LIVE: Supporters gather outside court as Tommy Robinson faces trial in London
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The synagogue is going down to protest?
you truly are a dumb faggot.
proving my point moshe
Wasn’t he supposed to be shivved in prison? Immigrants can’t do anything right.....
>100s of Jimmy Savile victims come forward claiming hes a predator pedo
Tommyfags do nothing
>Evidence BBC knew for decades that Jimmy Savile was a pedo predator pervert.
Tommyfags do nothing
>Janet Street Porter admits on national Televiion on Question Time "There were "rumors" about Savile being a pervert".
Tommyfags do nothing
>Evidence appears that Jill Dando was going to speak out about the pedo pervert club that is the BBC after her suspcious murder.
Tommyfags do nothing
>Evidence theres pedo pervert rings operating in number 10.
Tommyfags do nothing
>Evidence and claims of pedo pervert rings operating in parliament.
Tommyfags do nothing
>Stories of David Cameron "Taming the Bullingdon pig".
Tommyfags do nothing
>Child Sex Abuse inquiry starts and is clearly subverted.
Tommyfags do nothing
>CSA Inquiry goes on for years with no outcome
Tommyfags do nothing
>Elm guest House and Dolphin Square enter the public consciousness.
Tommyfags do nothing
>Stories about Ted Heath and Margeret Thatcher participating and defending and covering up pedos surface
Tommyfags do nothing
>Rotherham story surfaces about MUSLIM pedos
>Tommy Robinson is sent immediately to jail for abusing his bail conditions after being found guilty of assaulting some guy.
Tommy if you read this you can choke on my dick and die while vomiting up my cum you just swallowed.
The absolute state of anti tommy shills
My sides
How retarded are you? Tommy Robinson had almost no support when all that information was released, he was still the leader of the EDL and generally considered a downie. If you're gonna shit on the dude at least be genuine, yeah we get it, he's shilling for the Jewish rebel media, but I don't see anyone else tackling the grooming gangs and it's starting a wider dialogue in communities. As long as it gets people talking and thinking about it, I'm not too bothered and if it all comes to light it was some (((conspiracy))) then we'll prep the rope, but for now you're just going against the current, unless you're a paki then it makes sense.
If you don't work at the BBC or at the top of government, you don't see this happening.
Tommy, and millions of ordinary brits can see the damage the Muslim community is doing.
Big difference.
You might as well as questioned why Tommy Robinson doesn't protest the abuse of children in jungle pigmy tribes. It's because he has no experience of it.
He's on trial again? Why?
It all came out before the BBC and government realised "if we just focus on muslim pedos, we'll take the attention away from us"
It all came out around Saviles death. But no one cared. When the pedos were muslim, suddenly Tommyfags cared - but no because they were pedos, but because they were muslim.
All pedos need stopping regardless of their race
Good luck bongs. I pray your country gets its balls back and hangs the traitors that brought you this invasion.
Because he's going against the narrative that Pakis are pedos and the establishment are being told to shut him down.
Ooohhhh Tommy tommy
Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Robinson
He doesnt care about white pedos. only muslim ones.
All pedos need stopping.
Hes a government shill there to distract away from government an BBC pedos and focus only on muslim ones.
The BBC and the government actively ignore the grooming gangs, the BBC outright refused to cover it until mounting pressure and the Government has shut down several enquiries and their public servants in local governments did nothing, so what the fuck are you talking about?
No - They covered it.
And it served as a distraction away from government and BBC pedos. It was welcome
Well that was the commie jews during the 60s they did it in all western countries.
They also pushed and installed hate speech legislation.
Point this out to anyone today and suddenly you're a Muslim shill lefty ...oh and lets not forget the ADL and internet censorship.
Alex jones will tell everyone the Muslims are taking over because they are globalists who run the FED and china owns Hollywood.
You're definitely a paki
Nope - Im white
Tommy is a jew and any follower of him should khs
I can't wait for myanmar 2.0, it's definitely coming and it's coming sooner that they think. You can feel it on the streets, when white brits are together away from prying eyes they speak openly and passionately about getting rid of the Muslims, Paki's first.
Then you're as much as a race traitor as you deem Tommy to be. Everyone knows about Jewish paedophilia, Hollywood and Elite satanic sex cults. But you don't go swinging for the King before you've taken down the army, you have to generate a culture of truth and even if it starts with the Muslim grooming gangs then so be it, it's a start and they certainly don't have the establishment power that (((they))) have to subvert any truth.
Bump this.
There’s gotta be at least a few thousand people there live
It started with Savile, BBC and Government pedos
>Never again signs
Wow wonder who is behind this protest, hmmmm
bongers truely are the subhumans of this world and everybody knows that their nigger island is already lost. some retard scums just enjoy to get drunk on piss and yell tuuumeh robinson in public, thats it, nothing more to see here, move on
The counter protesters are so low energy.
saving their mugshots for future use
For the record - Im not one of those counter protesters.
