Are Chechens the Spartans of the White Race?

Around 3000 Chechen rebels totally BTFO the Russian army in Grozny.
In just 2 years in Chechnya the Russian army lost around 14,000. Almost as many as killed in 10 year Soviet Afghan War.
This is CHECHNYA!!!
> tfw Hitler should have hired Chechens to defend Berlin.

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Well, they're a tribal society with a mentality unironically stuck in the middle ages, so no, nit really. They did not BTFO Russians because they were so good, they BTFO'd Russians because Russians just walked into Grozny like it was a parade or a riot control operation. The moment they started fighting Chechens in earnest (which really meant bombing them to stone age), BTFOing mostly subsided.

>"We did it Khadrov! We saved Chechnya!"

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The spartans are the spartans of the white race.

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Lol r3kt asf.
Putin is badass

bombing somebody is not fighting

It's a metaphor dumbass.
Pay Germany your debts back.

Then what is?

oh look it's the recent wave of islamic immigrants showing how diverse and strong Australia is becoming.

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actually taking them up head on, glassing an entire area takes zero effort

>using a technological advantage to win a war is not fighting a war

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no, russians are just shit at warfare

Go easy on him; he's Swiss.
They're like the jews of the Germanic race.

lol no, until they start feeding their weakest children to wolves they aren't Sparta. No modern nation is dedicated to war enough to be Sparta.

Guns take no effort, only hand to hand combat is truly fighting.

Who said I like or support him?

The fuck you just say windmill fag?
Send me location.

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America feeds children to (((Moloch)))
Does that count?

Nice breasts.

I knew two German guys who were beaten up by a gang of Chechens because one was wearing a cross. Refugees from the 90s apparently.

They're pure scum. I wish Putin had finished them off.

Chechens and other eastern europeans are stuck in the middle ages, which means their men were not affected by the onions-effect of modernity. They are what western europe should look like in terms of behavior and masculinity.

With that said, Russia is well known for employing zerg-like strategies. They only win wars because of their much superior numbers and drone-like soldiers.

hahahahahahahahahahhahahaha that right one's head


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Chechans aren't even white. They are closer to Armenians and Georgians than europeans

This. Russians are just terrible warriors. Always have been.

>Chechens and other eastern europeans
sucker. you are comparing sandniggers to poles, russians etc. moron.

>Guns take no effort, only hand to hand combat is truly fighting.

wrong, you stiull have to aim a gun, and strategically plan , yo ucan also outplay others by smartly positioning your people , shooting faster, using different weapons etc.
fighting with guns is perfectly fine and requires intelligence whereas placing a bomb can be done by a child and has almost only negative consequences like ruining the area , needlessly destroying nature

>Killing random city dwellers from out of reach long range after you got eternally btfo for the second time by mujhadeen

Based and chucklepilled

That's what Muslims say. He's probably some brown person that still had nightmares of bombs

All is fair in love and war.
Not that a Milkafag swisskind would know much about war.

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Okay they used a technological advantage. They won the war. Kinda.

Still got BTFO in a direct engagement

You still have to aim a bomb and strategically plan. You can also outplay others by smartly positioning your blast range, dropping more bombs, using different bombs etc.
fighting with your hands is perfectly fine and requires intelligence, whereas shooting a gun can be done by a child and has almost only negative consequences like ruining the area, needlessly destroying nature

you dont really have to aim a bomb at all, and almost all nukes that are effective also fuck up objectives that you would want to keep
unless your aim is to glass the whole world using nukes is always stupid and a sign that your ground forces are weak

typical subhuman

War is a capture the flag match, it's not about score. The Chechens lost.

Chechens aren't Russians you fucking moron

Alexa, play Despacito 2

if they lost then why does Moscow pay tribute to them?

But no intellectual retort from our chocolatiering connoisseur?

>you dont really have to aim a bomb at all
Yes, you can just drop them anywhere. The British believed this, so they dropped their bombs aimed for Dresden over London.

To make amends.

the whole point of a bomb is that it has a large radius of effect so not aiming it will have little consequences

if your aim is to conquer somebody or subdue them you are not going to bomb them, unless you want to rebuild the country and pay yourself for that later on

It's a bribe so Chechen Chad doesn't btfo Russian virgin again.

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Army was all time low and infested with corruption and outright treachery back then, moreover people didnt wanted to fight useless war that nobody except kikefaggots in Kremlin wanted, but still large amounts of mountain niggers were eliminated.
Should something like this happen now, mountain niggers will get it like 10 times harder, and what's more important, all of Russia's population will wholeheartedly support their genocide.

>Chechens aren’t real whites! They’re mudslimes!

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Unironically this. Russians and their sycophants can cope with it however they want but at the end of the war they started paying billions to their "defeated" enemy. Not to mention the fact that Chechens get to do whatever they want in Russia (fuck bitches, beat up cops, sell drugs) but Russians aren't even allowed to move to Chechnya.

If this was EU4, Russia would be paying 20 years of war reparations plus giving trade power to Chechnya.

>the whole point of a bomb is that it has a large radius of effect so not aiming it will have little consequences
No, the point of a bomb is to cause significant damage to a certain area.

It wasn't a kike war.
Russia really does need to occupy the Caucasus, it's the traditional invasion route. And if you don't hold it then Wahhabists and CIA will.

>white race

> a bomb
> that damages only a radius of 0.00001 nanometers

very powerful significant damage

chat shit get banged

t.amerimutt on vacation

You could take down a building with that.

