More and more each day, it feels like some people choose to keep being NPCs and others really see reality for what it is. I cant help but think the war on consciousness is immanent.
How do we save the NPC's?
Other urls found in this thread:
LSD cures NPC
Glow in the dark spotted
im an eternalfag
i have been on this board for 1000s of lifetimes
>Glow in the dark
Where does this phrase come from? It refers to spooks right?
If you want to "cure" them then that means you innately see them as people which means you're an NPC as well
Sorry to break it to you this way
there will come a point - maybe in 2024 that the normies will be asking us to help them deprogram - the question is will you take their hand and help them?
no it refers to the colors your ID changes when u post with memeflags
You don't. You FUCKING KILL THEM. I don't know what's so hard for you right-wing retards to understand. These subhuman savages want to kill you. You kill them back first, before they get the niggering chance to do the same to you.
i think they are connected to the hive mind via smartphones, gotta destroy them to safe the normies
I believe this is true, but mushrooms grow wild and free. Go natural
Look. Some people will continue being NPCs or normies or whatever you want to call them, the others will be consequential towards the fight over Western civilization. Don't worry about these cocksucking faggots. Cowards, like all men, are like that. The others will join your side once they think you're winning anyway. You cannot save the NPCs. A few of them might not be completely soulless, but I say kill 'em all and let our Holy Father in Heaven sort them out.
Some of them may be redeemable, of course, but overall they are all only fit for a mass grave. It is thus a moral imperative for all humankind that you kill them. The only thing that leftists deserve is death. Death. DEATH. Cleanse the Earth of degeneracy. This is what Christ, our Lord, wills for the world.
Interrupt the Frequency
Praise KEK
Having done both several times, I definitely prefer the natural route. I always HATED the inescapable 8-12 hour post-peak LSD comedown, where the thrill is most definitely well gone from it but you've no choice other than to wait it out. Mushroom trips are plateaus & cliffs rather than extended gradients.
Yes! This. Thanks user
> More and more each day, it feels like some people choose to keep being NPCs and others really see reality for what it is. I cant help but think the war on consciousness is immanent.
The most merciful thing you can wish upon them is death. Beyond a certain threshold, oblivion is preferable to enlightenment. These are the wages of sin. needs a plague of mushrooms. Or maybe a cosmic ray could do.
WHAT ON EARTH! Mysterious COSMIC RAYS erupting from Antartica could BREAK RULES OF PHYSICS
STRANGE cosmic rays observed shooting out of Antarctica may be a never-before-seen particle which would defy the laws of physics, scientists have predicted.
People are born NPCs, cant change it.
Only someone line you would think so.
It refers to you being easy to hit with my car since you glow in the dark, nigger
You can't "save" NPCs, dipshit. If you don't have an internal monologue, you don't have one. NPC is not a generic term for someone who disagrees with you politically.
>How do we save the NPC's?
How cute, you still have hope.
You want to know the honest truth? 80% of any given population are just space fillers. They don't achieve anything, believe in anything beyond their own basic needs and desires and exist only to be co-opted by whatever power group has had enough intelligence to manipulate them. They repeat whatever talking points they hear a few times and don't have any really original thoughts unless on shrooms. This is what NPCs are. You cannot save them from the mediocrity that is their lives, with one exception: their living conditions are so terrible they have to choice but to take a leap of faith on something that goes against everything they believe.
For now, the people are comfortable, distracted and relatively safe. As such you cannot "save" them beyond preparing you and your family for the inevitable dark time that is coming and helping them find the right path when the time comes.
Well, unless they were always capable of an wakening but had a ton of life circumstances that rigged them not to do so (Progressive parents etc).
Broadcast 432hz frequency
Fucking Dane lol
question with what we don't know of what the government is truly capable of how do we know if npcs are truly humans
I figured out the NPC puzzle of why it has become a thing. It is the opposite. Jews aren't NPC's because they are being controlled by demons. Jews were bred to be hosts for spirits from entities from another dimension to inhabit. Pic related.