Im saying ALL pedos need jailing - not just muslim ones. Especially govenment and BBC pedos need jailing
Austria is on the same path and I don't see you doing much to stop it. At least they are doing something.
Do the protesters and counter protesters not fight in jolly England?
We exchange strongly worded letters
Terrible optics
No loisence for that
why doesnt robinson perform a coup already?
No coup loisence
>Muslim ray guns.
He was saying Muslim RAPE GANGS.
But liberal middle class wankers thought he said said RAY GUNS and took delight in him sounding retard (probably was drunk).
Pieces of shit.
Also anyone criticising this young lad, can get lost.
The UK was built by lads like this, who fought, sacrificed and died to build up and protect their country.
I'd rather live next door to him, with his can of larger, than a muslim.
Hallo mein Jude.
Why aren't you in ze oven?
Quick get in back in there
Yeah - I know what he was trying to say but he couldnt do it because hes a fucking idiot
Fucking jewtube not allowing a chat
>expects Mr Robinson to self fund his fight for your freedom
You people are as stupid as fuck, you know that?
You are literally shooting yourself in the foot with this shit.
>muh "he's a kike"
>muh "he's funded by jooz"
>muh "he'z not a naziboi like I am"
>muh "he doesn't share exactly the same tightly defined radical political views as me and about 6 other people"
You sound exactly like the batshit NPC's this site has been taking the piss out of for the last month.
The thing is, He's got about 3-5 thousand people outside the highest court in the land, chanting his name right now.
Ex soldiers, journo's from all over the world, and working class people from all over the country.
He's got the govenment of the UK pissing their pants because they don't know what to do with him.
>If they ignore him, he gets stronger
>If they punish him, he gets stronger
>If they admit he's right, he gets stronger
>If they kill him, it kicks off big time
And what have you got?
A shitty diaper, and a platform on some autistic crayon eating board from the Himalayan
council for world peace and chocolate frogs.
> because hes a fucking idiot
He's a fucking idiot but he had good intentions.
Action speak louder than words in my book.
projection, the post
>>If they kill him, it kicks off big time
He will be killed in a car accident.
It wont kick off then.
>Action speak louder
........................................but he didn't do anything. He just spoke.
Are you a fucking idiot too perhaps?
Kike Robinson
I can't wait until we kill all of you Jews
>but he didn't do anything. He just spoke.
He was attending a march.
A visible presence on the street.
Did you want him to go kick in some muslim front doors and drag the wogs into the street and beat the shit of out them?
Most people want to be on the right side of the law.
Yes I am an idiot.
I see things very black and white.
It's not I dont understand the nuances -I do.
Just life is far better if you see it as good vs bad.
How can't there be one thread about him that doesn't turn into some shit about jews? The whole relevance of Tommy Robinson is freedom of speech and expression, and the insane radical extreme-leftists' desire to suppress it and silence any-and-all who may not follow their marxist ways.
And all the ignorant fucks focus on is the irrelevancy of whether or not he's a jew. Focus on his jewness if he gets found innocent and THEN go for the jew parts.
I hope he dies in prison
>he went outside
We all do this everyday
>Just life is far better if you see it as good vs bad.
football fans everybody
>I hope he dies in prison
He could be 'suicided' in prison that's for sure and quite likely if they send him down again.
Fuck off nigger, no one cares about your kike drama. Here in America, if this happened to me, I would have already started burning down synagogues. Fuck Tommy Robinson.
got you.
>Life imitates art
Really makes me OH NOOOICE
He's a kike held in solitary.
shit tier bait cholesterol nigger
Did you tho?
Just enjoy your holiday in Ayia Napa Wayne
>He's a kike held in solitary.
Yes and he will be 'suicided' by the corrupt guards in a restraint incident.
Sorry for upsetting you.
Have a good day user.
God bless
Im very much amused.
>How can't there be one thread about him that doesn't turn into some shit about jews?
Because NPC isn't a politically lopsided condition.
There are groupthink retards at both extremes of the political spectrum.
This board is just the right wing equivalent of twitter. Some posts are made by intelligent people wishing serious discourse on important issues, but you have to wade through 6 miles of verbal effluent to find them.
Come the day of the rope, we will string up the nazibois along with the commies.
It can only up the species IQ by several points statistically.
You can use your own blood for magic? That suggests a few interesting options...
How does it feel to watch your family held down and raped by emu knowing there isn't a goddamn thing you could do about it?
I'm not a fucking kike you damn jewmutt, can attack the jew part as much as humanly possible once the freedom of speech wins. It just has no relevance for the topic at hand.
He might be as jewish as everyone says, it still has no relevance. So you by condemning him are by effect supporting silencing and the leftists. You're the worst type of kike out there, you're self-hating. Swallow a live pinless grenade you mutt.
If you drain yourself dry your spell is bound to work
how does it feel being raped by niggers?
>It has no relevance
He's literally a controlled opposition kike faggot. He is the British counterpart of Richard Spenser. Fuck off with your unoriginal, amateur-hour shit.
Lol. I was like wtf?
pMkyIs8p is probably a downs syndrome muttnigger already