>At an initial glance, it seems as though boobs reign in the north in terms of preference, whereas butts are better-liked in the south. Interestingly, virtually all of Africa, with the exception of Egypt, prefers backside-themed smut which is also the case in South America, save for Argentina where boobs top out for more related searches.
Why are white people more attracted to boobs than butts? What is the evolutionary reason? See pic below.
At an initial glance, it seems as though boobs reign in the north in terms of preference...
Other urls found in this thread:
>not enjoying the entire female body
only low test betas think there's some kind of boobs x ass war
Im 100% more attracted to ass than boobs desu
what is r/k selection theory
>India, Pakistan
>k selected
khazar milkers.
We have internalized the Jew
Sage for flag.
I think she’s winning the boob front
I love tits. But I would much rather have a girl with some small perky tits and a fat ass than huge tits and no ass.
Pasa el insta de la turrita y no jodas memeflag ya sabemos que sos argentino
T. Tyrone McAllister
I like both but if I'm being honest ass was the original sexual attractor
face comes first.
Based and redpilled.
nope, the amount of girls I've seen with really pretty faces yet are ham beasts. Rather an average face with a good body than a pretty faced fat bitch.
the reason is that niggers need to breed multiple kids for one of them to survive to the next generation so they prefer big butts and hips which means that they will be easily bred and can have multiple kids while white people don't really want 10k kids per family because they sorted their shit so they prefer a woman with big boobs because she can provide a lot of good breastmilk to get the kid's diet and development started right. basically it is quantity (butts) vs quality (boobs) of the children
Like my dad use to say, tits are for kids.
Google and Yandex are giving me nothing.
Shitskins like to have sex with butts because it helps them to spread a protective coating of poop over their skin so that they can smell better in order to attract more shitskins to mate with their poop. A sad, vicious cycle.
When humans were walking on all fours, the butt was presented for arousal as the boobs weren't visible. Now that humans walk on two legs we evolved to see that boobs are presented for arousal, however for niggers there brains didn't develop passed the point when humans walked on all fours
Blue states are still white.
R versus K selection. Tits signify a woman can take care of the children she has well while ass signifies a woman is capable of having many children.
My fetish is chubby bitches with huge milkers, but I have no idea why. Maybe it's instinct, like my dick wants to make sure the babies survive the winter or something.
Negroes have been walking on all fours up until recently.
Whites have been bipedal for 2000000 years.
yeah but if you had to choose between a flat ass or a flat chest which one would you pick?
Have you seen Instagram lately? The whole craze is ass shots and work of vids of your ass.
Yeah non white countries like America or Brazil prefer giant fat asses. White countries prefer boobs
>show bob
How is Thailand butt country.?
If I was a midget I would ride that ass like a centaur
Well in the middle east they like them when they are 6 years old so obviously they are going to be flat, and in Africa it is simply a monkey thing. (Also Women in the West have Bras so they don't end up with tits around their ankles by the time they are 25.
What about flat tummy, mid sized boobs, muscle (not fat ) ass and muscular toned thighs and nice hamstring circle underneath the leg
Is chose who ever I liked more
Have you seen Pornhub or Xhamster? It's all incest and interracial.
Yeah I gotta agree, tits and ass are both good and only fags pretend one is better than the other.
Breast size does not correlate with the amount of milk a woman can produce, glands and hormones do. Large breasts pose more trouble when establishing breastfeeding with a newborn because they have a harder time latching on to something bigger than their own head. Just admit you have a mommy fetish.
that's funny because bobs really are located on the north and shit is located on the south which you would have known since it's basic biology if you weren't a nigger
>Where are the FEET Dahnald!
Some one make a Jeb feet rising version
disgusting phat (((slog)))
disgusting fat (((slob)))
White women's faces are generally more attractive. If your women looked like dudes in makeup being more attracted to their asses would make sense. Kind of a shave your dogs ass and teach it to walk backwards scenario.
You rape women from behind and have consensual sex from the front.
Feels good to be white
So let me get this straight all of this shit areas in the world prefer ass and all of the more sophisticated countries prefer tits? even the developing ones? I weep for my country although in the USA graphic you can see the predominately white states prefer tits as well but the sheer amount of nogs and spics has fucked our results.
Fuck I love boobs
Face is first user. Knock an ugly bitch up and see how fast her hot body disappears and what you're left with.
Also, this is the perfect woman.
Not so fast nigger we need sauce on them milkers
Aryan angle.
White erect penises stand at an angle more conducive to face to face coitus. Niggers and shitskins have penises that are better served by an approach from the rear.
This also explains why white women's faces have evolved to be more beautiful, while darker races have not.
Tits and no ass is disgusting, but ass and no tits still very fuckable
There are two women where I work who have opposite flaws. Both have pretty faces. One has great tits but terrible ass & legs. The other has no real tits to speak of but a juicy caboose and shapely legs. Wish I could combine the two to make the perfect fuck-buddy.
Thats gay
because white asses are usually smaller probably, its natural
>settling on just "tits" or "ass"
>ignoring hip width
>ignoring thighs
>ignoring leg length
>not adhering to some kind of optimum fertility ratio
Fuckin' plebs.
Invite them for a treesome. Best of both worlds
>>ignoring hip width
>>ignoring thighs
>>ignoring leg length
You are an ass man my boy
>still existing in 20 years