Fellow Jow Forumsacks.
In about a month we have a very important vote (Selbstbestimmungsinitiative) in Switzerland. Essentially it boils down to being able to put our constitution before international mandates etc which let's us say no to unconstitutional rules by the EU, UN and co.. Which is a reasonable thing. The left over here has their propaganda going real hard, accusing Trump to be like Erdogan and Putin "violators of human rights" Out of all the big parties only our nationalist one is for it. This is our last resort for independence, after that our traitorous politicians are free to do whatever they want. Can we get the meme-warfare going? It's always a good exercise and in this case it's pretty important.
Fellow Jow Forumsacks
god bless you swiss bros
we need substance. who is the enemy?? kek
bumping as a courtesy
>SVP--Schweizer Qualität
Based mountain Jews and their meme slogans.
Not sure what us dumb burgers can do to help, though. I would take the angle with normies that China and the US are the ones running international institutions by their sheer economic size, and that if you want to do the right thing you have to do it as Swiss alone.
you need localized memes. radio ads, stickers on light poles, social media memes, whatever you can conjur.
Pretty much everyone but the SVP. So SP, FDP, GLP, Grüne etc. The major parties. Let me show you the SPs counter propaganda.
"Switzerland doesn't participate, no to the anti-human rights initiative"
Which is obvious bullshit because everyone who read the Constitution knows we've human rights in it already.
That's the plan. Gotta rally some swissbros.
Switzerland has always been the cornerstone of diplomacy.
Why wouldn't anyone help out? Even if only to watch some nuetry leftytards feel slightly worse than one way or the other.
Bust out the chocolate, watches, smelly cheese fondue, crystal clear water, gorgeous train rides along the Alps, milk, clocktowers that have a melodic chime topping every church, and gold.
I forget. What we're we talking about?
Chapel bridge, buskers events, baby eating statue, short ride to Liechtenstein, $4.00 can of cola, different views of the same Matterhorn, shitty rich mudslime and chink tourists, fireworks display in Geneva.
I have swisstism
The only way to win is if the entire Genebra population does not vote.
I'll reply to questions as much as I can. However I'm at work so I'll try my best. I hope we'll get something going.
since when is swiss sovereignty being questioned?
Can you put this in perspective? Are everyone just happy to do something fairly mad or are you guys ’just’ doing something all other EU members have done or, like, what?
Since the EU?
If you lose this you basically lost the Swiss identity. You will be just like the other eu countries
Don't forget that we just signed the Migrationspakt with the UN. All Swiss who can vote have to.
I support an independent switzerland.
Weird. They kept their currency. I ASSUMED they werent EU.
If Swiss don't remain neutral this world has gone to shit.
We are not EU, we have special deals with them though.
Fuck the UN. Fuck the EU. Fuck NGOs.
i see.
We're about to sign that. If we get the SBI going we can get out of that disastrous deal.
That and the UN ties are what has fucked you. You're basically defacto EU members.
So. For a while now the EU gives us shit and blackmails us. The SBI initiative is pretty much for ignoring them and making our own decisions. The left is lying and defaming the campaign cause they're EU turbos. So essentially, the SBI is the last chance to save our constitution. That's the quickest rundown I can give you - I got to go again.
Swiss Bros.. we really have to do something against "Operation Libero" these Soros shills are a pain in the ass!
I'll try and help when I'm over there. How do I register to vote?
t. Swiss-Canadian moving back after 14 years.
You need to live here and be a swiss citizen..
Even Hitler had more clemency not to do that
hev a bamp
Roger köppel was awesome in "talktäglich" yesterday.
I fear this will be voted no, it looks like it atm.
I'm moving there in a few days and I have citizenship
If you register in the town hall you can demand the Voting ballots. Normally you get them mailed to you but so close to an election, you wouldnt get them in time.
Merci vielmal, Swiss bro.
Problem is only NPC Boomers Vote. Young People don't care. Lots of people in their 20s couldn't care less about politics in Switzerland.
Is that the official plakat of the SP? What a joke. Unbelievable
>swiss neutral
We have never been neutral. You should know this. We have sided with albos in the balkan wars and accepted kosovo. We are literally like rats and side with the winners
Yes and because the "SVP is for it" so boomers and millenials vote against it without knowing what its even about.
that's fine though, we understand why you did it.
it's just good business
i know personally from visiting switzerland theres no street stickers. if any of you had some printed and placed them around it would go a long way.
Wishing you the best. But to be honest, your Nation might be fucked.
Spread the word to any proud Nationalist that America has space for honest and hard working, good people. If your crazy, you could get a reasonable group, and build an entire Switzerland town, so to upkeep your Nationalism.