Checked Holy digits
Checked. This rings true with me
Rabbi tools of trade
Whodoo voodoo like the joodoo
Where I can find more info on this NPC thing? any good archived threads? that video which mentions the lack of inner speech/inner visualization in the population got me interested in the more "serious" side of it
A lot of them are jews so they can't be saved at all. The rest have blown their minds out on drugs and alcohol, and can't be saved either.
You want to really help them and do what is best?
Help them to end their miserable existence.
We must subvert the normies(2018 NPCs)
This is a real blackpill of truth.
There is really very little difference between us & any other given animal beyond our collective inflated ego & self worth.
Maybe 10% of humanity that has ever existed (at best) was of any worth, and we can barely remember even the names for 1% of those.
Hi satan.
A writer once said that people are not born with a soul, but rather obtain it by struggling, suffering and experiencing life in all its facets. What this particular person forgot to say though is that said experience must be genuine and metabolized by your psyche. Many people will never have said genuine experiences, everything they do is because of peer or societal pressure, or because they surrender to their primal instincts. There is no genuine impulse of adventure, curiosty or self improvement. There is no memorable experience to metabolize. Thus a true "soul" or "inner self" is never created and what you have left is what you call the npc.
>in the beginning we are all randomly generated npc, we became PC once a "player" decides that our life is worth "playing"
NPC detected
The thing that started the meme
What is an NPC? Someone who has been conditioned to respond a certain way? No, we are all conditioned to have reflex moral judgements. You do not think when you respond to touching a hot stove and pulling your hand back.
What makes an NPC an NPC is not the reflex, rather the inappropriate reflex. The "it's racist if we don't let in more immigrants" reaction to mass immigration despite the numerous murders, rapes, etc immigrants have caused is just an example of an innapropriate reflex.
This is why their behavior resembles an NPC from a videogame that will echo the same dialogue regardless of the situation. You could be on fire and the NPC still says "Hi! How are you? Welcome to my store!"
You get a similar feeling when you point out that European nations, beautiful and historical places, are being flooded with barbaric savages who turn poor girls into their sex slaves and the NPC responds "that's racist!", "don't you like the good though? I love a kebab", or other drivel.
They are psychopaths, psychotics that have a mild form of schizophrenia that allows them to function to some degree, but they are not truly human; they really are a separate species. They do not have human emotions (which is why you see them attack helpless women and old folks) they have no comprehension of good & evil, right & wrong mean nothing to them, they live only for their own pleasure, like a THOT whore bitch.
The are a serious danger to civilization.
We are better off without them.
We get control of the media and then open their eyes.
end the FED
Reminder that everyone misinterprets the results of this study. All it proves is that people don't constantly experience inner speech, eg when doing repetitive tasks.
>the CIA brony
you have to go back, faggot
You're glowing so fucking bright you're blinding me nigger.
actually video games started the meme
>"it's racist if we don't let in more immigrants"
That is the jewish leadership of the NPC's.
The followers are soulless zombies. Drug addicted, sex addicted, useless, worthless, undesirables.
Correct. Good meme though.
I meant what started it here. The threads on the study began the discussion from which it was eventually birthed.
Are you a desirable, anonymous?
>using video game analogies to describe a group of people
>this is somehow better than comparing trump to voldemort
Checked crazy eighty eight
The only cure is beating and teaching about god.
Guys, do you think it is possible for one to go from a PC to a complete NPC?
I met an old friend of mine, he used to be a deep, broad person with many interests. Now he got a job as a machinist and all he talks about is his field of work and science. He's incapable of holding any sort of philosophical or political debate..
It's like he autoinduced this autism of his so he can cope the world around him. He became a boring old fuck
pls halp
i only ever took shrooms once , a medium dose and i felt one with the earth , the grass the wind the sounds the animals - it was magical and cured me of my depression for a while.
If you are not an NPC yourself, then look that shit up!
Go ahead. Do it.
>How do we save the NPC's?
>the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.
We are all NPCs at different levels of waking up
Not everyone can handle being fully woke right now
Reminder that killing NPCs is wrong unless necessary
Yes, and so were my ancestors.
That is how it works.
The ancestors of the NPC's were NPC's.
>doesn't know the difference between accurate and inaccurate
Eh, its more like if the left used a character device to poke fun at Trump.
