Dismember our country in 1920

>Dismember our country in 1920
>Ruin their country in 2018
>Leave their ruined country and move to the country that they've dismembered
The eternal French strikes again. Or Breitbart just clickbaited me. I hope it's the latter.

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it's likely to be fine, they are now racist and conservative after living with actual niggers
nothing to worry about desu

Your average liberal is incapable of learning from their experiences, user. OP had best start preparing to remove baguette.

>Your average liberal is incapable of learning from their experiences
True shit

Girls are getting raped by migrants and not reporting because THEY feel bad for getting the migrants in trouble...
These people wont learn

it's why Beto has half a shot here in texas, because all these fucking liberals who fled from california only to vote for the same shit. these are the exact same people who have made us texans the butt of so many hollywood jokes for the past 30 years.

Going to need a bigger fence senpai

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Liberal French wouldn't move to Hungary, silly. They move to the US, UK or Spain.

You can copy the Latvian path (As they did with Ruskis).
Let the outsiders stay, but make them and their children second class citizens without voting power and with limited ability to work for the government.

Honestly, that is what most European nations ought to do with all immigrants up to the point where they and their offspring have been rehabilitated from their mental illness, be it liberalism, marxism or islam.

>Let the outsiders stay, but make them and their children second class citizens without voting power and with limited ability to work for the government.
This is pretty smart, actually.

Flee to next country/state and they you vote what destroyed your home country/state.

Hungary needs to tell them what destroyed their nations when they get in and if they still vote mass migration they should be deported back to the hell they came from.

>This is pretty smart, actually.
It used to be the default position so I can't take credit.

Swedanon has the right idea
I have no idea why you would ever give voting rights to migrants at all, i mean look at sweden and how its worked out for them.
There is nothing wrong with fleeing your country but thinking youre allowed to vote for the same shit and ruin the next makes you a locust at best

Europe's Californians, feeling the effects of their shit and fucking everyone else's place up

Make them follow the Magyar path! (Like in the old times)
They must assimilate
They must speak only Magyar
They must become Magyar

>a dozen french goes to Hungary recently
>like 2500 french at best in Hungary
>meanwhile 100-200k Hungarians in France

I can understand westerners coming here, but why are there so many fucking gooks in Budapest? it's like little Shanghai goddamnit

For anyone wondering, that's a fire extinguisher. The two big tubes on the chassis of the tank are twin jet engines. This sort of vehicle is mostly used to extinguish oil well fires.

200k? lol that's like the total number of hungarians who have left.

Are you fucking retarded?

They want a European city to feel like real people instead of robots, but not something Western enough to feel like subhumans.

and it's a hungarian invention mate

probably the number of descendants, would still be higher than the number of french anyway

And sorry for the treaty senpai, but if someone fucked your shit up, it's your neighbors. Fighting for the bloodthirsty germanoid was also a bad idea

>I have no idea why you would ever give voting rights to migrants at all, i mean look at sweden and how its worked out for them.
I think there is some psychology playing part.
Once you take them in and see "Well, these migrants actually work, they are better Hungarians than we are. Lets give some of them voting rights".
Then it is a slippery slope because nobody really know what an actual Hungarian is. Is it racial? Is it cultural? Where do we draw the line?
Are old parts of the empire part of the biological "in group"?

And that is where leftists have an incentive to give out full citizenship like free candy.
They will walk the whole grayscale down to central Africa and from hard working businessman and war hero to filthy beggar.
The system has IMHO collapsed because it got corrupted.
There was an incentive to cheat.

Before any migrants can be given voting rights, or descendants for that matter, there needs to be a definition in the constitution that regulates who can be included and on what grounds.

In Latvia it was easy.
>Rule 1 of 1. Do not accept Russians.

Personally I would say after 10 years of work in the private sector with above average salary and no criminal record you could be allowed to vote, but not become a citizen.
Voting rights are not inherited but will have to be earned by every generation up to the point of the descendants being 7/8ths Hungarian.
At that point the descendant can get citizenship.
Having 1 or more Hungarian parents will grant you right to residency.

There is some genetic shift in this system, but I think it is a good filter to make sure that the small change that exists is towards a better genetic mesh.
>There is nothing wrong with fleeing your country but thinking youre allowed to vote for the same shit and ruin the next makes you a locust at best
And being entitled to welfare?
If you are a guest, that means you reside on the conditions of the host. Period.

