Does fact matter?
CNN facts
I'm sorry what
>We'll just call our bullshit facts, then the goyim have to believe it
> when your propaganda has to be this simple to make sense to the smooth brains.
The fact that you're a faggot does.
Fact is does matter
I am not a faggot you dumpass
>facts matter
doesn't stop them from interjecting bias every chance they get
America First you fucking commies
do you have the ho lee fuck one
CNN is the gift that keeps on giving, the whole year 'round.
Facts does matters.
CNN is the most honest mainstream news media platform in existence. It's not their fault reality has a liberal bias.
Facts yes, cnn version of facts, no.
People just need to understand that the truth is not always the truth.
Once you realize that slavery is freedom, and that war is actually peace, CNN makes perfect sense.
Because of that, CNN is the key channel for accurate, thoughtful information dissemination.
The serpent offered an apple as the gateway to knowledge as well.
And who wouldn't want knowledge?
What could possibly go wrong with accepting knowledge from a snake?
CNN's lowest point during the Kavanaugh hearings was when they ran a story discussing an anonymous man's claim that Kav had raped a women on a boat in Newport RI. The man recanted his story on hour before CNN published it. CNN still published it. A known false story.
I block CNN from my host file. And all affiliated links to CNN.
interesting thread.
I mean its 2018 facts are objective can we like, not?
Pick one and only one
>snake telling us to eat the apple