Petition to range-ban Romanians from Jow Forums

Sign the petition and make Jow Forums a better place. Forums-mods-petition-to-range-ban-romanian-posters-from-Jow Forums

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Nah, it's fun to call them gypsies and make them freak out.

It is over.

>not rangebanning canada

The fuck is happening there?

Based and redpilled

Redpill and based

I think we should ban meme-flaggers instead

Why is there a hole in the flag?

Go back to the kebap shop fucking Türk.

The western provinces are actually good though

Keep the western provinces unbanned and ban commiefornia

Okay, fine. Fair enough.

>not knowing the difference between Austria and Australia

Gypsy education

Canada or nothing.

It's a primitive air cooling system so it doesn't catch fire in the summer's heat.

>The western provinces are actually good though
>ban commiefornia
Nigger, have you been to Vancouver? It's cali on steroids.

In that spot was the commie symbol so they removed it

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Romania_(1965-1989).svg.png (2000x1333, 189K)

I'm from fucking Africa. Why would I care?

some people still thinks that putting progressive bait with the democrat memeflag is funny
the absolute state of Jow Forums

makes me hm

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at 12.22.41.png (228x50, 8K)

The end is near, ROMAnians!

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-112402.png (720x1440, 445K)

Zoltan you fuck yourself

Do gypsies even go on the internets?

i would rather have cigans than jews

Go away Andorra, you are just for money laundering. Not even a real country.

Zoltan you Romanian cunt, where are you.

How about leafs?
