The bluepilled me would think >"these symbols look evil and scary"
The current me thinks >"these symbols are badass and based af"
(Pic very related)
Many people could never understand the appeal of these symbols because they view them as scary
I think the appeal that comes to me with these symbols is that they look like something from 80s hard rock and it has a masculine vibe to it. Think about it, which is more appealing for the tough guy manly man look; free love, we're all equal, diversity, reffugees welcome, feminist or the fascism bundle? Exactly!
Why are german symbols so badass?
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Tacitus writes in ''Germania'' that when German tribes went to war with Romans they would sing these awful ugly sounding songs [ugly sounding to a Roman ear] and Romans couldn't understand why were not their songs were like this. Romans simply sang happy cheerful songs, nothing like the ones of Barbarians.
Same goes with these symbols, they seem ''evil'' for a non-German. You have to have a certain worldview [probably a Nordic one] to not find these symbols intimidating.
larping georgian, yo symbol skawy?
Germany is metal.
are you retarded?
>they look like something from 80s hard rock
that's because they are
Yeah, they certainly have a certain aesthetic to them, but to use them anywhere outside of collecting historical memorabilia or respecting the larger ancestral themes is silly.
damn right
are you upset no one takes you seriously?
The freikorps stuff looked pretty killer too.
I don't even understand what you are talking about. Is this some kind of Jewish trick? are you trying to deceive me now?
we only deceive white people, not mountain mutts that crossbred with turks
Swatika was stole from the indian.
The germans a fags
He's a kike disregard oy veying
>mountain mutts that crossbred with turks
Kek , Ivan is that you? How many of you Russo-Khazars are there in Israel? Aren't you afraid? Iran might nuke you soon
germans had some awesome designers
you have great soap potential Uria !!!
Don't really like swastikas, but otherwise their symbols are really good
Earliest swastika was found in Ukraine, Mezin.
Also, Indians call them self «Bhārat» (aratta people) meaning that they come from today's black sea basin, before it was flooded long time ago. «Noah» history also comes from this source, because known «Sumerians» migrated from there after that, so all the story come up. You can Google for Kamyana Mohyla (Stone Grave) writings that is proto-sumerian and not later mesopotamian ones.
They mostly took symbols from other countries and civilizations and adapted them.
Roman Empire, Frankish Empire, French Gothic art, Italian Fascism and some Eastern (mostly Indo-Iranian) esoteric art
would crossbreed/10
>Don't really like swastikas
Lel, don't worry, I don't like potatoes.
>mom look how edgy I am
Not everybody comes from an age old lineage of scoundrels and rapists. You may have to do nothing to get that bad boy appeal.
those symbols with the best uniform
>being so new you dont realize ids reset
>one post by this id
Because these were naturally inspired.
georgia is weak, the day all of you square-headed rattas die is coming