FUCKING BASED Kushner coming to Saudis rescue

Pretty fucking based my fellow MAGApedes

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Thank G-d for Kushner.

Jow Forumstards sucking Saudi dick
What a bunch of cucks

God is called God mister kike. You can also refer to God as Jesus who is God and the Son of God to whom you will bow one day.
No need to thank me. Thank God.

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Saudi Arabia isn't an ally. Neither is Israel.

Whats his endgame?

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hahaha liberals btfo once again MAGA

The Jews need USA to be allies with the Saudis. It's a matter of national security for Israel.
It's not just about oil

>we have to be able to work with our allies

.......because they've agreed to pay my mortgage.

what's his endgame?

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Building of the Third Temple and being crown as Messiah

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Trump's presidency is like I took a time machine back to 2003 under Bush.


Won't stop him being President in decade or so.

Yea well when they place big orders of fighter jets and contribute to our economy, it's a lot easier to to give them the benefit of the doubt.

thats dumb, anyone would buy our guns if we let them. buying our shit isn't a reason to trust people.

They are just retarded people with a lot of money. They will buy the guns wether from china or russia or elsewhere, so why not the us?

We will never have "Shock and Awe 2: Jihadist Boomaloo", the first one was too Kino to recreate

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Why is everyone defending a radical Islamist journalist? He literally wants sharia law. I stand with Muhammad Bin salim over this journalist who was a former member of the government

>Why is everyone defending a radical Islamist journalist?

They're not, the issue is extremely sloppy extrajudicial torture & killings.

> radical Islamist journalist


>I stand with Muhammad Bin salim

Sandnigger detected

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We do that everyday in gitmo

>They're not, the issue is extremely sloppy extrajudicial torture & killings.
Yeah right, that's why (((they))) so up in arms about Chyna, right? Oh wait.

Turkroach detected

You literally made no argument, the guy was apart of the government before MBS, you are a retard

They're not sloppy & in the public eye though

>the guy was apart of the government before MBS

Well clearly he should be sawed to death! You are a fucking faggot sandnigger

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he does only use temple os

Please, Sideshow Kushner is useless. Ivanka is the only reason this tag-along remains of any notoriety.

Doing it in turkey was a huge mistake, Erdogan & his ego were always going to use it as leverage to get something from us. And he has as Gina Haspel flew out yesterday for an emergency meeting with the watermellon seller.

THE KU$H 2024

>Doing it in turkey was a huge mistake
Yeah, no shit.

>having brain
pick one


And nothing in it for U.S. Rather than paying a crazy amount in taxes for wars for Israel and subsidizing that shitty little country in the Middle East, we'd end up saving money just on the global free-market. Maybe drill here a bit but work towards solar and windmills for free energy too.

>Hrrr drrr I stand with Clown Prince MBS. Based!

Attached: Saudi-Arabia-Wahhabism.jpg (610x394, 265K)

Yea, he should had. Fuck people like him. He wants sharia in America.

SAWdi Barbaria

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No, people just acknowledge the lesser of two evils. Overal Islam and Judaism are both evil ideas.

>Yea, he should had. Fuck people like him. He wants sharia in America.

>>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.

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your country is a disgrace to western civilization user


Did I say that retard? So you are standing with an actual former head of government who wants sharia in the west? What a cuck!

But they're being paid 3x overtime to be here, cut them some slack jack.

Americans are retarded

When did I say I supported MBS? Why do you love sharia so muh? Maybe you should actually do some research on this fake journalist before you have big boy conversations?

These kikes will defend Saudi Arabia just like they did after 9/11 because Saudi Arabia is key to taking on Iran.

it's a shame people still get played like you in these times, open wide for that THICC SA cum you literal subhuman

>When did I say I supported MBS?
Right here>I stand with Muhammad Bin salim

Now fuck off back to your tribes little terrorist state.

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>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.

The fake journalist wants the same thing lol! Both are cancer FYI

you are

I'll keep posting this until you Sauidniggers stop with this raid.

I don’t deny that, I wish the west stopped trading with the entire Middle East and closed it borders

It's so hard to decide
People against Khashoggi:
Corey Stewart
Tucker Carlson
Bashar Al Assad
Abdel el-Sisi
Rush Limbaugh
People who support Khashoggi:
Rand Paul
Tulsi Gabbard
Lindsey Graham 2.0

>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.
>By 2005, Khashoggi said he had also rejected the Islamist idea of creating an Islamic state and had turned against the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. He also had embraced the Enlightenment and American idea of the separation of church and state.

I love how people who are defending this fake journalist actually don’t acknowledge what he wanted for the west, they literally don’t understand they are defending a wolf in sheep clothing.

meaning h i s allies

Wahhabism is Salafism, which is the purest form of Islam. It comes from Qur'an and Hadith basically the most authentic scriptures of Islam. So, blaming the jews and jewmerica for wahhabism is retarded for some and deceitful for others.

