Is he... dare I say it /our guy/?
Is he... dare I say it /our guy/?
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He's a fucking kike. Now go be a faggot elsewhere.
I'd also like to get rid of metaphysical substrata that has pervaded our society for all times just for the goof.
he isn't kike , although he critisize Islam a lot , but i respect him for not supporting Israel and a Jewish homeland because he doesn't believe in religion
unlike the majority of dumb amerimutts either conservatives or atheists
well he certainly says things.
Harris was born on April 9, 1967, in Los Angeles,[8] the son of actor Berkeley Harris and TV producer Susan Harris (née Spivak), who created The Golden Girls.[9] His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is a secular Jew.[10] He was raised by his mother following his parents' divorce when he was aged two.[11]
He is
sam harris is very overrated as an intellectual. he's an intellectual for people with an IQ of around 95-100
he's a leftist kike sjw. fuck harris. hitchens was the man.
I remember he got BTFO by William Lane Craig in a debate about morality
so you want more arab countries? why are you such a cuck for the arab cock?
I don't know what's worse, religious kikes or secular kikes
Define religion you fucking mong.
imagine all the people left without a purpose on Sunday. Instead of getting together with their families and going to church, what will they do? Sam Harris' little pea brain didn't consider these things because he's a typical anti-social kike. Of course it would be nice to end all the Orthodox kikes in the world, but that wouldn't end their ethnic chauvinism. If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of either rape or Jews, you know exactly what I'd do.
>he's a leftist kike sjw. fuck harris. hitchens was the man.
hitchens was also a jew you little dumbfuck. all the smart Intellectuals in USA are jewish. idiot goys cant produce shit.
hes the guy for low iq faggots so yes hes your guy
btw heres him getting btfo'd so hard by Prager on religion:
I wouldnt hesitate to put this kike in an oven
Isn't it odd that people that believe evolution explains everything about human behaviour, want to get rid of a behaviour humans evolved for a multitude of reasons.
>le atheist intellectual
I thought those were out of fashion
I can't imagine anything worse than being raised by a Jewish single mother. No wonder the guy has daddy issues, and became a narcissistic meditation guru cult leader. God have mercy on Sam Harris.
>harris and hitches are kikes
>literally scum of the intellectual world
>Jews give other Jews prizes
>this is a surprise
Not believing in religion has nothing to do with not believing in unjust occupation
secular kikes by far
Sam Harris is unironically smarter than 95% of Jow Forums.
>Is he... dare I say it /our guy/?
He usually is a left-wing faggot. But your quote is Jow Forums-tier
>all the dumb religious americans itt bashing on sam harris
can't say i'm surprised
Atheism may be right about some things, but then it ignores all the occult bullshit that goes around here.
>stories about the boogeyman who's always watching you and has a very strict set of rules for you he asked a goat herder to write down on dried pig intestine two thousand years ago so that everyone knows how to act perfectly all the time and forever
>metaphysical substrate that emerges from or is intrinsic to society
Pfft, I think you're giving the compiled ramblings of sand-niggers too much credit. It's almost like you're glorifying a shiny turd; hey, I wonder if there are any stories, fundamental to society, that speak to this archetypal narrative?
>and by "religion", i mean niggers..
He's an idiot. Religion doesn't make people do bad things, people do bad things because they want to, then they go about finding an excuse to justify their bad behavior. They will always find an excuse, even if it's nonsensical. The atheist communists had no problem committing mass atrocities "for the greater good".
>religion is worse than rape
Umm, I mean, if you ignore the positives, I guess.
He's just a puppet of the intelectual dark web's mastermind Weinstein(the fat one)
His role is to kill jordan peterson's rational approach christianity. Peterson serves them as a mere sacrificial lamb, in order to die with him any hint of remaining christian traditional values in the west