Which one of you based polacks did this?
Bombing Soros
Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?
Jow Forums strikes again!
Alexander Soros did this.
If you kill your enemy, they win! Glad to see a fellow POC ally on this board! Remember toxic right wingers, don't attack us or else you lose!
nice try fbi
Too bad it didn't kill him
/just a joke
He's implying that Soros planted the bomb himself for sympathy, newfag
who could it be ...
no one is untouchable
Such a shame it didn't maim him.
implying a level 100 superjew checks his own fucking mail, what a retard.
they could have packed a van with explosives and breached his compound gate/wall to drive it right up to that fucking jew snake's house and detonate it
usps doesnt deliver to his house , its another false flag by the kike master
1 post = 1 kike
better yet, just an IRA style heavy mortar would probably seriously damage most of his mansion and likely injure anyone inside.
how can it be based if it didn't do it's fucking job
if someone wanted this kike fuck dead, it would have happened already.
>jew false flagging itself never happens goy
Also OP sucks massive jew cocks
This. He's wants his father's seat of power and is tired of waiting for him to croak
The alt right just keeps sinking to new lows.
Actual terrorism, who would have thought.
Just like how CIA conducted every terrorist attack ever, according to radical Muslims?
not cia. Mossad and israel. Israel loves to blame the CIA.
Jow Forums is a board of peace. This is a false flag to smear right wingers. Very fake news.
Probably a mentally ill person if it's real.
Wasn't there a thread here yesterday asking what the outcome would be if this guy got assassinated? Kek if it was some user's work.
Well the left is already down there doing terrorism, you know Antifa.
oh my god , i hope he is ok
had to have been a mentally ill person to fail so miserably
The whole Soros bloodline needs to be purged
One of his antifa employees probably false flagged with a fake bomb.
I believe it
>explosive device
>didnt explode when picked up and opened
>police immediately destroyed it and now device cant be investigated
You fuckers are just asking for an "I am Spartacus" moment from us every fucking time you look our way whenever a god damn shooting or terrorist attack happens. We'll fuck up this whole fucking thing just by claiming, all of us, had a hand in what ever bullshit you can make up.
Stop coming here to look for a patsy to write an article about.
False flag because he's been receiving so much notice and criticism lately
the jews did this
If at first you dont suceed, try, try again.
Soros put it himself
>look at le evil right wingers trying to kill this nice old man
And the majority of you fall for it every single time , you never read between the lines or look at who has to gain from certain events
While I despise the Q larp, there was a prediction abouts false flags prior to the midterms
Too bad it didn't kill him
/not a joke
Faggot just wanted some attention. Probably some kind of Insurance scam as well.
>if someone wanted this kike fuck dead, it would have happened already.
Are you saying noone wants him dead?
False flag in play before the election, but they fucked up. If Dems throw support behind him they risk emphasizing financial connection.
The first thing they do is blame the average right wing voter.....as if an average joe could plant a bomb in a globalists apartment...this my friends is the work of well connected deep state operatives
>Jow Forums thinks soros is their enemy
kind of feel sorry for the guy, fighting for you retards
shame it didn't get him.
The only people capable of touching people like Soros are fellow Globalists.
So the real question is, if this actually happened, why are "they" trying to kill George Soros?
Entire nations want him gone. He has serious enemies all over the globe for his antics. Why blame a board full of neets and autists?
>The only people capable of touching people like Soros are fellow Globalists.
You'd be surprised how wrong this statement is
does this mean that soros has been all this time dare i say it /our guy/?
I mean in real life not your imagination.
No it doesn't it means you have not been paying attention or are paid to by Georgie himself hahahaha Shareblue ...still has enough money to rent that boiler room
earlier this year a guy was at a resort and none other than Mr. Soros himself was sunbathing across of him
crock of bullshit
theres no way you could fuck this up
>Eu flag
You’re /hiscuck/
The jew cries out as he strikes you
How are they going to try and say it was us?
The nazis that congregate on a Maldivian lobster trap making internet fanclub forum?
This guy has had it so easy to destabilize before, now he has actual consequences it’s pretty fucking funny
The guy is a walking corpse right now
If people are going to start sacrificing their freedom for a worthwhile cause, go after his sons
A mailbox bomb? How would you know if Soros even picks up his mail? Would you even know if it was a bomb? Is this not his first rodeo dealing with people that want him dead?
Trump names the jew and points out Soros is paying protesters and then within 2 weeks a suspicious Qfag drops a bomb off by his house. It's a jew doing jew tricks then trying to act wounded so they can demonize the opposition.
>find user w/ isreali flag
Hey rabbi, what ya doin?
terrible! why are white people so evil with this noble grandpa
He has a lot of world wide enemies. You will have to start at 2/3rds of the world population to begin as your potential suspect list....
Q already predicted this false flag... Deal with it no one buying your bull shit.
watcha doin rabbi?
Super rich guy that meddles in politics and elections throughout the world. Hmmm... whocoulddaknown
FPBP. Thread ended here. all other posts are shitposts
Nice try FBI
>found at
>Not exploding
Wasn't anyone he's false flagging himself
kys retard
>Bombing Soros
>explosive found
Why do you lie?
Yes, yes, goyim. If you kill your enemies, they win.
He still breaths, so it's not one of us.