Ann Coulter against women's sufferage
>Well, as you know, my position is that women should not have the right to vote. [...] No, we can still write books; we can run for office. [Interviewer: You just can't vote.] Exactly.
How can one woman be this based?

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I agree with her. But feel bad because of the few based women

shes one of the few intelligent actually women ive ever seen. any woman who is intelligent would admit that women should not be doing many of the things theyre doing.

wait wasnt the reason trump won because most white women voted for him?

Based and redpilled, Anne.

Only property owners that have demonstrated an appreciation for civic duty and can speak english should be able to vote.

>run for office
>can't vote
what a fucking retard
>woman runs for office against male opponent
>voting day arrives
>male opponent votes for himself
>female candidate....
yeah sounds like a completely fair and balanced system, which would not last the first trial run. she is the analog to milo, a masculine, penis envying, provocateur who long passed her prime and relevance.

If Queen Ann really wanted to rustle some jimmies, she should do a speaking tour across college campuses titled:

Women Against The 19th

She could join up with some alt-right babe if she wanted.

Here's the best part - there should be a man on stage as well to run proceedings and the women have to ask him for permission to speak. And when he thinks they have gone on for long enough he can tell them to stop speaking.

It would be a living demonstration of how much better things are when women voluntarily submit to patriarchal control.

Much triggering would be had.

go back to your orthopedic back pillow, boomer

every sane woman is happy not to vote. her husband votes for the family. its not a big deal. how do you think we got to this place?

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so you admit her whole persona is a political shtick with no real merit, just showbiz.

Every time my wife opens her mouth I curse womens's suffrage.

Non-white women voted against him. Saying that non-whites shouldn't vote would not fly in today's America

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Errr.... no?

Just because she could do that doesn't mean that is ALL, or even most, of what she is.

>my wife
yes the more you repeat that, the truer it becomes. keep saying that user. eventually you will be able to say it for real.

cookie cutter NPC reply, hilarious

you want her to devote ALL her time to traveling all over the country putting on a show. yes that means that is all she is.

NPC really? care to explain how what i said represents the lack of inner monologue?

If she didnt fuck poo in the loos and nogs and had some white kids I'd like her. I like her lankiness and she has nice looking tummy. She's unique looking but I dont find her unnattractive and I do like the way she's always playing with her hair on live tv

Women's suffrage wasn't a problem until the 60's, because they'd just vote the same as their husband. The problem is the economic independence of women that allows themt to not get married, and not submit tot their husbands when they are married.

NPC church goer detected

I disagree. My vote count double.

Since I'm married and my wife like the Vast majority of women do not follow politics she always ask me right before going to vote : Honey to who do we vote for today?

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No. Because even if it occupied all her time WHILST SHE DID IT, she wouldn't be doing it for very long. A few months, maybe. Hardly a whole working life.

Please stop pursuing this futile line of argument. You lost hours ago.


Jews corrupted them all. It's not their fault. There was a time when all women were like Ann Coulter.

Women cannot help it, they are too easily deceived and lack free will. They just follow the trends of society, they do not build the society in which they conform. If women in a society are corrupt and degenerate it's as a result of failure of men to correctly shape the society, or more accurately, failure of men to make society resistant to the corruption promulgated by Jews.

why not stop coddling your wife and tell her to fucking educate herself on who to vote for? the "man of the house" meme has fucked men up and turned them into babysitters for their wives. imagine thinking that you are important because you have to constantly tell another adult how to think and behave all the time. if over time your wife does not think for herself, you are a shit husband and a shit teacher.

She's right

Same desu

We don't talk politics because she doesn't vote

It's better that way, she's a fantastic mommy and that's what's important

what do you think bands and performers do? they go on tour, performing the SAME jokes, songs, tricks, and bits to promote their albums, brand, or whatever.
this is what you want her to do, hence you acknowledge that she is nothing but a political sideshow that works best when on tour performing at colleges

t. Unmarried incel

sounds like a nice dream, user
your pillow will someday come to life and be that fantastic mommy you talk about

I like her opinion on this.

>unmarried incel
nice NPC response, golem

At least she came around while she was still young enough to be relevant. Too bad for her eggs. The saddest shoah of them all.


