Kenyan Prostitute Beats Up Man After He Tries To Pay For Sex With A Boiled Egg
Kenyan Prostitute Beats Up Man After He Tries To Pay For Sex With A Boiled Egg
It seems fair payment.
Is it in Paris?
what's the difference
She'd probably just step on your dick if you threw a couple pancakes in.
Haha what a pussy to take shit from women
>customer say he like it rough
>pay with boiled egg
>beat shit out of him cause honest business woman
>end up on white devil box
>Man don beat like egg for no pay woman.
Wait, I thought Kenya was a district in Paris
O fug
based and cholesterolpilled
Thought these monsters were starving?
Really gets the almonds jogging.
I can't be the only one who thought of this
Really boils my egg
Has Obama issued a statement yet?
>If I had a son, he would look like that prostitute
Not familiar with the exchange rate from USD to Kenyan eggs. How many was he supposed to pay?
The egg is worth more. Shes overcharging.
says the swede
Why the fuck isn't this guy president of Kenya? He's the most ethical and principled Kenyan I've ever heard of.
yep, nothing looks as bad as Paris in the rest of Europe, especially capital city-wise
maybe she was in the mood for a gourmet meal.
You're not lol
technically he paid her, so it's not rape
The fact that she beat his ass means he already fucked her and she's furious. I say well played.
You dont have to tell me what happened
very political
I cam here to post this and was not disappointed.
One's a shithole, the other is a hole filled with shit
Shiieeeeet look at dat niggas face man
Atleast she didn't call it rape.
What’s the going rate? Three boiled eggs?
>boiled egg
fuck, man put in effort in cooking it and everything
No baguettes in Kenya
she should have posted the in-store prices.
Bitches these days are so ungrateful
He should have been eggs benedicting her to react this way.
The egg was a bribe to avoid being raped by the sheboon!
Underrated kek
These are trying times
Oh shit, I 'member
Paris has no tigers or lions.
He significantly overpaid.
You know Africa isn't know to be good for much, but their never ending flow of hilarious hijinks always delivers.
Should’ve made that a bowl of eggs instead of just one.
>You have to eat all the egg~
Semi-new fag here. What is this?
Lmao thanks for the laugh
Some copypasta about an user who took in some drunk girl and tried to nurse her back to health with a bowl full of boiled eggs.
Gays get stoned in Kenya in a different way than in Paris
he had it coming, that's not the traditional negro way of cooking eggs
Came here to post this
That "news" article is two years old.
All this degeneracy... Kenya believe it?
I read this on BBC Pidgin too. Was well funny.
it's fair for both sides
nobody said it wasn't faggot
This meme has deep lore.
Could be.
Good for her. She's worth at least a quarter chicken.
For that bitch, it's a poached egg and 1/2 handful of berries
this is your future
I thought that it was saying the man was paying the prostitute to have sex with her boiled egg.
Not using the pidgin version??
Sooo... Which is which than?
Glorious, that was a good thread.
at least we have a leg to stand on
SHIIIIIEEEEEEEETTT, ima start boilin me som eggs
Eyyyyyyy karibu sana rafiki yangu
To be fair, they didnt even need to include the headline. If ever there was a face that said " a nigger just tried to pay for sex with a boiled egg," hers was it.
With a decent camera/lens that could have become a new generations Mona Lisa.
>black """men"""
His mistake was not paying with a bowl of eggs.
You have to eat all the eggs.
Negress needs to learn the difference between a headline and text. All those caps...
paris is less secular
one of my all time favourites
Yeah it's the kenyan arrondissement
you have to eat all the eggs
Nice slide thread shlomo
give it a year
This she gave him AIDs. She should be happy that she got something in return.
Germany should just make eggs a replacement for the euro
Lol the image on the right
>Tfw I was literally in that thread
I know it's not that long ago for some folks here, but I really need to leave 4chins
>poached egg
if you're gonna put in that kind of time and effort, might as well get a bar skank to blow you for free
Man sounds like Jow Forums was reddit back in the day. And you call newfags faggots?
It was a lot more 'this is my opinion' as opposed to todays 'how edgy can I be, and do I get points for it?'
It was a simpler time.