There's oil on Caucasus, it brings more money than it takes to maintain control. Moreover Kremlin essentially gives support to one local leader in exchange for subduing others, should support be withdrawn he will get eaten alive by rivals and whole region will descend into chaos and become infested with ISIS and other sorts of undesirable shit. Of course better solution is to just deport them all again, but Putin is far too cucked for this.

If your opponents don't have guns, is it still fair?

still part of Russian federation

The fuck you just say?

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its not about fairness, its about not glassing a whole area to solve a problem
if your only option is to destroy everything you are not powerful , if you are powerful you have many choices at your disposal
mindlessly bombing a country doesnt benefit anybody, especially since nukes are incredibly expensive to maintain and have almost no effect most of the time (except destroy the environment)

>going on vacation to russia

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Why do you think nuclear bombs are the only kinds of bombs?
>mindlessly bombing a country doesnt benefit anybody
If you bombed Checens into extinction it would benefit a lot of people.

Ambush and insurgency tactics were a headache for Russian military (that and corruption mixed in with incompetence by Russian field officers at the time). Chechnya got their asses handed to them by loval forces at the start of the war when they invaded Ingushetia. A couple of thousand Russian servicemen dead vs nearly 20% of the Chechen population and they lost all their gains from the first war. You tell me who got BTFO?

try it bitch

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Sarmatian cavalry. Enough said

They lost, they're Muslim, they're race traitors

>If you bombed Checens into extinction it would benefit a lot of people.
Yet still it doesn't solve the problem... Funny, that

you can glass the whole area of chechnya, then somebody else will take their place, or you have to secure it which costs money and time and might not even be worth it because there is nothing since you destroyed all the resources on the land
you cant bomb a people into extinction because they are not plants that sit and wait for you to end them all
and regular nukes also do a lot of dmg to the environment and are completely ineffective unless you repeatedly nuke the whole area with the hardest shit you got

the truth is, it is much easier to appease poor countries like chechnya because they don't cost much at all compared to what it would cost to deal with them properly

Yes it does, Chechens are the problem.

Go suck a big chechen cock white fag

It does the job. Fighting is about killing the enemy and taking as little losses as possible. Thats it.

>then somebody else will take their place
Yes, Russia will. That would be better.
>and might not even be worth it because there is nothing since you destroyed all the resources on the land
The desired resources are under the land.

>If you destroy the enemy utterly you still lose
Typical leaf... to that I say "Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam"

i guess slavs really are not smart at thinking ahead or further than the present

Every Muslim is jealous they're not Chechens. And you will never be.

It would be a service to humanity to rid the world of Chechens.

>it's smarter to expose your people to death and send them to fight in suboptimal manner instead of simply killing your enemies in the most effective way

and? why dont you do it then? and hunt every chechen you meet in the real world?


its not being done because it is not effective , you have no idea how expensive nuking somebody is
and you also have no idea how easy it is for some chechen nigger to do billions in daamage with 2000 USD

Faggiest post right here

If Russia allowed it, but Putin is cucked and would have anyone who tried killed. Despite the fact that they would be a hero.

Daily reminder Mohammad was a white man and Islam is the white man’s warrior religion.

They are slavized Albanians

>you have no idea how expensive nuking somebody is
>you also have no idea how easy it is for some chechen nigger to do billions in daamage with 2000 USD
also irrelevant
>its not being done because it is not effective
bomb a building killing all chechens inside of it instead of sending your people inside

I have never seen a guy sucked so much chechens cock's. You have no honor. You are a weak sub-shit. Chechens are my brothers in religion, stupid kafir.

do russian really hated them ?

Chechens are fucking dumb ape churkas. They could never engineer a modern weapon or anything, they can only leech off the white man. Sorry, muscle power is not what wins a modern war, it's the brains bitches.

by this logic USA lost to japan


> nuke costs 100 million
> sending your foot soldiers costs 100 000
> its totally irrelevant man!!! just produce those nukes , they are so easy to make and maintain!!!

theres a reason why you are powerless in RL and will never be put in any position to make these positions, and this is one of them

No, we are too fat and gay

exactly this, Grozny was bombed to smithereens with continuous SS-26 firing, they used it so much they made a whole suit of missiles for it after and then put it up for sale

modern warfare is mostly information

nobody is talking about nukes

Circassian reporting in
Chechens are basically the niggers of Caucasus.
Still have better ethics than most europeans tho.

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First of nukes haven't been used since ww2 second sending your foot soldiers cost lives of your own men bombing doesn't

Kill yourself.

>X people beating Russians badly
It's pretty common. Just in this century we got WW1, Barbarossa and Winter War. We also beat the Russians badly before we became infected with atheism

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> costs lives of your own men
> implying that matters

bombing is expensive as fuck , you are completely clueless, spending billions to deal with 100000 chechens is not worth it
much smarter to make one chechen a dictator and use him as a sockpuppet

but regular slavs dont understand this, they are not really smart enough to , putin is pretty smart it seems

No aren't they Muslims? You can't be Muslim and be based.

>but Putin is far too cucked for this.
only Russians would ask for a hardedr leader after getting Putin

>ape churkas

This. Just look at Kadyrov. It's kinda obvious, isn't it?

The Irish are as a matter of fact
Nobody is braver than the Irish
I’m German/Syrian and I know this to be a fact

Chechens aren’t white and haven’t been in any real wars.

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