1) media has been used to subliminally and superliminally guide the thinking of the masses, the original meme magic 2) the scale to which this has been successfully executed has been under appreciated 3) it is now crumbling as trust erodes due to overuse of the tactic and proliferation of alternative media and online forums
>you’re paranoid See video related, it’s obvious and a reasonable extrapolation if not explicitly proven in numerous public sources
>this isn’t politics It is politics in action
>this isn’t about nazis Then take care of all the Chinese/women/blacked/trump threads first before shitting up my thread
So anons: what can we do to seed truth back into media to redpill the masses on the fact that the media is the root cause of them becoming NPCs?
>So anons: what can we do to seed truth back into media to redpill the masses
redpilling the average joe is unproductive. most of them don't have the means, desire, or level of intellect to change or even comprehend the problem. the media needs to be changed and education needs to be changed. this means reaching out to like-minded people who have some degree of influence within those domains. we're less and less represented in both education and the media as time goes on, so even this would be an uphill climb. the first step is to put a stop to this trend of decreasing representation. it's the most important thing right now. it's the most urgent issue.
Liam Anderson
if we can't even do this much, there is no path to victory.
Asher Watson
>this means reaching out to like-minded people who have some degree of influence within those domains. That’s why I’m posting here. I see the chans as a competitor to traditional media. We produce tons of user generated content, and can curate the rest from the trash heap of the internet, add context to it, and develop enough authenticity to gain a large following.
Jow Forums is anti-education, "move out to the country", "take up a trade", "college isn't worth it". this tells me all i need to know
Sebastian Nelson
Disagree. It’s more than that. It provides an education in media literacy and alternative economics, as well as the virtue of dialectic debate and the need for sources to back up one’s claims.
You’re saying the only message of value you’ve found online is self-imposed retreat from western civilization and the resignation of your own ambitions to the trades of craftsmen? That’s great if it works for you, but it would be laughable I think to come into a media and psychological warfare thread and discount all of it by pulling race into the conversation and asserting that the white race should retreat. I’ll take the bump though.
Literally, just pick a field and you have to become a major player in it and until you are you are competing vs the personal agendas of any manager/ leader of a company or organization. You can also simply provide a service that provides help with personal issues for people in these positions. Understanding all of middle management is people hiring other people to either do their job correctly or completely fuck up their job intentionally so that the original hiring manager can get away with some shit should be a message that is pushed. Identify and do a better job at removing useless or defective parts from these multi-human cyborg beings and the health of the organism will increase, otherwise your cancers will only spread and keep growing. The most effective tool for the cancer to survive is to make the cancer cells look innocent or deserving of another chance or having a large family :( what will happen to it. Improve or go try to make your own thing in your own corner cancer. You seem to not understand or want to understand the rules for everything to work. Go make a new cyborg over there that will work with those rules that are important to you.
>>what can we do to seed truth back into media to redpill the masses on the fact that the media is the root cause of them becoming NPCs? All your writers, all your news presenters, they are part of an organism that gives them working orders. If it's something like MSM the working orders are narrow so the scope and visibility of the individual to deviate is limited. In these organizations where basically everything about your job is dictated and you still get a huge salary means =risk is deviating from approved message. Easy to identify propaganda nature of entire organization to push the agenda of the owner or high level staff ONLY!!! If it's a more relaxed environment huge salary and you have somewhat freedom, if the freedom is coming from sponsors, Then you are really a cult of personality selling your own brand of humor and your own personal agenda to people and allowing third parties to also sell to your own created cult of personality. In this case, it's up to you what you sell but it's easy to identify, selling brands of clothes or even multi vitamins... Last category where you actually sell a service and you clearly state what the service is and you leave ALL AGENDAS out of the service and when you push any agenda you state the agenda clearly would hopefully be a good solution.