Heinlein was right

Right now, I'm of the opinion that it's better to just let socialists take over, and completely fuck over the economy and money to the point where collapse is guaranteed, so that normies will see for themselves what happens when you give women the vote.
Without pain, people don't learn.

>While McInnes is himself an immigrant from Canada, he apparently had no problem bashing immigration from America’s Southern neighbors.

why don't retarded sjws don't understand that there is a big difference between immigrant who comes from another civilized country and is educated and productive and the only way you can even tell hes a migrant is that he speaks with an accent and a migrant who i a black smelly loud monkey who steals, rapes and drains the welfare system?

One vote per family makes a lot of sense logically. I'm more in support of that because women vote for stupid shit though.

She's absolutely right.

I once had the following exchange on Twitter (pretty much word-for-word):

Me: Would you agree that voting is a means to an end? i.e. it's supposed to just pick the best government available? There's no merit in the procedure as such - it's the OUTCOME that's important?

Other party: Sure

Me: So, if you vote Republican, you don't do it because there's any merit in the voting itself, you do it because you think it's best to have a Republican in power?

Other party: Of course.

Me: So, suppose you look at voting demographics, and you find that women vote disproportionately Democrat, and you work out that if women did not vote, Republicans would always get into power. Logically, you should be in favour of women not voting?

Other party: I bet you have a really small dick. Hey everyone, come and look at Small Dick Man.

>let socialism take over
>people will attribute it to women voting
the naivete of bongs. what sort of train of the thought do you think the world has?

i would sniff her butthole at the drop of a hat if she asked

so one vote per family, so while the husband is at WORK like a good goy, the wife goes and votes to fulfill the family duty.

A good lass.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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you tell me. i think it can be proven that women do vote overwhelmingly for socialism than not.

Imagine thinking that women are allowed out of the house.

If women couldn't vote Trump would've won without doubts.

Actually, every single republican candidate since the 60s would've won without women voting

This is a very real problem. My wife is a conservative. But I influence her political opinion, she does not influence mine.

word for word convo i had on Jow Forums

me: you want her to devote ALL her time to traveling all over the country putting on a show. yes that means that is all she is.

other party: No. Because even if it occupied all her time WHILST SHE DID IT, she wouldn't be doing it for very long. A few months, maybe. Hardly a whole working life.

Please stop pursuing this futile line of argument. You lost hours ago

>vote for socialism
when have you ever seen an ideology on a ballot

imagine using tired worn out jokes

oh what a brave and strong mind you have!
sounds like user is an empowered and enfranchised male!
imagine being married and shutting your wife out. aaand now we know why divorce rates are so high among christians.

If she said that the voting should not be allowed because we want a kingdom; a king not a queen.
I would fall in love with her

LOL ok pal I hope you find someone

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happy thanksgiving

ann coulter is usually right but she wields no authority because she's a talking head, isn't married and has no children.

also what type of man refers to his wife as a mommy?

she is rarely right

The only thing that pisses me off about her is she didn't have children and wasted her High IQ genes while low IQ Third World trash is continuing to be imported and subsidized.

>usually right but she wields no authority

being usually right gives one a certain authority, wouldn't you say?

the same should go for men too, only a family unit should be allowed to vote who have kids. Only people who have any skin in the game for the future

the only women who care about government are those who are dependent on handouts. (single moms, catladies, blue haired land whales) Women who depend on their husbands don't have any material reason to care about government, unless their husband is very beta and they are the dominant one in the relationship. This is the dynamic that leads to divorce.

I referred to her as my wife and described her job performance as mommy as fantastic.

multiple vote system would be fun

baseline: one vote each

then e.g.

raising children: add one vote
paying taxes: add one vote
serving in the armed forces: add one vote

receiving welfare: subtract one vote
serving prison time: subtract one vote



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not amongst women. she doesn't strike fear in the heart of women, because she's not a matriarch of her own clan. she lives in new york and hangs out with gay guys. She's not an ideological threat. Someone like Palin is.

Why even women exist???

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Sarah Palin is a white fertility goddess, which is why she invokes such visceral adoration from one half of the population and visceral hatred from the other.

