Disney sets the record straight: We wuz Tzaristz and Gagarinz and sheeit!

Finally the truth is coming out! White man has removed our role in Russian history for far too long.

"The Nutcracker and the Four Realms" by Swedish director Lasse Hallström

Trailer from Disney's youtube:


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We wuz Russian wise man!!

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Walt must be seething

And then Jews act all surprised when they're getting expelled.

Starring Hologram Trayvon Martin

Russians subversion has backfired on them

Now lots of little Slavic girls will watch this nigger revision of their history


We wuz Bolshoiz Balletz!

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>by Swedish director Lasse Hallström

"The blackcracker"


hahahahaha fucking slavs are almost as pale as brits and hollywood changes it into pure niggerdom. This can become real funny as slavs are far less likely to let it go in silence like the cucked west is.

only rare for newfriends


Why are there black people in a Russian based movie? I am tired of them putting blacks in everything. They are like rats.

We wuz princez and conquerers of Russian wiminz!!

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Press L to laugh at MuttMerica and Swedistan

Isn't this literally cultural appropriation?

Disney continues to put dark haired british girls in the lead, and some black guy as the awkward secondary lead character. How about just going full retard and put only blacks and asians in it already.

I can’t wait to miss it.

what did he mean by this lads?

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>whites don’t have any culture goy

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"The Nutbuster"

a necromancer?

niggas crazy

"How to ensure no one will watch your movie outside of America" by Disney


It just makes me sad now. I hate them. Not even Jews; just (((them))).

Those swedes are really into BBC. Or it into them, whatever

Is the 4th realm a ghetto?

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The Not-a-cracker

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Tanks if repeating confirm

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Slav women will sleep with anything brown. Sure they prefer latinos and meds but nogs will do. They'll watch it in droves

>not naming the movie Deez Nutz

sure thing jamal

shut the fuck up wh*teboi your culture be rapin and abusing poor africans who dindunuffin

>Swedish director
So he can shove both is leftist agenda AND his national chauvinism against Russies with one move.

My dude

Important issue here really

>The Nig-cracker.
I sort of hope the Russians nuke something over this.

>"Oh my! May i know who this handsome and galant man is??"
>"Tyroneslav Kuznetsov madam. I would like to hit dat!"

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>by Swedish director
Why would you spread such slanderous lies?

Lol in typical SwedeCuck fashion

Dude it's the reality. Women have a programmed thing, if someone looks visibly different than their group, and he isn't killed by males around her it means he's stronger than them therefore good mate. They prefer meds because they're is fuckton of Brazilian/Italian etc. soap operas around so their brains get screwed on it.

Of course the woman is white. Fucking shit-loving kikes.

>inb4 next years movie will be 1917 revolution where Lenin is a black man and the Bolsheviks are all white girls
Mark my fucking words this will happen

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b-b-but muh Pushkin


they're doing it in lower rates than white males you jewish faggot
just think of the amount of wmaf relationships
>Brazilian/Italian etc
how the fuck do you compare literal nigger/indian/spanish crossbreeds to italians you d&c faggot

Walt knew of the danger of Jews, yet still hired them because they were talented. He was able to keep them under check but he didn't expect that when he died they would completely take over.

Wait is this the only movie he's been involved with, zero experience and its a Disney production?

When will Hollywood stop ? even my blue pilled dad is starting to comment that he doesn't watch anything American because there's always the token black and gay.

More like a Negromancer

>white female protagonist
>black male sidekick and romantic interest
>female rulers and villains
>only male authority is old black man
>white men only appear as cannon fodder
None of this is random, just as in the recent Star Wars movies and other blockbusters, the cast has been carefully assembled to project a certain vision of the future. A future where a sort of "minority" coalition rules the world, composed of women, fags, trannies and freaks of all kind, black and other ethnic men serving under them as foot soldiers. And at the very bottom, white men, kept in check by mob rule and "guilty until proven innocent" hysterics.

LMAO. They even included a Mestizo Mexican. Mestizos are European + Native Americans ( Natives came from Siberia. Is he meant to be a Siberian and Slavic mixed character? Fucking Jews. Why can't everyone be Russian? This is cultural appropriation.

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Amazonian Queen leading the troops into battle! #BeleiveWomen

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They also casted some terrorist named Muhammad.

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For swede niggers are more comfortable to deal with than whites.

Yeah I hate american movies too.

Are they on purpose assign minority actors/models on roles where they look out of place? I mean, if you want more diversity in movies there're so many stories you can tell with black/asian/whatever characters where their race won't be seen as something ridiculous but they choose not but instead they're doing this.

Is this some kind of fetish to place black characters in some historical european settings? It doesn't even look like an appeal to these minorities to me. They always look like clowns in traditional european clothes. And this is almost direct recognition of fact that africans don't have their own culture and history and all you can do is just inject them into europe's.

