It seems like all of their careers have been to build comedic audiences only to attenpt to influence them politically. Who will focus on laughter alone?
Which comedians aren't cloying climbers of the plutonomic state?
This kike needs to be the first to be burnt alive during the civil war.
Whoever wants to be remembered
>Bio: Comedian
>All feed in politics
>leftist making fun of other leftists over dosing.
The left lost two votes in that image and the right gained one.
Female comedian ARE the joke Sergiy.
Bill Burr, Norm Macdonald
>Kike rejoicing over the death of white people
>people in the comments like "lol oh yeah epic win look at this picture of a white kids parents who died in front of him!"
I want to do some really bad things to these people in minecraft.
Bill Burr is on his last legs imo. His best comedy is behind him. Norm is always great though. I also like Nick DiPaolo and my favorite is (((Dave Attell)))
>white americans killing themselves isnt the funniest shit ever
welcome to the free market. Dont violate the NAP!!
Norm Macdonald compilations on jewtube are fucking gold. I like where hes subtly ripping on that hack Jeff Dunham i think his name is, the guy with the puppets. Norm has a grumpy old man puppet of his own who is a holocaust denier lol
"my jewish friend told me i should just toss him into a fire pit. And i said you know what, two wrongs dont make a right" EXTREME SARCASM
Thats the tolerant left in a nutshell for ya
All opiate dealers should get the death penalty for their crimes
The left wants you dead and they think it's funny
He breaks out the old man puppet holocaust denier... Who refuses to celebrate a holiday where bearded men from NewYork killed our saviour. lol
Is the post in oppic even real? There is no mention about it in the news.
I know all these people read Jow Forums now. You can tell who they are too because they'll sperg out in all caps sometimes with only one post. I think I triggered one of them when I said we should murder the women and children in the caravan. kek.
Not a real tweet.
Chelsea Handler is 43 years old, unmarried, with no children
This is what happens when you have failed your biological purpose. All you can do is lash out at the world and try to destroy everyone around you.
Chelsea, you homophobic cunt, there is always somebody more woke than you. Know your place.
I'm starting to realize that to become an American entertainment celebrity is to be groomed for presidential material. Another absurdity to the US election process.
Gen X piece of shit.
Modern 'comedians' are (very) thinly veiled political commentators. Some will even admit they think it's the duty of a comedian to comment on the world around them. (Hint: it's not, your duty is to make jokes and exactly that mix-up is why you are not funny)
Pic related is the walking corpse of Dutch comedy, still beating the 'Christians r stoopid and religion is baaaad' dead horse (with of course the golden exception of islam which is sacred and cannot be mocked). We have a few good comedians and they're the ones who just make jokes.
Oh god, she's Saudi boat furniture. No wonder she calls herself a Comedienne. She has to laugh to keep from crying.
Fucking kike
Isn't your prime minister a paki faggot? Worry about your own shit island you potato nigger
They just never shut the fuck up. They never stop bitching.
Stupid whore posts "junkies are racist" when they get all their DOPE from niggers whom the very same junkies defend and make excuses for.
Chelsea Handler
You are a dumb fucking CUNT!
This cuck just wants to keep his head
Insulting christians is boomer tier humor.
she's a jew
holy fuck i cant wait to string this faggot up
We're in this together mate. I'm going to call out horseshit when I see it. And so are you, as it should be. I want for others to light a fire under us so that we won't be so complacent.
Bill Burr is a cuck faggot who watches his nigger wife get fucked by tyrone. He even had a freudian slip during one of his segments where he claimed "yea yea Id suck it." followed by an awkward silence. I used to like him but he fell too low
These people are fucking evil.
wouldn't be the first time
Norm, NickDip, Colin Quinn, Dave Atell come to mind. Patrice O'Neal will always stand out. He had his moments in 2008, but went from redpilled to blackpilled in a hurry under Obama.
He doesn't 'just want to keep his head', he's one of the people who'll make you lose yours if you don't adhere to his standards. At least he used to be until he was hit with the Alzhammer
Toppest of keks
Kek, I love how the cigarette and the pack were clearly shooped, '60s style
Trump was an exception, a hero needed in dire times. Electing Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson would be Idiocracy tier.
Lmao yeah it would be just that