I agree Ann might appeal more to men than women, but that doesn't matter if women can't vote :P

This stance of hers is strange. Has she ever laid out her reasoning for it?

So, if the property owner was Irish or nigger, they could still vote?

Hmm, can't say I like it.

She is very intelligent but has very little interest in politics

Pass test. Show understanding of English, politics etc. Obtain license.

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Her reasoning is very simple: women (esp. unmarried women) vote irresponsibly.

There's a good graph showing how the size of the state starts growing the minute women get the vote. The 19th Amendment was implemented at different times in different states so there's excellent and convincing data where you get the result with a control as well.

But soibois.

imo only people that pay taxes should vote

Yes. I think it is important to assert your control. Must be decisive and make good decisions while respecting her opinion and needs

>imagine being married and shutting your wife out. aaand now we know why divorce rates are so high among christians.
divorce rates were much lower in the past when men did just that

>There's a good graph showing how the size of the state starts growing the minute women get the vote.

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But might that have been historical - a manifestation of women coming into themselves once they got rights? It seems premature to assume that women will always be one way because the were one way for fifty years. We're still learning what it means to be men and women on equal footing. I'm encouraged by the way white women have begun to come around. As equals, they may just be learning their responsibility as a group. It would be a shame to end it just as it was beginning to bloom.

and you call me naive

does that include sales tax
what about foreign companies that pay import or export taxes?

>We're still learning what it means to be men and women on equal footing.
men and women will never be on equal footing. this is a lie perpetuated by the subverted universities and government

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US citizens that have a positive dollar amount contribution on their federal and state tax returns.

>does that include sales tax
no. shitskins and roasts who receive government benefits paying sales taxes using gov benefits don't count

Am single and I approve of this. Married Man + woman and a child = one vote

>no u

>my position is that women should not have the right to vote
>we can run for office
What? How is this in any way internally consistent? Leave to a dumb cunt to say stupid contradictory shit.

Women's emancipation has been a disaster for the western world.

You mean if we sit on the hot stove long enough it might stop hurting?

I see no evidence for that and a great deal against it.

If what you said was true, the longer women had political power, and the more used to it they got, the more responsibly and rationally they would act.

In fact, exactly the reverse is true. The more power they get, the more hysterically and childishly they act.

It's like the apologists for Negroes, saying "the effect of slavery is still persisting".

Not a chance. If that were true, then the more slavery receded into the past, the better our melanin friends would behave. In fact, if anything, the reverse is true.

they are equal in christ

>women vote for hillary
>hillary starts a war
>women voted gor her because they dont even fear getting drafted to said war
>the men cant do anything about it

imagine a man being this empowered.

How is that in any way not consistent?

Why shouldn't it be the case that certain exceptional women might be well-suited to public office but the sex as a whole votes irresponsibly?

No reason at all why that shouldn't be the case.

what if you're wealthy but somehow don't pay taxes
like you don't have an income because you inherited a large sum of money or happened to win the lottery

this user gets it

the optics of palin saying this and encouraging other mothers to return to the home sphere is necessary. the whole archetype of the "fertility goddess" as you say, is correct. it would subconsciously affect people and really plant the seed, coming from a Palin-esque figure. Coulter is too masculine and appeals to reason only. who know....maybe that's why Palin was placed in the spotlight years ago. Everything happens for a reason.

Remember the first two things Women voters successfully pushed for after enfranchisement were Alimony laws and Prohibition.

Then you almost certainly are a net taxpayer through things like sales tax, property taxes, etc?

because candidates running for office can vote for themselves.
if a woman runs against a man, the man can vote for himself on election day but the woman cannot?

they will pay property taxes and thus get a vote

>Why shouldn't it be the case that certain exceptional women might be well-suited to public office
Because that isn't true. Cunts are non-people, that's why they shouldn't be allowed to participate in politics in any capacity. And at least my position is consistent.
This is just her "tee hee I'm not like the other girls" when she is just another worthless career woman whore.

If you want women to believe certain things, you don't get other women to say them. You get powerful men to say them. Once the status quo is established, women are good at preserving and enforcing it. (In fact women will patrol the thots much more ruthlessly and effectively than men could.)