You right wing retards are the same as left wing retards

>Hates freedom of speech
>Support welfare programs
>Extremely racist towards a specific group
>Blame other people rather themselves
>Hates the free market
>Dick sucks on free healthcare
>Use straw man arguments
>Cries when they are mock at
>Harasses people
>Collectivizing cunts

Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't

Attached: Really nibba.jpg (250x250, 6K)

You just realized this? I come on here to laugh at both sides kek they are both NPCs

Cry me a river
Once again, OP is a faggot

>muh horseshoe theory

Your opinion is shit. Seeing both sides and being unable to pick one makes you worthless.

Attached: 1539579630957.jpg (1432x1080, 180K)

Faggot can no longer defend his leftist bullshit, so he decides the best defense is to say that everyone is fucked. Not falling for it, fuckface.

>be NatSoc
>be communist
>expropriates you land and possessions

We need an anti-centrist meme thread.

This looks like a good place for one.

Attached: Communism vs National Socialism.jpg (300x300, 17K)

You can always leave fag

Based and redpilled

I'm an actual rightwing person
>Hates freedom of speech
>Support welfare programs
>Extremely racist towards a specific group
>Blame other people rather themselves
>Hates the free market
>Dick sucks on free healthcare
>Use straw man arguments
>Cries when they are mock at
>Harasses people
>Collectivizing cunts

Have you ever actually talked to an actual rightwing person? heres your chance.

I wonder how much Soros pays these people to come on this thread and be gay.


Haha, you are projecting very much good sir, for I do none of those things.

Attached: x.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Attached: pepe_vs_maga_npc.png (733x2171, 649K)

Attached: npc_both_sides.jpg (1280x858, 155K)

Attached: white.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Attached: Jesus_turning_golem_into_NPC.png (347x1023, 146K)

No such thing as left or right wing. It's freedom or communism. And there's literally nothing more NPC than someone like you who claims to be a centrist.

Attached: brainlet.png (644x500, 50K)

I never said I was, lol. In fact I hate centrists

NPCs from both sides are collectivists and totalitarian, since they can't function without the big dick of a leader inside their mouths

OP is an extreme centrist chad