
G-guys... I've been noticing a lot of anons here accusing liberals of saying "orange man bad" even though I've never heard a liberal say that...it's the same thing, repeating the same thing over and over again... I'm so confused, why would so many people here say the same exact thing over and over... we're not the NPCs, are we? Who told us to say that they say "orange man bad"????

Attached: dfc9cv7kegvx.gif (400x224, 2.12M)

Projectors broken.

What does that mean?

>t. NPC

>even though I've never heard a liberal say that
What are you, some kind of retard?

I can't deal with the fact I live in a world with such massive retards. This is fucking Jow Forums and yet I see people this fucking dumb. It would be one thing if this post was on verrit where I know you are a zombie, but nope. You actually have a functioning brain, you might be brainwashed but at least you have an original thought every once in a while. Yet you are still this fucking dumb. It really boggles a mind how people this unironically moronic can exist.

Fuck off we're full

Repeating the same thing over and over on an internet message board, almost ad if it's some kind of meme....

it's not NPCs, reject.
its drone warfare

How is us repeating the that they say "orange man bad" over and over a meme but them repeating "orange man bad" over and over not a meme and instead a sign of brainwashing?