Blackmails are good if you want to control what your puppets say.
Angel Diaz
4D chess?
Owen Lewis
Salvini can still overwrite him and exit whenever he wishes, I knew he shouldn't have appointed that fucker as deputy prime minister
Luis Garcia
This is FAKE NEWS!!! Don't believe this shill! Ministers just say that it's not in the current govt plan to leave the EU, but they openly hate it and say that in the future they will consider it.
In fact, the EU just rejected our fiscal law which openly was against the commission's rules SOMEONE doesn't want the european people to fight back, but ITALIANS ARE!!! We are fighting back! we will regain our freedom!
This government was elected because it's euroskeptic. They want to break off the EU and give up the euro, but they won't in this current political mandate which will be dedicated to strengthen italian economy. They keep fighting eu officials and the commission and they stopped the nigger boats for good. Surprised you dont see much of it on pol because this is the biggest happening in europe. This governemnt can (and will) make the EU explode. What's best, all italians back them up. Our country changed 60ish PMs in 74 years, but now we're all behind them.
There were regionals elections in Trentino alto adige (aka sud tirol): Berlusconi got 1% and PD (globalist shills) got 3,4%. Lega and M5S won.
Jaxson Sullivan
>actually thinking Italy will leave the EU That's not going to happen
Michael Allen
Nothing will happen italy will bow down
Anthony Allen
they always say they want to stay in the EU and change it, if they say otherwise the markets would probably kill us. Savona have prepared an exit emergency in case things gets ugly.
Robert Myers
just kill them? What the fuck happened to the European man in the last 60 years? People have started wars for far less consequential reasons....
Charles Gonzalez
>they stopped the nigger boats for good. Pretty sure your coast guard is still rescuing them, plus your government doesn't know what to do with the niggers already there.
Grayson Butler
Italy is a corrupt and incompetent shithole. They need the EU for trade that props up their economy. It was done out of necessity. It's fine as long as Italy keeps turning away refugee boats. Italy was one advantage the US doesn't have and that's a natural water boundary between them and the hordes
Jordan King
niggers already here? we will see. It's not over yet. The leftiest, most pro nigger city in italy is milano and just yesterday its super sjw mayor said that "niggers are different because they're uneducated and violent". Trust me, there's a lot of tension here. >they need a supervalued currency to prop up their economy you're officially retarded.
Thomas Brown
Fucker where do you think Italy is going to sell their fucking designer clothes and wines too if EU tariffs them to infinity? Egypt? _your fucking biggest industry is tourism for Christ sakes
Jackson Carter
Tourism means an influx of outside money, so giving up euro would be good in that regard, I remember when it was full of mark-carrying german tourists here.
We are also exporting more and more to the arabs and the orientals.
Joshua Rodriguez
>Italy is a corrupt and incompetent shithole Like the USA.
Dominic Hughes
where the fuck do you get your info? teletubbies? We're one of the most diverse, prolific and productive economies in the world even with the financial fuckery hellhole that you and germany created internal demand is stabbed in the gut by the euro, and the things italians buy, they buy them from germany because that's what this shitty union is designed to do that's why they want us tangled. We can fucking kill germany and rape its corpse if we can unleash our productivity with a weak currency
You don't know shit about our country, Salvini sent away about 80 milions of them.
Jackson Young
>sud tirol voting Lega Austrians can vote in the general election? Lega Nord runs in Tirol?
Isaac Thomas
Not "Austrians", they have Italian passport. Yup, only in sud tirol tho. First italian party there, on the recent local elections.
James Cooper
leaving the eu would be kinda dumb fucking it up internaly getting rid of juncker and replacing those bastards with our guys thats the aim. A economic union
Caleb Harris
>pasta not even on that chart
Mama mia.
Ethan Sanchez
lmao getting a head start hershall?
Gabriel Barnes
I mean ethnic Germans living in South Tirol.
AFAIK they were a specially administered region who had their own local elections and didn't have any Italian parties there.
That was how the EU started. >It's just an economic union goy. Just give up a tiny sliver of your sovereignty. That's all G_ds chosen want goy. *slurp*
Aiden Adams
Sud tirol is an italian province called Alto Adige in the region named Trentino-Alto Adige. It's autonomous,they elect the regional president together with the Trentino, but he have less powers than the provincial presidents of these two autonomous provinces. The league in alto adige went quite well (first Italian-speaking party) but the first party remains the sudtiroler volkspartei of center-left despite the decline that made. The lega exploit there was in Trentino
Nathan Flores
Keep going medibros. The rest of us still have our balls to drop but you are leading something. KEEP THAT PASTA BIEN FACHA ARRIBA ITALIA COÑO ESPAÑOLES, SI SOLO LES OLIERAMOS LOS PEOS NOS IRIA MEJOR.
Justin Ward
>he thinks those people will ever be replaced either we crash this commie eu or die under shitskins invasion
William Foster
I thought Bologna and Florence were more leftist. I know that things are bad in Italy, but I don't trust these politicians to actually do anything. >80 millions I think you made a mistake, unless Italy is cleaning Africa up now
Alexander Moore
That's what Salvini said, couldn't have been literal but the meaning is there.
Nolan Gutierrez
>I don't trust these politicians to actually do anything. You should. People in italy hate politicians, but everybody support them now. Even normies understand this is our last and best shot at changing things. also of course he's trolling you. italy has a pop of 60 millions, "only" around 600k niggers
Mason Gonzalez
wich is 600k to many
Alexander Adams
Please leave and then die horribly
Joshua Brown
Sup Jacob.
Christian Ramirez
>still mad about WW1
Isaiah Long
Bologna is an antifa shithole Florence is the last bastion of the Democratic Party (Renzi, a florentine, during his party presidency tried to imitate the american democrats and his idol Obama) Milan is the natural habitat of radical chics Alto Adige is leftist but it's an ethnic thing, like Catalonia
Matthew Gray
Soon is 4th of november Does this date remind anything to you, cocksucking german puppet?
Ryder Robinson
it's not possible, they are around 500/600k in total, and unfortunately we can actually send back only the ones from tunisia, but like 80 a week
this, the entire (((media))) are bashing this new government 24/7 making up one lie after the other and trying a constant divide and conquer between the two parties, hoping for one of them to turn on the other and have the coalition crumble, so that a new (((governo tecnico))) aka EU puppet can be put in place like in 2011, when our demise as a country began.
>Lega Nord dont even exist anymore >M5S are not anti-EU, but simply euroskeptics, since a year and a half.
Wow, nice thread memeflag, I mean srsly.
Tyler Garcia
Lega and Salvini are /ourguy/ that have the peoples support, but they share the power with M5S. M5S is the kiked party that will suck any dick the EU asks them to suck. Can't wait.
Mason Foster
>hehe guys it's just an economic union hehe let's all be friends and share and stuff >EU can now reject sovereign states budgets