the nutcracker

> the nutcracker
Tchaikovsky would turn in his grave

Attached: The-Nutcracker-and-the-Four-Realms-Trailer-2-29.jpg (3360x1819, 1.55M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>The notcracker

If only the put in some homosex. He would sleep well.

Get ou carck ass out o here bitch

>cracker played by a black man


> thekfcmuncher

Should have called it, "The Nog Cracker"

> racemixing

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More like the coconutcracker.

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(((They))) could never be behind this

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What the fuck is this shit?

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Niggers and jews?
Bad news.

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When you jew you loose

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Why does this kind of shit always comes from the USA, and more recently, England ?

The monkey is just missing his cymbals.


>The Muh'fucka


White man plays Mali emperor
>omfg how can do that to us, they are killing our history, those racist whites, Jews help us pls

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Foy is such an unbelievable qt as well. Why must they defile everything pure?

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Herr Dindumeyer
March of the Toy Prisoners
EBT Fairy
Grape Drank Dancers (Detroit)
Fried Chicken Dancers (Chicago)
Watermelon Dancers (Newark)



>director makes them reshoot the kissing scene 50 times
>she literally has to swallow his spit for 18 hours

lmao, this looks like a parody, how can anyone watching this can take it seriously. First that series about Greek mythology with black goods and now this.

I didnt even recognized you Murphy, puberty hit right

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Tchaikovsky would certainly appreciate the ballet version with a negro as the main guy. The potent nigger-manhood is tight pants would certainly have an effect on him.

Here is the trailer btw:

Write your words of approval in the comments.

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Morgan Freeman plays a role too! And it was directed by a Swede!!! The best memes are the ones IRL creates indeed...

>The Nuff Cracka

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Ayo ayo yall finna get sum nuts if ya know wot i mean bitch ass crackers

And then Jews act all surprised when they're getting expelled

Stop this right fucking now.

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Directed by Lindy Goldstein

I shit you not.


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TSO is better now. Modern Fast paced Classic Metal for Christmas. All these bands are terrible when you compare to the SPEED and skill of TSO. Even punk bands don't have leads this good, the secret to being the fastest guitarist on Earth is PRACTICE 18 hours a day.

They think the blacks will pay taxes and social security for the boomers to retire on, only if all the tv shows and movies and video games insert ridiculous niggers in historically inaccurate roles, so niggers feel welcome and loved and that they have a rich European history, unlike those dirty whites
Once theres a black female James Bond niggers will stop committing crime and get jobs.

They actually believe this

More like Nigcracker.
but anyway this is worse then just having a black guy playing a Christmas decoration, this will literally be a repeat of those fucking Alice in wonderland movies all over again.


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are you fucking KIDDING ME


made sure to cast the girl as white, hahaha, cheeky jew fuckers

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>being an american
Not only destroying western culture but now also Russian.

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The Nutnigger

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She's a producer. The Swedish director's mother though is a "Lyberg", but I can't find any info on the ancestory of the other director, Joe Johnston, possibly just a good goy.

Oh my, Directors are some Swede and Joe Johnston from texas.

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Funny how they always pick the ugliest, blackest niggers for these roles, too.


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This is it. I am currently writing a letter to the Ministry of Culture for them to band this fucking kikery. How dared they to insult our fallen heroes of WWII?

Liberated White female leading the troops into battle.

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>our fallen heroes of WWII?
You mean filthy communists and jews?

historians will mock this liberal retardation and commodification of culture history, believe me


It's funny how filthy communist and jews currently ruling you culture alongside with niggers. But you prefer to thinking about communist and jews from the russian past

Hold the phone. There are blacks, hell is that a Chinese woman in the line?

Filthy communists and kikes... Russian Mafia anyone?

I would crack his nuts with a baseball bat

WTF happened to Black Don't Crack?

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Blacks ON Crack, is what it is these days

>the nogcracker
That's what I call my baseball bat.


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Thats the goal ,they take the white girls that look the purest and they defile them with the black dick. Some sort of fetish .But why is this fetish everywhere ,in adds and movies idk .

These trailers have given me a fetish for cute teenage girl in Napoleonic era uniforms.

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Who cares? Do you really believe that the general population will see any issues or problems? I can guarantee it to you they will not, since they arent human anymore.

This. Bestiality in its most ardent form consumed by the cucked masses.

>The nutnigger

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>director is a sw*de
>Producer is a ((()))))

Checks out
Russia should nuke the West

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He shoves walnuts into his nostrils then wiggles them around to crack nuts.

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Mark Gordon is a Jew also. It says at the end of his Wikipedia page.

Ok: I for one don’t care. It’s a fantasy movie, for children. If it was a historical depiction, I’d say it was stupid but still wouldn’t care. If you are getting bent out of shape because Star Wars Man is now in the nutcracker then you’re wasting valuable brain power on things that don’t matter. Practice more combat skills and work out more, that caravans not getting any smaller.

that would be the usa the russians fought for their status as a superpower

We wuz composers and sheeit!!!!

They must hate money. No way in hell would I subject my children to this degeneracy.



>this is not important, that is not important, lol why do u care

Multiply that thousand times and you'll understand how you list culture war - subverted by hostile propaganda. Tales of your people are the most potent tool in shaping a society. What good are your combat skills of you lack allies?

The weirdest part is this wont even incentivize blacks to go see this movie. To them this is just white people shit no black is going to go see the fucking nutcracker lmao

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I laughed too hard at this.

Remember if you are outraged by and oppose this kind of cultural vandalism you're a horrible racist bigot.

My favorite Jew meme is how da BLACK MAN is this sage nostril wizard with ancient WIZDOM when the reality being they are orders of magnitude dumber than the next rung up.
Koko the gorilla is by the measured data more intelligent than most nogs.

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