There are more people leaving your shithole to come to our country tho.

What’s wrong with a few based whites coming to Hungary ? You prefer Arabs ? And also m8, thoses who come here never voted for this mass migration shit, the leftists are staying in France. Actually they were very mad some ‘ nazi frenchs ‘ were moving to Hungary leaving them alone with shitskins.

Pierre, your country *is* the shithole. French people won't exist in a century, but Hungarians who are poor drunks will.

Just don't let migrants vote.
Voting should be a privilege reserved only for genuine citizens.
I'm sure most migrants would accept that as a condition for living in a nationalist country.

Give them a warm welcome. Throw shit at their houses and mark their doors with red paint

Very few people go there frenchie. Nobody wants to learn that klingon language.

Hasnt Orban said Europeans fleeing mass immigration are welcome in Hungary? You should get him to change that so they cant flee and have to live with the effects of their woting. Irban need to kuck them the fuck out as to send a messege that there are no 2nd chances if you fuck your country over

We go there to fuck bitches. That's it.

dude, there are between 100 000 -200 000 Hungarian in France. (checked in 2000). You're one seething dude

He said people fleeing from multiculture are welcome and being welcome does not mean "burn the house down"
If you dont give voting rights to dumbass swedes who voted for massmigration into the country and let it be taken over it wont be a problem, alot of swedes are good people and work hard but shouldnt be allowed influence since...well obvious fucking reasons why

I snagged this pic in a Swegen thread awhile back and was supposed to add captions to it but iirc this is the social democrat youth party, can you confirm?

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>French flee to Hungary
And these are the heirs of Charles Martel? Sweet weeping Christ.

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>We go there to fuck bitches.
Meanwhile you country is getting fucked even harder than during the Nazi occupation.

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Yes. That's why we go to Hungary. To fuck submissive white chicks.


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French are a threat to French.

Most expats go to Bongistan, Germany or Austria.
I think France is popular mostly among Romanians. Ironic.
We're still salty for being dismembered in 1920 by a country that didn't even fire a bullet against us.

I understand, that’s the french system and government, the disgusting shit we have to deal with.

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Based and red pilled
>pic related

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fuck you they started that fucking war you retard, get raped by jemal you race traitor.

>Be Western European
>Go to Hungary to escape shitskins
>Arrive in the capital
>Get mugged by gypsies, wife and daughter gets raped while being GHB'd.

the other half is violence

>More Hungarians in France than in Bongistan
>200 000-250 000 Hungarian kikes in Israel
>Even though 100 000-something survived the holomeme
>1,5 million Hungarians in the US
>1,2 million can't even speak Hungarian
I have so many questions

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>letting the French in

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Mindannyian magyarul tanulunk az iskolában. Mi megérkeztünk, elhozzuk a földet, te csavarodtál.

My question still stands: Is the article true, or just the usual Breitbart clickbait.
They really want us to become a US-like melting pot for some reason

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You gave us Sarkozy, it's even

It's true.

+ A recent vid about this phenomenon

annon you would think this but californians in our country fucked up their state and now move to other states and vote in the same laws that destroyed their state

>The dude moved to Káposztásmegyer.
Good choice. Those commieblocks are somewhat good. It was the last apartment complex project by the commies in Budapest.

Attached: castles of socialism.jpg (3872x2592, 3.12M)

I'm also planing to migrate to Hungary in the near future, but I get the feeling that the living costs in Budapest would be too expensive. I'm almost finished with my degree in mechanical engineering so I was thinking of looking for some comfy small towns close to industrial areas or such where I could find work.

I'll take "What are Californians" for 500!

Better than the Swedish housing projects. (Miljonprogrammet etc).

Suck it bitch nigger.
We are going to replace you.
California is but an engine of bothe economic prosperity, and liberal thought.
We churn out liberal or at worst moderate people and they move away to assimilate you.
"As goes California, so goes the nation" wasn't and idle threat.

You will all be more tolerant and liberal as time goes on. The more you fight it, the more you will become.

this so much. i got the fuck out of california because the libtard agenda was becoming too much. and now that the honduran hordes are coming, my best friends obnoxious chinese bitch of a wife who was supposedly a strong advocate for #blacklivesmatter #bluewave bs is in panicmode over this bs and is considering moving to the east coast now so she could have "easier access/travel to europe"

i am convinced there is nothing more vile and parasitic than the female creatura.

