i can't even remember how he died, i just assume it was in a gangland killing and he died fighting off 15 police officers. Chopper always liked a good yarn.
Asher Gray
I am and i fucking hate it and im too scared to get a job i have crippling anxiety
This isn't the Oregon Trail you fat cunt. Everything that isn't red on that map is unlivable.
Justin Diaz
yeah thought so. really makes you think a known criminal had more integrity in the end to not try and get a knew liver. but a current MP got one and kept drinking piss
Camden Thomas
Former NSW Premier Bob Carr wasn't a poof and he was DEFINITELY not being blackmailed by Eddie Obeid, take your far-right conspiracy theories elsewhere bigots!
Not trying to be a cunt but I don’t think you have a clue what the stock market is.
Jeremiah Miller
Most of that farmland is in Qld, NSW and Vic though, I live in a semi-rural area and there's plenty of open area where they can build hundreds of thousands of homes
Some guys here you can just tell theyre descended from convicts , suspicious looking faces squinty eyea borderline meth addiction drug addicted parents holden commodores , hang around black people despite being terrified of them
Jeremiah Diaz
If it doesn’t go back up I will have no foods
Jacob Rivera
Why would we want to build hundreds of thousands of homes? We don't want to import Nauru.
Eli Murphy
In the same boat, tomorrow I gotta wage slave again.
>Clean bakery >Clean deli ovens + deli >Clean produce area
Fucking just end it.
Nathaniel Flores
What are pipes, water can be taken to any location in australia but most here are convict descended scum and have no vision and no desire for our country to grow
Joseph Bell
they make shit to cure faggots from their butt fucking ways. it should probably go back up
Mason Kelly
Plenty of non-cleaning jobs, where are you looking?
Josiah Morgan
You want me to sell my house... and buy it back in 12 months...? why should i take your advice you fucking weeb?
Jaxson Reyes
I don't want us to, but there is plenty of land to build more homes, lots of homes, it's just that, that land is used as farmland, but I hate farmers because they rather export their product overseas and only sell a small portion in Australia, we have some of the highest prices in the world for meat yet we're one of the largest exporters
Grayson Sullivan
Unionism is for fucking suckers (pic related) t. labourer
I'm coles user, got a police application in the works, did exam passed, did video interview passed but because I live rural they're taking fucking ages to book me into a fitness test so I'm kinda stuck where I am.
Matthew Garcia
we also get crude oil and send it over seas to be refined and then sold back to us so our cars can go broom broom
Ryan Ross
So stop buying their produce, grow your own. Keep sheep, a lamb produces enough meat for a couple months.
Owen Sanders
I don't buy their produce unless it's discounted to a reasonable price, I rather live off $1.50 two minute noodles
Michael Ramirez
If you can afford the land to keep sheep’s The price eating meat is peanuts
Cooper Ward
you would probably get locked up for trying to raise and butcher your own meat
Levi White
How’s your scurvy?
Wyatt Reed
give it away to something deserving like a Jewish backed NGO trying to bring refugees into the country
David Davis
Tools. Start fabricating shit.
Owen Harris
I run cattle. I do a kill every 6months and that’s enough to keep us going.
Kayden Morris
but you enjoy pay and conditions provided to you via union complaining
Joshua Turner
plenty of country folk live like this.
Hudson Price
if you're willing to be a cop, you could go military instead. probably better benefits than cops.
Robert Peterson
digits confirmed. he's a poof
Nathan Watson
Either way you are serving brown people
Jordan Watson
lol no. I'm on good relations with the bossman. close, tight nit bunch of blokes who put in their work for fair pay. it's a mutual respect thing and we work alongside the bossman and he works along side us.
Carter Thomas
>Better benefits
No user, the ADF pays less and besides I'm not giving up when I've made it this far. Majority of people don't even make it beyond the Police exam.
Adrian Wood
your crystal ball says this why?
Kayden Bailey
no shit but if you live in a city you can't even keep a few chooks for eggs without the local council coming around
Andrew Cox
Once the hapa masterrace sworn in, what will become of australia?
fair enough. you're probably on the back-burner because of your sex and skin colour, rather than where you live. did you identify as retarded, to help your case?
Nathaniel Torres
Cattle would be the next step for us, if we could figure out the logistics of producing our own milk... It's one big things we still have to buy...
Austin Collins
less sand niggers?
Brayden Thompson
>Victoria police exam
Q1: You see an African is violently raping a white woman. Do you: A) do nothing, diversity is our strength B) all of the above
Eli Lewis
Chinks dont breed with aussie scum they sont stoop so low. All hapas in aus are born from white and Filipino
Owen Myers
Oi Dermot you here m8?
Oliver Powell
But how will Women and Muslims get their fair pay
Liam Bennett
enjoy your diabetes
Thomas Hill
Dairy is a fucking cunt to run. Just get off the Jew (((milk))).
Austin Davis
C) you start licking his anus
Christopher Taylor
It won't be Australia anymore. Just like France isn't France anymore and Britain isn't Britain anymore and California isn't California anymore.
Leo Walker
>Identify as retarded
Nah I didn't say I'm abbo, but anyways my exam score was a bit high so they would of saw through the ruse anyway.
But it is because I live rural, the way they do this is they set up fitness testing in various locations around the state, but if there are not enough applicants in your region it's going to be delayed.
Henry Walker
Stop drinking cow milk and you will go bald im warning you now
Juan Hughes
honestly they would be happy to take anyone due to the number of people who DONT want to be cops, if the government had it their way every cop would be a nigger but since hardly any apply they still take whites fairly easily.
Evan Cox
I blame melbourne not police, country cops are based, city cops are all cunts because of the shit they deal with
Dylan Green
Why is it (((milk)))? I don't know a single animal which won't go for dairy... so much goodness in it.
Justin Cruz
The enrichment process should not be interrupted for the safety of all those involved. PLUS she probably wants to get raped. Women enjoy that shit, think of all the oppression points she'll earn.
+ you've seen their voting patterns.
Nathan Lee
this place is fucked mate. the cops told you if a pack of niggers break into your place just let them take what they want. what if they want to rape your daughter before they steal your car? what now fucking cuntsable care
William Lewis
hows that trickle down economics working out for you?
Angel James
this, wtf is wrong with milk?
Daniel Roberts
mate if it's your future career, borrow a couple hundred dollary doos and fly to the next testing location. it also shows you're keen.
Jace Gutierrez
Any recommendations on which ssri i should take? Everything is boring and i feel no joy so i plan to start ssri soon
Aiden James
Pretty true, VicPol is pushing for more women if anything which turn into complete cunts once they get any sort of authority.