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And those are the same fucks the US is backing in Syria. Trump bombed Syria for those sharia jihadists! Jamal was an #AssadMustGo shithead and so is the wretched Saudi government. I don't call the cartel BASED when they saw up a member of their cartel even if I don't care about who they sawed up. I can hear you slurping on Saudi cock all the way from over here.

they should stop meddling with the ME literally decades ago. It seems the US loves to train / establish and build up future military problems for a reason, see bin laden. Your country is a mess user seriously, only corporate minions left who rather enable tax cuts to corporates instead of getting first wolrd basics fixed, you deserve to be shitted on by the rest of us unironically you are the cancer of the world and we all see it, everyone of us see it.

Omg you literally have no argument, what a cnn npc lol

Nobody is defending this journalist, we are defending a principle you retarded homeschooled sisterfucker

what do you think

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So now we moved from facts to muh morals. Fuck off moral fag and let your daughter get raped by Muhammad. By the way that fake journalist was pro your invasion

I wanna be a sisterfucker too like in these chinese cinematic pictures
what do

And I am pro putting you in a FEMA camp and sterilize you for having subspecies IQ

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I literally said fuck SA, the only reason why I am aligned more with MBS on this issue because at least I know what I get with that guy. Overall both deserve the rope

>Wahabi Muslim
The crown prince is being very progressive by allowing women to drive, how can we stop him
> other Wahabi Muslim
I have an idea



Yea, that doesn't make them trustworthy though

Okay moral fag, I love how you sucked the Jewish media propaganda. Yet Ignore how isreal kills journals everyday.

Duh, the entire west is a mess, not that hard to figure out lol

Doesn’t matter, at the end Saudis are new rich trash animals who think they own the West and they displayed that hubris by dismembering someone on foreign soil like they own the place. Even if that place is turkey who I hate. Saudis are animals

>can't tell if LARPer or thoroughly propagandised wahhabist/salafist.

Wahhabi KSA wouldn't exist had ZOG imperialist Britian and the (((USSR))) not set it up post WW1. Trump even confirmed KSA "wouldn't last 2 weeks without U.S. support"

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Islam wouldn’t exist if it was not for the Catholic Church.


Organized religion is evil

Yeah we know we have a head chopping kiddy bus bombing MBS ally. You realize that sort of makes it really staining on the name of the U.S. that we're involved with the MBS shithead? And the whole shithead Saudi regime?

K I'll check this out. Check out the wiki of dude mentioned in the pig cartoon:

Burgers you should just make them into a glass desert and steal their oil. They actually deserve this

islam is an offshoot of christianity. it wouldn't exist without it.

Now we care about our name? Seriously, I like bush and obama ruined our name more then MBS lol!

That is far from true, you clearly have never read the Bible

day of the tablecloth when?

Not sure if the echoes around his name are placed by the coincidence detector extension or OP
anyways kekd

The Saudi Authorities basically admitted to violently beating to death an un-armed. old man/ ex-pat on Turkish Soil, and then dismembering the body... all in broad daylight and then hiding the evidence of their violent crime. (((Jared's))) OK with that? Even an accomplice to first degree premeditated murder (conspiracy to commit a capital crime) gets the Death Penalty in the US and Saudi Arabia...The crime was committed on Saudi Soil (their Turkish consulate). How can Jared mix with this murderous filth? Mohammed bin Salman must take the sword to his neck as by his country's own laws or how will the House of Saud contain their fake social status among the own brutalized serving classes?...Off with his head! Jared must shut his Jew hole becos he is setting his Goy Dad up for a back-stabbing as is his tribe's treacherous nature. Why Trump has not dropped the Jared Jew. and all its anti-American, Jew first Hangers-on by now is mind boggling. Do Not Mix Family with Business Trump....Rule one....especially in politics

>radical islamist
How come muslims weren’t so violent up until the creation of Israhell? Hmmm.....

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I'm aware, and don't forget Bill Clinton...

MBS is blatantly a stain to support and I'm going to call it as it is. Trump was supposed to fix the Saudi problem but he just continued it... Just like Bush and Obama were gonna stop foreign interventions...

Fuck him, but also fuck people who think we should end our relationship over some dead piece of shit. That dude getting chopped up is no ones business but the Saudis

>blatantly a stain
>Trump was supposed
Howdoyado.tiff be less transparent next time.

>That dude getting chopped up is no ones business but the Saudis
he was fucking alciada. him getting chopped up is an objectively good thing

This 100%

You missed the part of 1000 years of raids and invasions.
They only stopped once europe was strong enough to conquer them.

No just burgers

Fuck israel you moron. They do nothing for us and we don't need you kikes. Yoi need us.

Itd be pretty awesome if the US went to war against israel and saudi, I think the world would be a better place after that.

Arabia Saudi is the only ally Israel have in the region ofcourse a kike zionist like him will say that

>you should base your opinion on something on how many kike loving politicians are holding the same opinion
nice one

>doesn't know the theology of islam
>still talks about islam
imagine being this retarded

>Ignoring my points, making false assumptions, and ad hominem

Nod an argument