I've been living in Tokyo for 8 months already (will be here for 18 months for work) and have realized that all the...

I've been living in Tokyo for 8 months already (will be here for 18 months for work) and have realized that all the memes about asian girls are absolutely correct.

Every girl I've dated has looked for long term relationships (even though I just pump and dump them) and automatically begin doing my laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.... you know, things a wife should do. They attempt to signal that they will be good wives to you which is literally fucking unheard of in America and probably Europe too since you're all gay faggots with aids over there who've lost the war against brown/blacks already.

I'm a 29 year old male, the last girl I fucked in the US was a 27 year old who I didn't fuck on the first date because I was too tipsy and had to work the next day. When we went on our second date and came back to my place, she was so enthralled that I was taking her on actual dates and not just trying to fuck her, and then told me that SHE HAD NEVER HAD A MAN TAKE HER ON A DATE BEFORE, SHE'S ONLY BEEN FUCKED AT PARTIES..

Needless to say I fucked her and ghosted her, but this is the average woman in the US. Out of my friends who are girls, most have slept with over 15 guys at this point (girls approaching 30). It's fucking disgusting. We're all sitting her discussing how to prevent the west from falling, but it's already been destroyed. All our women have been JEW'd and are now useless whores with no skills and who are unable to contribute anything but their holes to a relationship. This weakens the white man, it's why we're feeble now.

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>Needless to say I fucked her and ghosted her
Based and breadpilled. You showed that roastie, bro.

Mansluts are also the problem cockhead. You should be married and a father by 23

>Bitches about white girls because they are degenerated
>Proceed to engage in degenrated behaviours

Nigger, when will you realise that YOU are the problem.

>Hur dur Europe has lost to brown people
>Says le 56%

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Pic related?

Stop acting like a fucking nigger.

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Women will do what men do, but jebus - don't tell your potential partner the nasty stuff. I've had this too, and it just shows they're clueless about men. I recommend telling her your sexual experiences. May be you'll do the next bro a favour.

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i took a 23 and me and am literally as white as Elizabeth Warren you fucking nigger and or spic

Men can’t be sluts. They’re meant to have as much offspring as possible while women can only have a few so they’re meant to be more selective and not sluts. It’s not a problem for guys unless they’re married but if a girl is a slut it fucks them up psychologically forever

You are a bad man. A very bad man.

Kys nigger/kike

Pumping and dumping women that want to be a good wife is a petty shitty thing to do. YOU are part of the problem.

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Nobody is a slut anymore. You're only a slut if you get pregnant without a stable relationship.

Stop being part of the problem. Also stop creating threads to brag about fucking. Also you are what you fuck, so seek help for your clearly devastated sense of self-worth.

Then stop acting like a nigger

>being a degenerate fucking moron
>bragging about it on the internet

You are such a fucking degenerate

You should be gassed

Faagots like then bitch and complain about not being able to find a virgin wife.


Logically, men can’t sleep around without women also sleep around, unless you’ve been engaging in some unsavoury behaviour...

Stop fucking around if you truly care about the white race and nationalist values


why did a nigger in the African union just call me a nigger?

Stop being an incel, user...

Dam boi! What a close call

I'm sensing a double standard

incel detected, get out of the basement and live a little before you speak faggot

>cope-posting this hard
Why are you trying to defend your traitorous behaviour OP?

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>[NPC kike shillin]
>hey goy come to japan and see how all these crooked ass bitches want to be your wifus. all white women are whores.



This, sort of. I get laid super fucking easy just by doing a single, simple date. They're all like "I've never been on a date like this!" all excited, getting dressed up etc. Except here they aren't getting fucked at parties, they do group hangs, or go to the movies after meeting someone over FB/Instagram.

"dating" here is literally just;
>like a pic/comment
>talk for a week +
>hang out in a group/together
>fuck them
>end up in relationship
>break up after a couple years because you realize the other person is nothing like the false image they portrayed when you first "met"
>rinse & repeat

Women voted to make it legal, and voted to make it illegal for men like me to punish the men who do. Not sure what you expect me to do about it. Because if I don't pump and dump women, it just means less competition for the men who do. Empowered women are going to let themselves get fucked, then lie about it to men like me, guaranteed.

What the hell is this feminist nonsense you two are saying? Any girl who has sex outside of a long term relationship, or has more than 3 sexual partners in their lifetime is a slut, and is used goods. But guys can fuck as many girls as they want until they’re ready for a wife, and the guy has lost no value. It’s like you don’t understand the natural and biological differences between men and women

youre a really shitty person if any of that is actually true, just fyi

How many dates does it take for the japanese girls to put out?

david-kun please just kill yourself

shouldve renamed this to /larp/ general


You are the male version of the women you are railing against. Fuck off, nigger-tier degenerate filth.

I can see why whites are the niggers of asia now. Literally importing their degenerate promiscuous behavior too homogeneous countries.

No, user, you are the degenerates.

