Redpill me on Watergate

What is the real story?

Attached: Nixon_edited_transcripts.jpg (3120x2039, 997K)

Is pic related the real story?

Attached: nixonJewQuotesTruthMeme.jpg (731x1127, 242K)

Nixon was a paranoid alcoholic who was way over in his head and fucked himself over. The end.

He authorized the spying on a rival political campaign. Sound familiar...

There was watter and there was a gate and Mr. bIGG shOT presidEnte shat teh bed

Jewish coup

Well, that's what the corporate media said about him...a paranoid drung, but He was trying to MAGA and the swamp was having none of it. I'm at the point now where, whatever the media says, i figure pretty much the opposite is true. It's not that they want to deceive you, it's because they want your worldview to be based on complete bullshit. Basically, that nothing you believe is true.

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A non issue by today's standard.