Well? I thought you told me she was going to die? Was poll, dare I say, wrong again?
Well? I thought you told me she was going to die? Was poll, dare I say, wrong again?
Still isn't 2019 nigger. The digits said before 2019
keep moving the goalposts :^)
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die
She's dead, just like how Stephen Hawking was dead. He developed sentient AI and plugged it into his chair before he died, then his chair carried his corpse around for a few years before it ran out of batteries.
She's already gone, (((they))) are just trying to keep her from rotting now.
She’s probably one of those girls who brags about her “self-cleaning oven.” I want her to stop using shampoo and body wash for a couple of weeks, though still showering with warm water, so she smells clean but natural. Also, no shaving of the body hair. Then I want her to sit on my face. I want to feel her hairy folds grind over my face until her scent overcomes me as I pass out with a smelly, shiny snail trail from my chin to my forehead. I want her extra, extra smelly but in a clean and natural way. I’ll bet her hair smells really terrific.
user he died years ago, they just had a camera and remote controls on him. Do you really believe that line that he spoke by typing with some weird interface on his left eye (the only thing that could move)? Watch his left eye when he talks. Plenty if the time it doesn't move at all, and its definitely inconsistent when saying the same words. That man was a vegetable in a remote control chair so someone else could speak from an uninsultable position of "scientific" authority.
she die now
Check again messiè
maybe she did...
how much will the libs pay me for this domain?
Digits she will stay for more 6 years
Fuck drumpf
You lost by one Schlomo.
That is realy bad luck.
Expect her to die within the day.
Checked,Based, and bog-pilled
>Expect her to die within the day.
should I make another thread when you turn out to be wrong? :)
December 13th
Don't ever use magic to wish harm or death on anyone, as hated as they may be. That's the first order and dare not break it.
>Th-the meme magic backfired! BAKANAAAAAAA
Medical technology can keep someone alive for a year or two longer than originally diagnosed if that person is very rich or very important to the Deep State. McCain was supposed to die within weeks of his diagnosis, but the fucker hung in there for an extra year. Same thing with this old bag. She'll die around 2021.
>sneedposters are faggots
guess it wasnt such a big leap in logic
Look at the absolute lack of digits. Focus your energy on something positive. Wish for only good.
Ginsburg will die within the next one thousand years.
The Top Jews (Illuminatis) are feeding her the blood of gentile children, bitch will live to 120 just like that blood drinking Royal whore in the UK.