I feel like there are two kind of Jews. Conservative jews, those who use traditional form of propaganda and deception, for example 911 and blaming muslims.
Then there is this new kind of jews, the communists. They encorage muslims to fight whities and seem to be in their side.
>"""traditionalist jews""" >not new >while israel is not even a century old
OP you're a dumbfuck
Jonathan Cox
Hello newfriend
Nolan Miller
Evan Nguyen
I know there used to be communist jews before and during the world wars. But they never had power or did anything special until today. Kys.
Kevin Cooper
What do you expect? he's a Muslim. There is no white person who likes them, if a 'white' poster is seen defending Muslims in any way, he's a Muslim. See: >They encorage muslims to fight whities and seem to be in their side. >for example 911 and blaming muslims.