whenever you hear of these uncontacted by civ tribes, they are always black.
why no white tribes in the middle of the rainforest?
Why no uncontacted white tribes?
Because only in warm climates can they be isolated. If we were to do that in for example Norway we would starve to death. One winter without proper planning and unity is enough to kill a town here (at least it was)
the way you're wording the question is retarded. If you're talking about skin color, you wouldn't want to look in the rainforest because people in that climate have more pigment in their skin. Have there been isolated white populations in colder environments? Sure, but the question starts to fall apart. Isolated from whom? During what time period? It's a stupid question. The answer you're looking for is shitskins can't build civilizations.
OP needs some basic geography education
>why no white tribes in the middle of the rainforest?
I mean though in the middle of the rainforest as an example, where its warm enough to survive.
a whole tribe of blue eyed blondes in the rainforest would be something!
Fucking mirin dat sub 5% bodyfat
because no intelligent person is going to live in the fucking jungle .
humidity is draining energy. It's full of disease carrying mosquitos (think about Malaria), very few resources besides wood.
then there is ganggreen, swamps, flies that lay eggs in your eyes and make you blind etc.
the list is endless. there is literally no benefit in living in a jungle.
They exist and they are called preppers. They live in the American ancient forests, fear black helicopters and speak a garbled "English"
'rainforest' as a generic example.
there doesn't seem to be any wild tribes that are white?
because whites in a jungle, cease to be white or die.
You have no fucking idea what a rainforest is, do you?
Sign up for your local community college
Sunlight exposure over generations builds melanin.
Because we're not monkeys ya batty boy
No need to swear you silly person.
its a forest and it rains a lot duh.!
White tribes fear this
This is the white tribe
>a jungle.
I grew up in Hinterlands and they were beautiful. Major cities are all the same. Do you actually enjoy living with chinks and endless traffic?
There’s no preppers. You’re talking about a few nut jobs in the Rocky Mountains. They move their because they’re hermits, they’re not a lost tribe of uncivilized niggers. That’s how every African person in the world would be if they never had contact with whites, the same as the people in those lost tribes
you're basically saying
> primitive technology on youtube
> VS 5000 years in africa
hope i answered your question
Closest thing I can think of are some old groups in the urals. They're not uncontacted but still pretty isolated. Mansi tribe, I believe.
Pretty sure they're slavic or finno-ugric so whatever you mean by white is whatever or something.
>they are always black.
eh, quite a few Indo-Americans in rain forests on this side of the pond.
>a whole tribe of blue eyed blondes in the rainforest would be something!
there were a few groups of American Indians that had light hair or blonde hair and light eyes supposedly. Had early settlers confused as fuck and had them creating all these wild theories of some lost Welsh group. Ofc, they weren't living in the rain forest, had already created primitive civilizations and were heavily involved in trade in their settled area. Small pox wiped most out tho. 3 or 4 tribes were reduced to less than one iirc.
At any rate, Native Americans are genetically linked to proto-Eureopeans, so I guess there's that but the ones less likely to be in a rainforest were more closely related genetically to Euros.
I live in a jungle and im still white
the jungle is a very scary place and you cannot compare it to Hinterlands:
History is 90% geography and 10% luck
But really, it's all geography.
Undiscovered tribes are all from jungles where kingdoms/empires haven't thoroughly dominated over a time span.
Every inch of Europe and East Asia was dominated by Rome and the kingdoms which followed. No one tried dominating the worst part of the jungle surrounded by deadly animals, flooding streams and swamps in Brazilian jungles or South East Asian islands.
Serbian Eskimos
>biology is 90% geography and 10% luck
seems kind of an asinine statement
darien peninsula central america
White Indians
It's on YouTube.
There were white Indians in the Americas.
The Vanary islands were were the last Europeans to be in the stone age.
Canary island natives were not Berbers.
Where are their penises?
There is, they're called Amish.
I want them to fuck me wildy with their cutie little dicks as if I was one of their tribe women. If you know what I mean.
why is so hot to fuck in the wild? mother nature call?
any source or link to the light haired indians? Interesting read
They all built boats and not fearing the sea they decided to go looking for shit. presumably because they were bored or low on resources.
Couple of stupid girls get lost in beautiful jungle. What next, I should never go swimming because fat cunts drown at the beach?
cheers big fella
lol blue shirt is funny.
white tribes existed back in the old times, Germanics were savages for example.
the point is with industrialisation the "tribal" culture gradually disappears.
i worked in the CRPF and i was stationed in of the Communist-controlled guerrilla regions, there we had to teach them how to use the EVM and not get shot by commies while voting.