The whole thing about fixing it is removing actors that consistently fuck up their job. These actors are placed intentionally in the organization to work as lines of interrupted communication for example. Or a database that can only be accessed for 1 hour a month because said person that has exclusive access with a huge paycheck is overworked or on vacation all the time... These "broken" cogs are placed there intentionally... I would say those are things that need to be fixed
Michael Sanchez
Oh nice. Valuable thoughts here. I like your multivitamin example.
I think mass cord cutting + education on media literacy/propaganda techniques + incentivizing indie creators to not host propaganda messages could be sufficient to get the ball rolling with more momentum.
Entering as a media organization would be a solid option too, in which case your advice would be applicable
Jaxon Smith
you missed my point entirely. i meant that Jow Forums is anti-education and therefore part of the problem.
Henry Moore
if Jow Forums had the best interests of its readers in mind, it would encourage participation in higher education and government, not simply bemoan our loss of hegemony in those areas.
Daniel Cruz
If you are trying to introduce great ideas in education or politics please participate in government or academia. If you don't have strong principles or a good message and you are still in formation of your own personality. Going into the current state of government or academia would probably corrupt you. You need to push this whole idea, otherwise you are just a foolish or abusive personality that really isn't interested in helping grow academia or politics but instead only interested in growing its power and influence.
Michael Reyes
but Jow Forums does not recruit, it does not facilitate the upward movement of white americans. identity and group-awareness is a big topic on Jow Forums, but it stops there. as far as i know, Jow Forums is just using white americans as a scapegoat, a fake identity.
Ryder Long
Oh dude completely agree - but I personally find that is not the pollack population I court. I did misunderstand you. There is a strong persistent subset of pol that lurks across boards and is not anti-education and not innawoods nadzis
Chase Kelly
Jow Forums is also you. Whatever you do here Jow Forums is also responsible and creator of... so what do you want Jow Forums to do? Help Jow Forums out by starting to do it yourself, don't bullshit yourself into believing you are doing anything since right now you are just complaining about not seeing something... don't you think it would be more useful to do the work and just do it yourself? Otherwise I see you just as an NPC complainer... I can't do it myself waaaahhh someone should do it for me waaahhhh... good luck user. I hope you find some useful NPCs with no purpose that you can recruit.
Thomas Thomas
it's a bigger task than any individual could handle on their own. it has taken me this long just to get some understanding of the problem itself. before this year, i knew something was fundamentally wrong, but it was only this year i really started to see the common pattern behind everything. what if i hadn't followed my hunches? i'd still be snickering at bad jokes on r/the_donald while experiencing a mild sort of cognitive dissonance. the voice in the back of my head would still be saying "this doesn't totally make sense".
Caleb Robinson
No shit, nigger. We aren't boomers.
Gabriel Russell
most people still underestimate it. their sense of individualism, their pride, their belief in "free will" blinds them to its magnitude. their ego does not allow them to zoom out.
Robert Foster
Parker Price
individualism and inflated egos. "i cannot be fooled, i'm too smart" people never even consider the possibility.
Joseph Anderson
and this isn't something you can just be "told". if you tell the average person this, it just gets lost in the noise. it's something you have to really think through.
Landon Morales
The nuanced effects it has are seen today as normieism: “lol wut just make money and be comfortable mang” or “sex>meaning” or “all people who don’t agree with the news are nazis” or “if you question authority you are wrong because you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist” or “use my life according to my deepest original desires and beliefs? Nah I’ll just get a comfy job and blend in”.
This is fine when the lemmings are peaceable and don’t retard legitimate reform that may be needed. But they’re gunking up everything now and actively squashing opinions that are reasonable and must be discussed.
David Reyes
>1) media has been used to subliminally and superliminally guide the thinking of the masses it's there so you don't figure out the queen owns your ass, MI5 is there in case you figure it out they send MI6 to whack you
Oliver Turner
That’s okay, I’ll just sit here in podunk USA making vids and posts till the queen whacks me.
Guerilla meme warfare baby, she doesn’t have the resources to whack everyone.