

Attached: DqGo30wWwAAb_2T.jpg (540x549, 35K)

checks out

Simply put, I don't trust the private sector to manage the massive infrastructural needs of a country as big as the US

Attached: im ready to settle down now.webm (406x720, 2.09M)

Now that's something that I would pay taxes for.

>Trusts the public sector

Retarded faggot

Attached: inverted_horn_of_plenty.jpg (2250x1392, 597K)

Taxation is theft
Prove me wrong
You can't

Attached: 1530656110536.jpg (960x714, 33K)

Being passive to taxation is for NPCs.
We should also approve a tax code for High Net Worth Individuals who are routinely playing the regulatory arbitrage game.

What happens when you don't have enough money to pay the fire department when they show up to put your house fire out?

Fucking kek. Wish there was sound

Attached: 88.png (481x726, 578K)

Literally no one says this


Theft is illegal
taxation is legal
Taxation isn't theft

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listen bud do you want a free helicopter ride?

most businesses don't make profits in the longterm though...

And in those cases the workers take value from the owner.

Exactly what you think happens
I hope they are insured

It's not wrong.
"Civilized", however, as a word to interpret.
1/10 meme.

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Fuckin kek

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ONE of the prices - and it is usually a pretty good value transaction at that.

I do. It isn't 100% accurate though.

Are you fucking stupid

I've thought about this, had internal dialogue about it if you will and I've come to the conclusion that it's true. You really can't have a civilized society without a state.

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>legalized theft is not theft
2/10 made me respond.

Are you?

Attached: Hitler_pointing.jpg (179x220, 28K)

Where did I put my ancapball memes

Who says that someones taxes even go to the firemen?

I'm 100% sure every single tax dollar I put into the system has been squandered on some straight ass fucking garbage

Attached: 0e1e409b64d0cdad876ac4d9c4b82ab9.jpg (1157x1258, 175K)

Legalized theft is still theft

Make the taxes circle 5x bigger

>that file name
Women btfo

Attached: Lel.gif (336x252, 3.45M)

Where does their salary come from?

Taxation is Theft. The point is also irrelevant. You will be taxed by someone because people need protection from foreigners or domestic power groups like Communists regardless of whether they are stupid enough to think they don't need it. The world runs on power and if the state can take your money then it can take your money. You need to ask yourself whether or not you want a state that you can participate in and have legislated and/or constitutional freedoms or a Communist state that will shoot you for being more productive. It's not a matter of morality, it's a matter of practicality.

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>haha it's just a small circle in a much bigger circle therefore it's not really stealing

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From China

Attached: 10-4-17bud-f1.png (440x750, 115K)

it took normies this long to elect someone like trump. do you think they're really ready for full ancap right now anons? easy there.

Attached: who-would-build-the-roads.jpg (625x468, 87K)

Attached: ancap.png (124x33, 1K)

All taxation is theft. That is the first red pill.