CRPF? My dad worked as a survey officer in one of the East communist occupied regions and he’s got some history to tell as well.
Never heard of the Guanches?
Unfortunately they no longer exist.
Thanks, SPAIN.
Tell one user
Because white people build civilizations. Perhaps there's a white Wakanda somewhere?Neuschwabenland's Agartha springs to mind.
Can I sneeze near them without committing a genocide ?
because we didnt have to run away from each other to survive
they will chop you up and eat you.
tfw no uncontacted gf
Whites are a genetic mutation unfit to survive on most of the planet due to being a walking cancer pile.
Its only when Islam sprang up and introduced the burqa did they move out.
he was a survey officer so his job was to go from village to village and record things like population, ask if the children were vaccinated, and gather number of deaths etc., now a lot of these villages are instructed by communist rebels to not respond to government officials.
one story he told me while we were discussing about his job:
>be my dad, 26
>accompanied with a translator (an indigenous guy himself)
>2 armed dudes from the army
>4:00 PM, going to be dark in probably an hour or so
>arrive in a tribal settlement
>a woman notices them and goes back in her house
>scour the entire village to find NOBODY outside
>since my dad can’t speak in their language they ask the tribal person with them to knock on one of the huts and ask them what’s going on
>after many knocks they respond with “Please go away.” — in their language
>the 2 armed guys are hotheaded, they want to get back to the base camp and refresh themselves immediately so they shout in Hindi to the tribal guy with them that they’ll break in, so the tribal guy tells them in their language
>the woman starts shouting at the top of her voice
>apparently this is another communist village
>my dad asks everybody to pack up to the jeep
>the 2 guys say they’ll look for rebels
>my dad and the translator go back to jeep
>tribal dude gets shot, right in the head, probably by a sniper
>dad makes it to the jeep
>goes back to base camp to instruct other men that they’ve found another communist settlement
>next day they send helicopters with reinforcements
>about 20-24 Communist members killed in the shootout, one of the armed guys is alive but injured
After a few years of the incident he left the job because it took a massive toll on him, it’s a high paying job and you get lots of facilities from the government like a retirement home and they pay all their medical bills and stuff, Id like to serve as well at some point
They were specifically these guys
the closest thing we got
Central Reserve Police Force, the two "armed" guys you're talking about were probably from CRPF, not the army. The army's job is Pakis and Chinks not jungle commies.
That's pretty much how you Dad described. We usually go there with the government officials to do things like conduct elections and take surveys, and stumble upon a commie infested village.
Then, we, sadly, have to just kill them. These people have been brainwashed into picking up arms against the state, they're tribal hunter gatherers or farmers most of the time.
There are remote white tribes in Siberia. Have you seen the Werner Herzog documentary Happy People: A Year in the Taiga?
Because whitey ain't no kang!
no, but thanks I will look it up.
I think you'll really like it.
Google solutreans too
They were labeled 'savages' by people who used oil to bath and scraped it off, while the 'savages' invented and were bathing with soaps
>town of boquete
Also, these are not african blacks, retards. They are clearly from oceania. They are among the most genetically distant from blacks. They have genes from unknown groups of neanderthals that no other human has as well. A lot of their DNA has unknown origins and was never found outside their modern DNA tests.
seething nordcuck
curly hair black skin, not blacks??
I mean.. we have been everywhere. We have actually taken the time to develop entire nations and not just parts of it.
Northern Sweden had pretty tribal like people in the 1600s, but we forced them into society during the swedish empire era when the new military doctrine was developed (every farm had to support the military, one farm had to feed and supply around a dozen soldiers).
Also, Siberia is not white like said. They are clearly asian, mongols/chinese mixed with slavs.
whites migrated to colder placer on the planet because there were no blacks there. isn't it odd ?
thousands of years and lives that have passed through time itself and you see segregation by race naturally.
add the jew and you see multicultural control .
how long until you realize that living desegregated never helped anyone.
Uncontacted whites introduced themselves by invading Roman territory for like 1000 years. They didn’t wait to be found
> swedish civilization
> slavic civilization
>uncontacted white tribes
Uncontacted by who? How do Europeans remain uncontacted by their own kind? Europeans have been a single continental ethnoculture for at least 5,000 years.
uhh, germans?
not in the middle of rainforest, but in a secluded room in a basement
They all achieved civilization
We are the uncontacted white tribe, the others are in space already.
what do you mean? it's just the BBC mr goldberg has been talking so much about
We were those "tribes" during roman times.
Because white people create civilization.
because tey evoluted