Warning, We are on a fringe of civil unrest. Just avoid the big cities. And make sure to read what state your going to.
These need to be spread around.
Even beyond our idea of right to be, are you not mandated to be armed between a certain age?
Wasn't one of the operation libero shills on a talk show recently and had no fucking arguments at all?
Can confirm. Boomer dad buys into the SP fearmongering.
just seen these retard leftists saying something like that it is a secret attack on our democracy.
I wish I was lying. It was in the rag called "20 Minuten" about two weeks ago.
I will be mobilizing everyone I know to go vote yes.
French speaking user here, gonna watch infrarouge tomorrow night, see how much the journos push the agenda.
At work during coffee break pretty much everyone agrees we shouldnt let EU do as they please, but I doubt these fucks are gonna vote. [spoiler]I myself don't have the right to vote.[/spoiler]
I am young and I oftrn only vote on Important things like this.
To be fair, at the Bahnhof Hardbrücke there's an antifa rally sticker on one of the lamp posts down to the Freitag-Container building.
I think i'll print some NPC stickers and stick them to cucked propaganda or on poles
Swiss Bros, shall we set up a CH general and a discord to gather information news etc?
Good propaganda has to be kept short and simple, and repeated incessantly until the masses believe it.
Thank you for the initiative, swissbro.
We need those Photoshops up and running, research on the enemy of the state has to start now.
Also, can someone list up the most relevant Twatter-, Kikebook and Insta accounts for deployment?
oh, very nice fren
Also reminder to all swiss people to sign the referendum about gun laws
Burgers, do not sign this unless you have swiss citizenship.
nice one
Get in, swissbros .gg/HWXQxDX
What are his talking points? Any memorable quotes that can be used?
I can a little into graphic programs. Hit me with ideas.
I urge you to watch it anyways, it's prime comedy and entertainment
how do you print them?
I'd join
from his twitter:
>Bundesgericht stellt seit 2012 internationales Recht über Landesrecht. Das macht kein anderer Staat der Welt. Wollt ihr, dass die EU unsere Migration steuert, die Steuern erhöht, unsere Arbeitsmarktregeln festlegt? Nein! Dann Ja zur Selbstbestimmungsinitiative.
>#Selbstbestimmung: Nein, die Schweiz muss und will nicht die Menschenrechtskonvention künden. Aber sie sollte die Entscheide der Erdogan/Putin-Richter, die unserer Verfassung widersprechen, nicht umsetzen. So machen es auch GB und Deutschland.
Based. Join the chg discord. We need all sources and infos possible.
Thanks user. How about something like this?
Oops, typo.
Also bump
great work!! Maybe I will print some stickers on vistaprint for like 20 bucks and stick them around town.
I will maybe download discord later and join, currently at work
Me too, I'm currently at work. Will join in later again.
Godspeed fellow patriots.
I dont think its possible since they have programed people with the fake news narrative and now they are completely controlling all social media sites and will ban or delete anything right wingers will make.
Great work! Are you in the discord yet?
Nope, I can't atm. But please keep serving me food for Photoshop. (I'll clean them as soon as I find the time.)
Will do my best, brother.
I'm a Swiss citizen so I can vote.
Is this what you are voting on?
German has the best words
fuck off kike, you are all the greediest jews
What's this discord everyone talks about?
What's the file upload size limit?
How do I join?
Yep it is. Join the discord for more info.
Here's the link .gg/HWXQxDX we're making propaganda and discussing swiss events.
Imma vote against this shit initiative. Like anything from the SVP corner it's just fucking populism.
I would draw a drunk junker (EU chief) hitting a law book over a swiss peasant's head jelling "we make the laws now". If i could draw.
Someone know if junker is jew?
Fuck off, genevafag
Go away bergjude. WE dont need media programmed NPC's.
Try again, retard.
Not bait. I'm just not retarded.
How about YOU go away? We don't need shitty, filthy inbred Aargauers.
>2m tall
Ayy, BL here
Of course you dumb fuck would vote against it just because it has the svp stamp
Mach uns allne e gfalle und gang efach nid go stimme
>Mach uns allne e gfalle und gang efach nid go stimme
Mach du de Schwiiz en Gfalle und loh dich sterilisiere.
T. Hafebewohner
Suech dir en job, du linke schwanzlutscher
Fuck yes I support your nation's right to sovereignty and the people's right to self-determination. Fuck the fucking EU above all else. Those fuckers are corrupt and only want to consolidate power and subjugate all the member nations. This is a dangerous time. The Brits need a hard brexit and the Hungarians need to keep up the good work of holding on to their balls. Don't get cucked like the Swedes and Krauts.
I hate swiss from the bottom of my heart and i couldnt care less. Go choke on a dick tho