Why are so many hobbies politicized in recent years? I don't particularly remember a big push for western identity politics in comic books, video games or tabletop games, now everything has some fucking "gate" movement to push against it. If there really was demand for SJW influence into all those things shouldn't it show through sales numbers since we operate on capitalism? But it usually goes like this
>sjw invade hobby >push out existing fanbases >sales are plummeting
Y'all keep forgetting that jews will gladly lose a few shekels to undermine society.
Thats why they will destroy all your hobbies.
Samuel Torres
The end game is cultural marxism user.
Jaxon Adams
>What is the end goal here? For you to pick up a hobby that they wont invade like shooting
Wyatt Foster
You know that the end goal is you stupid nigger.
Total control over everyone and everything.
David Wood
We tried to warn people with gamergate
Cameron Green
Leftism is like a superorganism, and a virus. There is little to no central control, it mostly works off inertia. There is no end goal, there is only further spreading. And since leftism is a puritanical religion, any other interests or hobbies must be molded to be in full accordance with the puritanical religion. Any wrongthing, any media that possesses alternate opinions must be suppressed for being "hateful". As the religion progresses and becomes increasingly deranged, it demands more and more to be molded or excised. Contrary narratives are not allowed, as even a sliver of truth would expose the cesspool of lies. Such is the manner in which liberalism operates.
Tyler King
to purge the safe spaces make sure the sane have no place to escape
Because it got popular. If for example gaming stayed on the level of lonely basement dwellers nobody would care and they all would ignore any instances of "sexism" in it for example. People that grew up with video games are now adults creating content and controlling the market. It's now popular and cool to like nerdy stuff, and women, like it's in their nature, will latch on everything popular and demant being catered to. If being nerdy stops being popular they will just move on and forget about it alltogether.
Jaxon Morgan
But how are they going to control everything if independent artists / developers can release whatever they want?
Joseph Williams
The artist of pic seems very familiar.
Samuel Carter
I really just want to know why it keeps happening. These are billion dollar industries full of business men. How can they all sit in a board room after a business plan has failed and is losing them a bunch of money so many times.and say "Alright lets do it again!"
Shouldn't there be at least one guy in there whi is like " We should probably stop if we want to make money."
Julian Evans
>guise what's with these influences? It is jewish/marxist subversion, they've been doing the exact same thing everywhere, it's just that internet culture took them by surprise and they've been doing damage control since the early 20s, quite successfully might I add.
Dominic Perez
>What is the end goal here? Brainwash the youth.
Aaron Smith
Gib sauce.
Isaac Cooper
asking the real questions
Lincoln Taylor
>Why are so many hobbies politicized in recent years?
Same reason academia, the mainstream media and big corporations.
>Why are so many hobbies politicized in recent years? Because the ideology of multiculturalism needs to control all aspects of your life. From the news you watch to the websites you visit to the entertaiment you consume. All information you receive has to be filtered through this lens, and media outlets that do not bend the knee will get the axe. Resistance is racist and sexist
Mason Collins
Don't tell me you kept bumping the thread because you've been waiting for the source.
Nicholas Bennett
Because companies are hiring the cheapest people that can speak English, and instead of realizing their mistake, they hope that with enough shaming the public tastes will change
Samuel Jones
This, they'll tank entire companies if it means undermining society, see Star Wars as latest example.
Jose Baker
Because the communist subversion of Gen X and Millennials has hit fruition.
Evan Morgan
make it impossible to run a company without a diversity quota which ensures you can never deliver anything to market that isn't kosher.
this is called communism btw.
Cooper James
>What is the end goal here? To humiliate white males. The minute someone admits to, or is silent around, an outright lie is the minute they have submitted. To submit is to be humiliated.
Elijah Morgan
so what's the most realistic solution? (if any) "day of the rope" "gas chambers" "divine god emperor" et cetera are not realistic and don't count.
Elijah Martin
Well mister Gadsden why don't you think about it yourself?
Try and mesh what needs to be done with that that is "realistic".
Ayden Jenkins
The answer is nothing will be done. There is nothing white communitys could possibly do against the threat of millions of third worlders being invited with open arms. Everyone is going to be slowly choked out of existence, the water turned up a bit higher...and thats it. Lights out. All the warrior gene whites were wasted in the trenches of ww1 or some gook island or nazi owned territory in ww2. Our government and corporations have all the power and wants us gone, so there is nothing left to do or worry about. Ive nutted in 3 brazillian chicks who were some type of african/hispanic mixes and it was great. I will be going full degenerate as the end days draw nearer and nearer. Next stop is phillipines or thailand and flexing my wallet and cock there
>so what's the most realistic solution? (if any) "day of the rope" "gas chambers" "divine god emperor" et cetera are not realistic and don't count Change the culture. In fact it's already happening. Left-wing hegemony is mostly upheld by the prevailing taboos, and as those taboos break down, so does the left's hegemony. These taboos are under assault from all sides. Memes undermine them through humor, the left undermines them by misapplying buzzwords in favor of short term political gains, while genetics and the reality we live in undermines these taboos through facts