Gee Louise, didn't Joe's nose tip you off enough already?
Oliver Murphy
I'm heading out
But I'll be back
Remember Its coming So soon
Either I stop posting Or you'll have to live with yourselves IF you continue posting, knowing that you will never ever Live down the fact that THE FINN was always right Every day I will remind you
i kind of dropped off from scott recently. Perhaps he persuaded me to not have morning coffee with him through his sadness, but at the same time I have my own sadness preventing me from being best. At any rate, I haven't reallt followed what's been going on there, but it sounds ike he changed, but you'd expect that. Life is long and complicated; having an ex wife alone is difficult im sure. I won't hold this against scott.
Not really He was determinant to see everything trough, even though it all ended in failure
Ethan King
All Trump and his band of sycophants are selling is fear and hatred. It's been the Republican mantra since 2000: "Stay scared and keep voting Republican".
Reminder the gop is fucked next time the Dems control the POTUS and Senate at the same time
Charles Robinson
>and the GOP voter base knows it
Gabriel Parker
SC starting to joust on the census citizenship question, blocking a deposition from the left intended to help scuttle it:
Thomas and Gorsuch appear to shitting on the lower courts support of the deposition here and certiorari of the lower court is mentioned. They're mentioning how the challengers to this get to do so without any real risk or effort on their part which is an encouraging sign to me because there's too much crap like this in our legal system already. (Twodoor Ford for example)
This one is different because the bakers ONLY make custom cakes, paring the question down to the essential: can an artist be forced by the government to do something that violates their religious belief?
If you recall the original gay cake question was just temporarily decided for the right because they felt the procedure was too hostile to the defendant. Looks like this second one will force the actual issue to be decided.
>why would trump want to bury the hatchet between his base and the mainstream GOP base on public television why would that help him win more elections or something
Blake James
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told a gathering at the 92nd Street Y in New York on Sunday that there may have to be “collateral damage” to those Americans who do not agree with the Democratic Party agenda.
Why are current dems so divisive? Look at this bitch sweating bullets afraid shes going to offend someone. While everything Republicans say is with pure confidence. Even the cuck interviewing her is a level below her allowing this beta women to interrupt him. Its pathetic.
>lmao just chew soap, bro >47 million illegal aliens invade the country >all energy resource extraction jobs are abolished so foreign countries can bleed us dry instead >poverty grows to the greatest level ever recorded Why don't I just shoot you and everyone you believe deserves life as subhuman traitors?
Why isn't everyone on Earth allowed to vote in US elections? It's a nation of immigrants
David James
>47 million illegal aliens stop calling them that. They are undocumented American citizens
Isaac Butler
You couldn't understand.
Justin Baker
never am. Discovered stevie wonder though. When you feel your life is hard, just go have a talk with God. But also thanks to stevie, plants make me feel sadder and lonlier :( stop calling them that; they're conservative voters IMPEACHMENT
>MSNBC reporter Geoff Bennett, for example, is still stuck on the “denial” stage, claiming Monday that the Texas Republican has only a small lead over his Democratic opponent.
>"For Ted Cruz, this rally is a thing of political necessity, since polling shows him with the slimmest of leads over Democrat Beto O'Rourke in that Senate race there," the ostensibly straight-news reporter said.
>A whole 10 seconds of Googling shows that Cruz has led O’Rourke by significant margins in every major survey conducted this month. In fact, the GOP incumbent currently leads with a seven-point advantage, according to a RealClearPolitics polling average.
>For the anger stage of grief, we turn to the Washington Post’s Amber Phillips, who made the good point earlier this month that pouring more than $55 million into a likely losing campaign may not be the soundest midterm election strategy.
>“It's arguably even a giant waste of money in Democrats' uphill battle to retake the Senate,” Phillips writes, adding, “Texas doesn’t even make the top 10 of the Fix’s latest rankings of the most competitive Senate races. Democratic Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Joe Manchin III (W.Va.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Bill Nelson (Fla.) and Democratic candidate Phil Bredesen in Tennessee are all on the list," she writes.
>She adds, "Some of those candidates, especially Heitkamp, are fighting for their political careers. And their races are crucial to helping Democrats take back the Senate.”
>In terms of the bargaining stage of grief, FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver had a pretty good take this weekend.
>"So the polls have Cruz up by a fairly solemn margin there, six or seven points on average. We give him about an 80 percent chance of winning," he explained.
>But then he added, on a note of hopefulness, “We should say though Texas is a tricky state to poll, Beto would rely on Hispanic voters, young voters, people who newly migrated to Texas. If every eligible voter in Texas turned out, that could be a very close race.” The word “if” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.
>For depression, there’s the reliably dour co-host of MSNBC’s "Morning Joe," Mika Brezinski, who moped this weekend that "Democrats have produced exactly one national star" and that he "could lose by 10 points."
>"It's not impossible that, despite the train wreck that is the Trump presidency," she stated with a glum shake of her head, "Republicans could keep control of the Senate and the House."
>Then there’s the acceptance stage. For that, we turn to Vox, which found a way to write off O’Rourke’s likely loss as a victory for the Democratic Party.
>“Beto O’Rourke could lead a blue wave in Texas — even if he loses his Senate race," the site that promises to "explain the news" theorized.
>>"It's not impossible that, despite the train wreck that is the Trump presidency," she stated with a glum shake of her head, "Republicans could keep control of the Senate and the House."
Where's my webm of this with in the corner?
Levi Baker
I wonder how bad the internal polling must be for the house that we've seen a rush of headlines and chatter that the Republicans might hold onto the house. If the polling was solidly for the dems you'd hear endless crowing from the media at muh blue wave.