This is what the leader of the Hungarian delegation, count Albert Apponyi said when the treaty of Trianon was signed: "You have now dug the grave of Hungary, but Hungary will be there at the funeral of all those countries which have now dug the grave of Hungary."

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Nigga Hungarians are Alpha males who went thru dissmembering of their country, 1st and 2nd WW Communism Post Communism and are right now fucking the EU, and are still Alpha.

You fags have over 6 million Niggers alone which you let in with open Beta arms to let them nail your women.
Your country is known for being so Beta that the call the white flag the French flag.

And most people who flee to Hungary are families with kids, like when the Dutch sended dozens of their daughters to rural Hungary to flee from Mohammed and Mboko, and the all got Bulled by the Alpha Hung Aryans who have the biggest dicks in Eurasia and have the same average dick lengh as Kongolese man.

Ya'll Frograpists are the whore for Niggers and Arabs! ^^

He was a Greek Jewish Gyspy (his last name means 'the one that belongs in the mud')

Pretty spooky and nice, well Karma is real after all.
Look what happened to Britain who was also part of chopping up Hungary.

They're not bad actually. Look like a hotel.
Commie blocks always look better when they are painted.


Smart western eu's are migrating to your country en masse i think we lose about 500 families a year to Hungary

>200k? lol that's like the total number of hungarians who have left.
Wow, that's a nice delusion you got there.

Tfw Hungary getting all the good migrants (Provided they dont preach diversity)

Those look like numbers of expats and their descendants from the whole 20th century, not the expats from the last 1-2 decades.

>Make their country shit by being liberal

>Move to another country and make it shit as well

Liberalism is cancer.

Right, and them allow the segregated russians to form a "Russian People's Republic" with the help of neighboring Russia.

Nagy Bocsa means that ?

And what does Sarkozy means ?

Anyway, I guess it explains why he was such a jewy president

hope that you can get citezenship without learning hungarian


Apparently they were low tier hungarian nobility though

californian are a diffrent the move not cause they think the lib agenda failed, but because they couldn't make it.

Got clickbaited.

gotta fight fire with fire I guess

>6 million
Up for another one lads?

Good riddance only hungarians I know are crackheads that couldnt pay a bill or support their kids to save their life. The euroshits will fit right in. And stop sending us your absolute shit Hungary not much to work with to begin with but damn.

Well Hungary is indeed a very comfy country. Unless you are really rural and all you see is run down houses, giant ass dogs, gypsys and hungarians hammered on cheap homemade wine.
Which is fun for a week or two but to live there? no.

Budapest is a different story, amazing city.

haha utlra nationalist, what the fuck stop inventing world.

Funny how the newspapers are gleefully reporting this stuff. They like reminding people that their country is being destroyed and there’s nothing they can do. I bet le penn won the elections but they were rigged as hell

I'm pretty sure that article is false

You got it the wrong way. Sárköz is a small region next to the Danube, Sárközi meaning "from Sárköz", but their family writes it with a Y, which means the family has roots in nobility. Sár indeed means mud, and köz is like an area between something. Nagy-Bocsai or in English "de Nagy-Bocsa" is the actual place of the family's origin like in noble names. So he has two names denoting place of origin, but only one of them is actually that, Sárközy just happens to be his surname.

Don’t let them in

Faguettes made their beds let them lie in it

And your average right winger doesn't learn from history.

I would believe it. France is a disgusting shit pile

Shut up tranny. Your nigger country is part of africa.

Then you've been looking at the wrong part of the countryside. Most of you guys prefer the surroundings of Lake Balaton anyway, which is as beautiful as it gets.

All french are fags.

Interesting, thanks steppe hooligan

One cannot vote without citizenship, and for obtaining it, a written and oral exam must be completed in Hungarian, including magyar language and history. The language alone provides an incredibly strong filter by itself.

Those look gorgeous desu

The French who move to Sofia openly admit its because there is less niggers. I’m fine with that.

she didn't, french people always vote for who they're told to.
That's why nobody gives a shit anymore, you can be as corrupt as you want as long as the journalists like you.

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true learning french to sand nigger and nigger was really a big mistake

At least they have nice food :3

Sárköz is a historical region of Hungary, numbnuts. Sárközy = from Sárköz.

Hungary does not give non-Hungarians the vote though, those French get residency.

Post yfw Hungary invades Germany for lebensraum

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Hasn't happened in NATO.
Also everyone in Latvia live in the same city.