We aren't calling NPC's "pikmin"
Are you kids advocating the murder of NPCs?
Kill them all and let God do the sorting. On a Christian minecraft server.
Look fucking WHAT up nigger?
You're literally piggybacking on the meme & trying to trigger a Mark Chapman with it.
The concept of a soulless automaton did not begin with video games.
NPC is to live reacting to stimuli in an unnatural programmed way
It is not natural to trust and want others from another tribe moving into your neighborhood and worsening the place your kids will have to grow up
He just wants to be free of too many choices and too many consequences
Tell him to just not vote or have kids
Being a machinist is one of the most complex jobs that has ever existed, I did that for years when I graduated high school, while I was saving up to go to college. With almost no training I excelled at being a machinist, but that is not how it goes for typical humans.
He already votes for any pro-EU party and I doubt he'll have children.
Yet you probably didn't interpret the whole world on the basis of your job.
this is a perfect idea. Have a NPC imposed on actual historic documents that are Jewish
Teach those school kids the ability of inner monologue
Then tell him he's making choices that have consequences and ask him if he cares about anything other than being fed what makes him feel good like a loved pet
DMT is good too
Are you pretending to have a sub-human intelligence?
Read about "mild schizophrenia".
I learned the basic knowledge by reading through the signs & symptoms, but I learned a whole lot more by working with patients that have schizophrenia.
There are the catatonic schizophrenics, but also patients with a mild form that have no idea that they "freeze". They don't even notice, and a normal person would not realize what was happening to the frozen person if they did not know the condition exists.
negroes develop catatonic schizophrenia from drug use. Some of the go back to normal (for a negro) after days or weeks, and some don't.
>he cares about anything other than being fed what makes him feel good like a loved pet
He told me he only cares for pleasure and people should more about mechanics in order to understand EU.
His walls are impenetrable, I want my good ol' friend back.
>thinks therefore others are
So many tards here do not understand that NPCs are completely empty. They cannot be woken up. Taunting them is useless as there is nothing inside them to injure. Everyone spreading this meme like automatons without any insight is an NPC too. Almost everyone is, on both sides of the aisle.
It is not possible to do that.
The ones who don't have an inner monologue never will.
The rest of us have that from birth.
>Read about "mild schizophrenia"
See, NOW you're coming off as far less of a retard or glownigger. Start off with this shit next time so you don't look as though you're trying to trigger an actual incident along the lines of the false flag people keep warning this meme is meant to enable.
Reminder that NPCs cannot self-terminate
Prove you're not an NPC by becoming an hero
Beinf a machinist is shit simple, stfu.
he doesnt want to go back. he's peaceful at last, leve him to his own devices.
They are too comfy. They dont give a fuck other then the new netfuck series or the newest vapor stick. But when your poor you get exposed to all this BS. Than you HAVE to think to SURVIVE.
>i-it's ok when we do it!
The concept of unspeakable evil did not begin with Harry Potter
>orange man bad
>Haha npcs rite?
>orange man good
People change, why should he go back to his old miserable self if you can't offer him anything better than the superficial pleasure he desires
He's a cuckpuppy to the governemnt
You underestimate my power user
Let me tell you about the phone fag I saw today.
He was in front of me in line to order food at the counter. He was staring at his phone the whole time until the employee interrupted him to ask him his order. The phone fag puts his phone in his pocket, orders, pays, then as the employee is reaching for his change, he pulls out his phone and stares at it for a few more seconds while the employee is collecting up the change out of the cash drawer.
A phone fag like that is not going to wake up. More likely they will be run over and killed in a crosswalk while staring at their phone.
All you have to do is ask "Are you using that phone or is it using you?" Then 360 and moonwalk over his face out the door
>The concept of unspeakable evil did not begin with Harry Potter
Evil beyond comprehension began with the hebrews, before they were called hebrews, back when they were only known as arabs living in the city of Ur.
The unspeakable evil in "Harry Potter" was written by a jew.
It's not safe to try to save them.
There is no cure.
When people skitz out and start killing people or burning shit down because of the voices in their heads it is just the NPC "hearing" for the first time.
They can not handle having conscious or rational thoughts.