Reminder: "Trump will never... >run >win New Hampshire >release his financials >breach 25% >win SC >breach 50% >reach 1237 >be the nominee >predict BREXIT >unify the majority of the GOP >beat Clinton in swing states >reach 270 >bring back manufacturing jobs >be POTUS >repeal Obamacare >block the Trans-Pacific Partnership >stop immigration from the Middle East >start the bidding process for the wall >take action against sanctuary cities >get his supreme court nominee confirmed >deport illegal aliens >deport DACA recipients >get Democrats to agree to use Obama budget to pay for the wall >get his healthcare bill past the House >get his full Cabinet in office >abolish Common Core >renegotiate our trade deals >get two Supreme Court picks before the midterms >force a whore to pay HIM for sex >come out as a Nationalist ------------------ You are here ------------------ >get a healthcare will past the Senate >finish the wall >appoint a third supreme court justice >survive the 4 years >win a second term >Abolish the IRS >Repeal Birthright Citizenship >Reverse the 1965 Immigration Act >Repeal the NFA >MAGA >MEGA >be considered the greatest American president >colonize Mars >colonize the Milky Way >deport the xeno scum >build a space wall
Some big bumps in rural turnout on Monday. Republicans winning by 2-to-1 in the larger counties, significant margins in all. GOP needs that to stay in the hunt.
Rural numbers after two days in major counties:
Douglas 2014: 1,500 Douglas 2018: 2,100 Lyon 2014: 900 Lyon 2018: 1,700 Nye 2014: 1,250 Nye 2018: 1,900
Trump Effect?
In case you were wondering, Trump won the 15 rural NV counties by nearly 40 points over Hillary. Laxalt and Heller may not do quite that well, but 30-35 is not impossible. Question is what percentage of vote will rurals be. Anywhere from 15-20 percent. It was 17 percent in 2014.
Statewide Democratic candidates in competitive races generally need to win Clark by at least 10 points and hope to stay close in Washoe. That is usually enough. Hillary won Clark by just under 11 and won Washoe by 3,000 votes to survive the rural onslaught.
Another big day in Clark -- 28,190 voted. Democrats pushed their ballot lead to 8,000 -- 7,500 with mail counted. 45 percent to 35 percent, so 10 point lead or 3 points under reg.
Repubs in Clark continue to outperform registration (by 8 points today) better than Dems (up 2 points today), but the Dems' huge reg edge helped them add 2,000 to their ballot lead. That's why the Dems push voter reg in Clark so hard every cycle. They know GOP wins turnout game.
The rural surge today all but negated the gains the Dems made in the two urban counties. It's close to a draw for the day. Several rural counties still not in.
Jaxon Parker
>frozen vegetables you know you're fucking up in food when even i think you're disgusting
>Harley-Davidson (HOG) shares lost 6%. The motorcycle maker grew sales and earnings, but it also suffered a 13.3% plunge in US sales due to "weakness" in the market. That was Harley's biggest sales slump in eight years, Bloomberg News reported. The company, which plans to shift some manufacturing overseas in response to the threat of tariffs, also warned of higher manufacturing expenses due to tariffs.
Harley experiencing a huge drop in US sales after betraying America. Pottery
>In case you were wondering, Trump won the 15 rural NV counties by nearly 40 points over Hillary. Laxalt and Heller may not do quite that well, but 30-35 is not impossible. In case your memory is faulty, Trump lost Nevada by 2 points. Getting even less than Trump from the tiny rural population of Nevada... well
Wyatt Jones
They're charging new car prices for their shitty behind the curve motorcycles. No shit, I don't understand how a single one is getting sold these days.
Jack Martinez
This is why kids don't like vegetables because you lazy and cheap motherfuckers give them a bag of frozen peas and wonder "GEE WHY DON'T THEY LIKE IT?" IT'S FUCKING TASTELESS SHIT! >b-b-but it's just as h-h-healthy Then why do you feel like ass after eating it? But fresh vegetables taste refreshing and light and amazing?
>Then why do you feel like ass after eating it? But fresh vegetables taste refreshing and light and amazing? Because you can't fucking cook.
Cameron Wilson
Victory has always made a better looking bike.
Alexander Foster
>kikes literally too cheap to splurge on a barge >so they make them walk
Ryan Lee
Can confirm, he's my fur-baby and we have different proxies, he teĺls me he's never been wrong and why would I ever doubt him? He's such a good boy
Jason Wilson
Jack and Jace Grafe, 23, originally from Baltimore, Maryland, were born girls but have finally become brothers after they both came out as transgender and transitioned to male (Jace left, Jack right, March 2018)
Jack and Jace originally from Baltimore, Maryland, started life as Jaclyn and Jennifer in June 1995, growing up in a conservative Christian home. Jace left, Jack right seen as young girls
>have to doctor up frozen vegetables to make them taste good versus >add heat + salt & pepper is all that is needed because the great taste of fresh produce is fine just in it's natural state
> White House releases a 55 page report on the Opportunity Costs of Socialism White House releases a 55 page report on the Opportunity Costs of Socialism
> White House releases a 55 page report on the Opportunity Costs of Socialism White House releases a 55 page report on the Opportunity Costs of Socialism
>thinks salt and pepper are the proper way to cook vegetables. It isn't. It's the simplest way but not the best way. You know to make a mirepoix? Or even what it contains? I add spices and herbs to things if I feel that they need flavor. There are ways to make frozen vegetables nice and savory. Spinach is naturally umami. Ripe tomatoes, celery.
Just went and voted to try to keep my glorious state of North Carolina out of the nigger hands of the Democrat party. Fuck the snowbirds. Pretty busy for 9am early voting.
i grab a bunch of frozen veggies and berries from the store every week, veggies for soup and frozen berries to oatmeal, it's cost-efficient af. way to eat.