Lots of these movies have black actors, but the actors themselves are black in skin only. They're fed lines written by white writers and directed by white directors, and they are tokens used to promote white supremacy.

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The women on the right look really Asian too.

>Is this some kind of fetish to place black characters in some historical european settings?

It's a jewish fetish.

Not even America is going to watch this one.

nobody wants to watch stories about niggers
a brothers Grimm adaptation from 200 years ago is more interesting (even if filled with niggers) than a story where niggers might be on their own
non-whites are trash and so is most of their history

Hollywood can do whatever the fuck they want. I stopped consuming their garbage long ago and really don't give a shit.

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Look at the positive side pol, whites can now culture appropriate the shit out of non-white culture because they did it too us.

Or we can just bash this as culture appropriation and racist.

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poop in a dress

Gas the fucking kikes, reprogram the NPCs, RACEWAR NOW

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Only a fuckin Christcuck can see the death of his culture as "supporting white supremacy"

What's Putin doing? America should be nuked

> funny as slavs are far less likely to let it go in silence like the cucked west is.
I doubt it.
Slavs really dont have innate, generational hostilty/discontent with blacks. There never was any permanent nigger population anywhere on ex-ussr territories. Then during soviet years, when anti-american/anti-colonial propaganda(or "a friendship of nations" one in general) touched the subject - it portrayed them as opressed, peaceful and aspiring to prosperity: classical dindus. And without the reference in reality, there was no reason for hate to sprout.
They are relatively rare sight even in largest cities, and regarded with slight curiosity/caution, if anybody even cares.

And then, its a disney movie. They are all the same, so bland and perfectly following the formula. A little to nothing is left from the original work, if its an adaptation.

So, i wont get the hopes high for "slav not letting it go". To trigger slavs with work of art, you need to touch sensitive political-history subjects. Only we really know how to do it reliably to eachother; and when americans try to make something "antirussian/antisoviet" usually the only outrage it gets is "i fucking cant believe how stupid are filmmakers and how wrong they got every fact".

The main reason "death of stalin" for example was met with such controversy in russia is because it alludes to current political system(and touches controversial historical figure, which many admire till this day).
tl;dr - if nogcraker dont involve hidden jokes about putin/russian politics, zero fucks would be given.

>Producer: Goldstein
Of course.

AYO we wuz da NUT busta n sheeeitt

>We wuz Tzaristz

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>Directed by a Swede
>Now even Imperial Russia are niggers

Truly even more subversive than the Jew in his unashamed perversion , in his undefiable lust for nigger dick ,is the perfidious SW*DE

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It's almost like they want a race war.

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Tbh most Macedonia flags are on Jow Forums


Is this real? Blacks don't want to watch a fucking ballet. And I don't want to watch a black Deez Nut Cracka. It's like turning a profit is secondary to social engineering, that's how mich money they already have. We need a final solution for the Jewish problem.

Look what happened with The Witcher, Poles didn't even bat an eye to that

Hahah, what the fuck.
I remember the first time I saw a nigger in Moscow subway was in year 2000. There was like maybe 20 or 30 of them in total in the whole Russia, because they were exchange students. This film will have a bigger black to white ratio than in actuall Russia today lol.

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>Swedish director
Yup. It checks out.


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>tl;dr - if nogcraker dont involve hidden jokes about putin/russian politics, zero fucks would be given.

The same is true of Ukranians

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The live action Beauty and the Beast was even worse.

>18th century France
>wealthy black aristocrats and nobel people all over the place
>pic related is married to a white man

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I was a fan of academic music only in teen years but this is just just disgusting. These faggots dare smear Tchaikovsky's work with niggers presence.

>This Christmas...
"Ayo hol up"
>He's Finna to...
"Yo,why you cursing me, mang, I din even do nuffin?"
"Ain't nothin, just actin like a cracker, heh."
"Time to kill some rat oppressors!"
"Where the white women at. Oh daaaamn!"

>Disney's, the nut cracker. Rated G.

-"The legend you know has a dark side"

The Samson Option

>tfw leftists try to memory hole this movie because it goes against their realitybubble

>the movie is funny because he's black in medieval times, there were no blacks in medieval times

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>turning profit is secondary to social engineering
That's always been how ((capitalism)) works. What is valued in the market hasn't always been determined by the culture that runs it, so if you shovel shit you are sure shit is worth its weight in gold. ((Communism)) just breaks down any pretense of choice and has the kike just tell you that you're eating shit now and you will like it.

>just think of the amount of wmaf relationships
drop in the bucket compared to the number of coalburners


that's fine.
They already were on my boycott list.

It will never happen you retarded fucking trailer trash. As long as we make sure you have food and entertainment you will NEVER E V E R DO SHIT.

I am literally wearing a yamaka as I post this, it's so fucking sweet I could jack my 7" circumsized cock to it.

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