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I'm 24, married but no kids year. My wife and I are working our first year out of uni, so we want to build some cash before we have kids. I'm planning on sowing the seed before I turn 28

They really are not. A man will always try to spread his seed in every fertile womb. Genghis Khan had a wife but still fucked literally 1000s of women across Asia.

Women don't have the same capability of benefiting from multiple partners.

Then again you have a higher % of niggers than us

What is wrong with having sex with a lot of girls. Not every guy can do it, but if they can they might as well. It’s not like it is for women where they can just decide to be sluts and have countless guys willing to have sex with them, assuming they girl isn’t fat or ugly. There’s nothing degenerate about fucking sluts

If you're a good catch, almost all women will start becoming wifey. It's just that your sexual market value is so high as a white male to Asian girls, Asian girls act wifey towards you.

Because it creates sluts and sluts destroy the family and destroyingthe family destroys the civilization

lol? Have you been to any major city, ever? Step on tinder my friend, it's an all you can fuck buffet if you are even somewhat high status.

American women have been tricked into thinking that if they fuck like men then it makes them "modern" and empowered. They're at constant odds with what the jews tell them, and how they feel internally. What a terrible existence for the modern american woman.

Maybe try a slightly more mature woman. My fiance has only had sex with like 2-3 people, doing well in her life and is family oriented. She's a very wonderful woman. I'm very grateful. Also stop focussing on physical looks so much. Like you're going for fucking bimbo, stupid, immature privileged bitches. I'm a millenial my fiance is 9 years older than me. I was specifically interested in more mature women because like you I had been with a few plastic bitches. I'm not a man whore either. I've been with less than ten women.

You gotta be realistic, like if you're ugly, broke AND stupid AND poor at socializing well guess what it's going to be fucking difficult. I attempted suicide a long time before I met my partner. It's not easy. And no one is going to help you.

France is 100% nigger

Traps are not gay.

>Japanese women
fake and gay.

>men are the exact same as women and the consequences of their actions are exactly the same despite permanent biological differences.


Genghis Kahn also had a horde and an empire which needed heirs.

You have a good point, but that’s if he’s going out and dating virgins just long enough for him to fuck them, then leaving. Maybe that’s what OP is doing, I didn’t read all of it

It's gay to touch a trap's dick but not gay to get a blowjob

10% at worst

around 12% of women in US between ages 20-24 are virgins. theres still some hope. just make a hard cut off date of age 25 and never date above that. they call them Christmas cakes for a reason

haha I know what u mean OP when I was in japan I inseminated so many japs it was ridiculous, probably have 40-50 half nigger spawn walking around there now

France is literally Africa you retard.

America is 14% nigger

France is 8% nigger, 6% undocumented nigger,10% sand nigger, 4% undocumented sand nigger

France is literally 30% sand nigger/regular nigger

> if i don't destroy this host culture someone else will
what are character and morals. you're wasting prime reproductive years, both yours and theirs, you will die alone, the male version of an alpha widow.

I am all for pumping and dumping sluts but PLEASE don't do that to good women. There are plenty of sluts in Japan you can bang. Don't ruin good women ok?

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You pee on the floor and complain about the smell. You are not much better than the sluts you fuck.

No. By doing that he gives approval to sluts, making other women wanting to also be sluts

>that want to be a good wife
nah, they're just hypergamous whores like the rest. i guarantee you jap girls don't act like that around jap guys

France is like 10% niggers 10% arabs. STFU

you sound defensive, why are you being defensive? Everyone knows France is the first EU country to completely fall to the nigs/sand niggers and that you're literally Africa now.

At least you'll serve a warning to the rest of the world.

When does telling someone he's full of shit is being defensive ?

Why don't you respond people exposing you arre a degenerate ?

OP, ignore all these retards trying to attack you for having sex. You fuck girls if you're telling the truth. This is a good thing. Congrats and make sure to chase ever hotter, ever more beautiful, and ever more exclusive girls, even if it means setting big goals and ambitions, and achieving them (like the wealth you want, the body you want, the app you want to create, and so on).

Good looks man, and keep it going.

Hey OP, been here for 10 months. Not as niggardly as you, but I got my girlfriend a few weeks after I arrived. I found her wife skills and courting behavior to be enthralling as fuck so we're still together. She's got two parents, rich grandparents and big titties. The only cons are that she's a few years older than me, has twice the sexual partners (probably more) and she's Japanese.

>Chasing roasties is the ultimate endgoal

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Cause I'm not degenerate, but France is literally nigger town now and you know it's true.

you KNOW it's true, I feel sorry for you and your french family, since your mom, sister, grandma, etc have all been raped and given aids by niggers most likely.

Also I'm not degenerate. I'm young, rich, good looking, tall, and gonna cum in any slut who comes my way. That doens't mean I can't critique the state of the world and society you gay french faggot with aids.

>Goes from screwing weeaboos to an ex roastie to jews to white men

Dude what

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>Mansluts are also the problem cockhead. You should be married and a father by 23

> t. cuck

bullshit. there is literally nothing wrong with wanting women to be chaste and chasing all the pussy you can get. women control the price of pussy; and in a healthy society it is high. doesn't mean a true alpha male let alone a god-emperor still should not drown in pussy.

