What the fuck is wrong with Stephen Crowder?
Why does he dress up as a chick all the time
What the fuck is wrong with Stephen Crowder?
Why does he dress up as a chick all the time
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Because he is canadian?
the real question is why does he still do the comedy shtick into his 30s. it's not even funny. cut the shit and keep it 100 steve
hes a jew can't help himself.
To make fun of you.
Because dressing up in girls clothes is about the most red pilled thing you can do.
Maybe she should wear a burqa
Because it's funny. He's a comedian.
Eminem did shit like that all the time back when he was cool.
Because he knows it turns you on and makes you angry at being turned on.
conservative comedy
"I'm gonna go out and suck a hundred dicks to own gay people"
He has a fag lisp and gay friends. What kind of MAN has gay friends?
When will he come out of the closet?
This guy knows. MGTOW. Seriosuky, real men fuck other men. Even if you need a man that looks like a woman. Leave the roasties to the shitskins. Bros before hoes. White cock is meant for white Boi pussy.
one time and it can be dismissed as a joke
more than once and you're at least half a fag
he does kind of have that twinkle in his eye too doesn't he. and a soft face. probably a fag
He's clearly got something homo vibe going on he's trying to diffuse with drag bits
W-we need woman though. How are we going to continue making more humans?
But your not wrong. Fuck that's hot though.
Have you ever considered the (strictly hypothetical, you understand) that the vast majority of alt-right icons are probably closet gays who are attempting to prove their masculinity
We will leave the planet behind to the roaches and shitskins. They don't want us anymore anyway.
He thinks he's a comedian
Crowder isn't even close to alt right, he's a traditional conservative.
The truth is, bodybuilding is an extremely feminine hobby that is predominately homosexual.
>no no, having children is bad, just fuck other men in the arse you goys
t. homo schlomo
True conservatism is wearing women's clothes
What are you breeding with? Syed's leftover roast?
>implying a significant amount of attractive white women want non-whites
to trigger the libz and own the libz faggot
he was never funny. I dunno how he even made it into just for laughs festivals. Only people who find him funny are his Onions boy employees who are ordered to laugh every 2 seconds at his jokes.
Stephen “more powder” with crowder
at least half this board would masturbate to him in a dress so i don't know what your point is.
He's comfortable with his sexuality and wearing a dress can sometimes be funny, sometimes price a point.
t. Phoneposting fag at work
He has the gay gene.
>He's comfortable with his homosexuality
Fixed it for you.
it's a humiliation ritual when you enter the illuminati
Normie appeal, dumass still supports Israel
He must be a closet case
This video w shapiro is very uncomfortable, awkward and faggy
How mad did she get?
attention whore drunk on being the life of the party
How about this one? This was funny
Get aids
its part of his culture
that schnoz tho...imagine what it'll look like when he's 80.
Because he infiltrates lefty gatherings. He sneaks into lefty hangouts and BTFO’s them. I’ve not even see any of the videos but I’ve seen the thumbnails and read the titles.
Sadly this the only reason its even a thing really is most competitions are sponsored by rich gay men that and selling protein powder.
Hes a faggot. Most of Drama frogs are faggots if you dont know acting is fucking gay
Imagine a fiction writer now, imagine someone who gets payed to act a NPC role on his play(imagination of a world) its cuckery beind imaginationm
I have no idea mate. If he just said he did "political commentary" then when he throws in the odd joke here and there it wouldn't be so cringy. He would actually seem like a cool fun guy. Instead he just comes across as a douche.