.
Landon Gonzalez
I mean, even "Aryan" was a far stretch as yellow or white, you guys in Germany could totally relate to an island of monkeys that eat squid every day? While (European) Americans can eat sausage and potatoes like oh wait, they do! But go back to your Japanese fetish for "excellency" and remember that the 1,000 year army was defeated in 3 days by European Americans.
Chase Collins
Nobody wants to hear your degenerate European shit, most Europeans come from such a shithole, it's hard to relate. Like the "real" Europeans left on a space rocket and what's left are a bunch of apes that took over and are stealing the identities of the people who used to live there. Europe a long time ago was faced with people who didn't want to work, didn't want to pray, didn't want to eat, and didn't want to sleep. I mean, MOST German-Americans I know would NEVER step foot out of the USA, and yet you hear NONSTOP Germans COMPLAINING that their "vacay" to some strange "Asian" nation was delayed. This is shit Germans can't relate to, and if you can, then you might want to reconsider citizenship to be Asian in sacrifice of your German benefits, and we can all treat you like the Asian tranny ladyboy you always were. Place is a MESS.
Adrian Kelly
todays INSA shows Green +2% taking from AfD, FDP and CDU. wtf
Juan Wilson
Are you drunk or in the wrong thread, mate?
Nicholas Gray
Fuck off rape babies
Justin Williams
fukin rude
Kayden Perez
it has to be done before you destroy europe any further
Do y’all take holocaust classes? I work with a Kraut who emigrated in the 80s and she said when she was little she went on field trips to concentration camps. She’s in her 50s now so this was probably in the 70s
we still do that. i am a millenial. i have been to a camp and to a jew museum. we had to read severaly anti-german books about muh shoah and we had to watch propaganda movies about the camps. they unironically thaught us the soap and lamp shade bullshit as if it was all proofen facts. imagine you are 13 yo and they show you all this crap, piles of corpses and shit. some of my freinds back then had a real hard time to deal with this nonesense. its like showing gore to children in the name of humanity, kek
Sebastian Young
the germans lost and the allies are in charge of their history. not even the military are taught of the many successes of the wermacht and the luftwaffe during the wars. "Do not let the germans be proud of their history. Kill their history if you have to." Thats what the Allies said.
Samuel Barnes
What about ww1? I mean Austria kinda fucked up their part but Germany fought to the fucking end. Within 30 miles of Paris!!! And tannenburg and all that shit. Absolutely insane.
Camden Bailey
Germans were the bad guys in ww1
Carson Fisher
jews *
Robert Collins
It was a little more complex than that come on
Ryan Rogers
la princess shut down her fagbook account. would it be possible to make her leave twatter, too?
what i meant to say to the american was the germans were at fault from the perspective of the allies in ww1 and since the germans lost, no pride allowed there either. All the current history books in germany teach that the Germans are losers, pitiful, honorless, inept, cowardly, weak, savages and no one should take pride in being a german. Its really that bad.
Alexander Thompson
Behold, the power of the media and the German Herdentrieb (wirsindmehr). And don't underestimate the amount of protestwähler in the AfD, they're no right-wingers and will be jumping ship on the drop of a hat. One the bright side, the sudden rise of the Greens is eerily reminiscent of the Schulzzug. And the death of the Volksverräteraltparteien CDU and SPD is a good thing as well. Be prepared for the global compact for migration. If you haven't joined/volunteered for the AfD, now is the time. We need to get on the offensive. This might very well be our last stand, the defining point where people will look back upon in the future and ask "what did you do to prevent it?"
Fuck, wanted to attach the screenshot from some third reicht documentary with survivors statements replaced with Flüchtlingskrise stuff like "wir haben doch damals alle klatschen müssen, der soziale Druck", "ich habe selbst zwei AfD-Wähler bei mir im Keller versteckt", "wir haben doch von nichts gewusst, das wahre Ausmaß wurde geheimgehalten" etc. If anybody has it, pls post
Logan Hill
She always looks like the notorious 5$ whore in an Uzbek brothel in Kabul...
Andrew Harris
You can keep the Zone Occupé it's full of faggots, depressed drunk people and incest festivals.
Aaron Perry
And the rest is full of arabs?
Jaxon Kelly
desu when I was at school I had a cool history teacher who allowed a more complex view of ww1 so basically in his class we learned that many countries wanted this war and fueld the beginning of it
William James
Only Marseille
Robert Sanders
Thats not the way its meant to be
Nathaniel Thomas
Ah, its Tuesday already.