>im a piece of shit the post and just wanted to let you know
Cool bro.

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>men can’t sleep around without women also sleep around
This, I love how it seemingly gets lost that women proclaim their vagina as territory and then lease it out to the dumbest mother fuckers possible and then get mad when someone calls out their stupid child as being just that, a dumb mother fucker like his slut mother. Only a woman would be surprised by the obvious.

>even though I just pump and dump them
No different than a nigger

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>France is full of niggers
Where did I imply it wasn't ?

>Your family has been raped by niggers
Y so defensive ?

>I'm not degenerate
>I'm gonna cum in any slut who comes my way
See, that's nigger-tier logic

You are fake and gay. JP girls always cook when they like a guy.

Philanderers were once executed in civil society. They will be again, along with sluts.

You're disgusting and part of the problem.

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bigger confirmed

Asian women > white women.
its a fact the media tries to cover up.

>even though I just pump and dump them
You need to be gassed. While their spirit is probably dead by now, I hope some crazy Jap disembowels you.
Fuck you, wigger.

>Men can’t be sluts. They’re meant to have as much offspring as possible...
Then where in the fuck are all of your dozens of offspring?!?!

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You're acting as if its such a big deal to land a girl.
Its easy as fuck.
Even some western women are like that, like my gf.
I admit its probably less here than in Asia in general, but I did'nt really mind having to go through a few until I found one I wanted to keep.
Pumping and dumping the ones that actually are decent is however not something I'd do.

No. Even when bombared with propaganda to turn them into roasties, some white women stay pure.
When women from other races and civilizations get exposed to this kind of propaganda they almost immediatly turn into turbosluts. Even asian women.


lol. all your women are whores. You're even worse than America, please exit yourself from this conversation.

butt hurt french (aka african) guy keeps lying. why do you keep lying?

White women were the progenitors of whoreish behavior and sexual liberation. Yes the jews sowed the seeds, but it was WHITE women who adopted it and spread it like a virus.

I've discovered that white people's weakness is the need to feel superior. It's lead to great things like us inventing everything and making awesome art, but it also leads to our women wanting to prove that they're cool and hip and forward thinking, etc. So white women adopted nu-feminism and are the ones trying to spread it around the world.

>Every girl I've dated has looked for long term relationships (even though I just pump and dump them) and automatically begin doing my laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.... you know, things a wife should do. They attempt to signal that they will be good wives to you which is literally fucking unheard of in America and probably Europe too since you're all gay faggots with aids over there who've lost the war against brown/blacks already.


You say women should stop slutting, yet you have no problem pumping and dumping

Oy vey western men have also been jewed... admit it.


its niggertier

Why are you encouraging a man slut nigger tier guy to marry a virgin he just going to want to divorce later on. Please OP just stick to fucking roasties and die alone. Don't ruin some naive prudes life because you want a fucking nurse when you become a old fucking geezer.

If you're getting nice chicks into bed because they think you're going to give them a long-term relationship and then you pump/dump/ghost, how is it their fault their number goes up? All you do it make them feel used.
Manipulation is the lowest form of game.

>Still "pump and dumping"
This thread is pure Boomer cope.

>proxy flag
>tranny picture
>fake story about asians

Yep. Thats a Eurasian Tiger thread

Attached: eurasian tiger incel.png (963x908, 981K)

Kek faggot OP thinking he can impress us by bragging about being a degenerate while simultaneously calling the same women he is corrupting disgusting and degenerate.
Absolute idiocy and degeneracy.
Don't need to say anything that other anons haven't already said, you absolute faggot.

Sure sure.
Go be angry, small mutt man.

I'm starting to believe you're an edgy 16yo with a VPN

White women didn't spread the virus. We, men, let it spread. I assure to you that no woman I frequent would describe herself as feminist. Because guess what ? You attract people of your kind. If you only attract low value roasties, then you are responsible for it

These. It's surprising to hear all this feminised bullshit on Jow Forums. Womens narrative is encouraged, but mens is discouraged. Kings back in the days fucked all the hoes in the courtyard. You're all just a bunch of faggots with scarcity towards girls, so you want to settle with one woman. That woman will leave you, because she doesn't give a fuck and will seek alpha, while you sit obediently infront of TV or PC thinking about "muh monogamy is correct". If you want a woman to really love you and be attracted to you, you need to at least be attractive to all her friends and flirt with a lot of women. That will be make her submissive. Not your fag ass "I love you my virgin girl, let's cuddle, I will never look at other woman in my life, just take my heart already sweetheart"

>hurr durr all white women are sluts

You sound like a beta bitchboi that moved to
an Asian country since it's easier for white males to get laid.

I've had a few GOOD long-term girlfriends and they were all white. Plenty of great wife-tier girls out there my man, you simply know know about it since they don't go for betas like you that brag about getting laid on fucking Jow Forums

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This level of white knighting. Am I on Jow Forums? Thought plebbitt faggots weren't allowed here.