Joseph Hall
>even insa shows grüne at 19% >afd only 17%
Gott strafe uns
Carter Brown
At times point I'm certain that it's all rigged. Nothing really happened that could explain this sudden rise in the polls. The Greens were a laughinstock for many years and especially in Bavaria, their election campaign did nothing out of the ordinary, their candidate only made a fool out of herself. This just isn't right.
Dominic Jackson
The German Michel is a laughingstock, so no surprise here.
The potential for psycholigical manipulation is there, of course, but what exactly happened that it turned out that way? It just doesn't make much sense.
The absolute state of fucking journalists. This should be a "blood in the water" kind of moment where they pile on and rip the voting officials in that district a new asshole.
In related news: listened to Feindfunk (B5 Aktuell) this morning. Boy were they shedding hectolitres of crocodile tears over the poor, Soros sponsored "refugees" (they even admitted they were fleeing poverty and crime, not war) currently marching to the US border.
Bullshit you motherfucking liar. I come from a region where a fucking German SS unit left a line of death to suppres resistance movement after the D-Day. Several villages where obliterated you fuck, women, children and elderly burnt alive in churchs while the mens where shot. Check Oradour you faggots.
>Check Oradour you faggots there were literally no witnesses of that. the ones who were "responsible" all died in the war and the surviving members of the company who allegedly did it said they were there but didnt recall any massacres that took place. More like lies from the allies to me to make the Germans look bad.
Justin King
Isn't Kindermädchen the same as Jungfrau (for men and women)?
Er ist Jungfrau Er ist unser Kindermädchen
Ayden Brown
it’s a good day to wipe Krauts out of existence for the good of humanity
Fuck you, you stinking FTP commie scum! You better start educating yourself about the dirty work of Georges Guingouin and his band of thieves, terrorists and murderers!
They were the sole reason for any reprisal actions committed by Regt. "Der Führer" of 2nd SS Pz.Division during their relocation from southern France via Limoges to the invasion front.
You don't wanna go down that rabbit hole with me, snaileater!
The entire Tulle-Oradour complex long since has been subject to forensic research and thoroughly revised!
Joseph Green
How to not be a faggot Pro tip: it us about not asking stupid questions
Joseph Russell
>t. nigger
Benjamin Lopez
>t. krautnigger
Jeremiah Morgan
youre like a chimpanzee that says its better for all humans to be wiped out for the good of chimpkind
Ryder Myers
no! becuase humans actually make things better for Chimps. Krauts do nothing but make the world a worse place for us all
Xavier Perez
>At times point I'm certain that it's all rigged The question would be why it would be rigged in favor of a party that isn't in government. Certainly among the volunteers counting the votes, many were in favor of the greens. Rigging the election on a state level would require coordination on a higher level: First rigging the polls and then rigging the election accordingly, which would require controlling all influential positions of the election process, if you want to influence the result by several percentage points in whole Bavaria.
I consider manipulations at the level of the individual voting room possible, but I think the above scenario is rather unlikely.
>Nothing really happened that could explain this sudden rise in the polls This is also bugging me. Maybe it's due to the Diesel-hysteria and the high temperatures this year?
Matthew Sullivan
Kraut/pol/ is comfy without namefag cancer. The only bad thing left are the *ustrians.
Jonathan Barnes
Germans invented the majority of the modern technology. They're very intelligent and powerful sub-species of mankind. Thats why in ww2 it took 4 major powers just to take them down. They will replace you.
Levi Hughes
>Kraut/pol/ is comfy without namefag cancer. where did they go
Gabriel Price
they can’t even replace themeselves, they require Mehmet to do it for them
William Lee
They probably went where everybody else appears to have gone (no idea where that may be, but definitely not here). Today is a _very_ slow day for some reason. Same thing at wörk, by the way.
Caleb Evans
>germans flock to the communist child abuser party >because we had a hot summer You know what, at this point I may as well start believing everything. >The question would be why it would be rigged in favor of a party that isn't in government Because the Greens embody the new world order like no other party. Environmental, socialistic to communistic, globalistic, multi-cultural, and the collectivism.
>they require Mehmet to do it for them not really. all decisions of the Germans after the war were made by the allies. the germans never wanted the turks to be in germany, it was the americans ie you who forced them to take them in. Google gastarbeiter.
Xavier Thompson
>Because the Greens embody the new world order like no other party Somebody in control would have to want this and be able to rig elections. Also the share of SPD + Greens didn't really change from the last Bavarian elections, they merely switched places. In the federal state however, now the CDU apparently looses to the Greens, which is somewhat more odd.
Isaac King
>giving (DU)s to mutts
Brandon Morales
you don’t know what you’re talking about! The average American is as white as them come! it is Krauts who are the Mutts!!!
haha, just watch now as all the papers will wildly speculate what kind of right wing monster did this, since in this case making assumptions is surely allowed.