/hue/volution - National ZapZapism

Intro twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1054236858291376128
On prisoners' rights twitter.com/PeterCozy/status/1050774090808741888
On thot patrol twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1050042805551128576

>2nd round polls: BOLSONARO 60% X HADDAD 40% (BTG)
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off will happen in October 28th.

Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g

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Other urls found in this thread:



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So do you guys think they will rig the booths again?

just now realized that Smudge (Cascão) is a petista

>Loves to play in the mud, always dirty
>Always asking his parents for money
>Has a pig a pig as a pet (like petistas have their pet pig Lula)
>His colors are red and yellow
>Fan of Corinthians

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Is there any news about our god emperor Bolsonaro?

Pitúmorrow Belongs To Me Lyrics - Cordeu

"Já disse antes, vo dizer mais uma vez, Bolsonaro não da certo. Vai matar viado, gay, bixa e até traveco. As trapzinha vão fugir só vai sobrar federal é o futuro do brazil, todo mundo fica mal."

"Federal vai ser o estrago que os abençoados vão fazer; prepare-se pra chorar por que quando amanheçer, confrade, você logo vera que o sol, a lua e as estrelas, estão a regorgizar, todo tipo de degeneração que o meu Brazil se danava sumira de vez pelo cano da minha arma."

"Olha ai, olha ai, o nazismo já chegou, terminou de vez meus gibs, e as faculdade tudo fechou. Quem era pobre agora vai ter que trabalhar, mas é que trabalho mata, logo querem nos matar, Bolsonaro assassino vamos ter que rebelar."

"Rebele essa bokinha aki na pika, é a nova era petista, somos glub glub machistas. Está com medo, ou não? Você tem que me dizer por que logo veras que Andrade já perdeu."

"Quem perderam foi vocês: o senso com a realidade, nós só temos a Manu então não tentem toma-la. Mas não esquente a cabeça, cachaçeiro safado, por que é do nordeste que a onda vermelha rises."

"O que 'rises' foi é minha rola, quando soube que o Mito vai cortar a sua mamata - diga adeus a UNE, a Bolsa e esquerdagem. Ganhamos no primeiro turno, ganharemos no segundo, é uma huevolution dando origem ao novo mundo."

"Novo mundo e nova era, tu me pareçe um satanista, não era vocês os cristãos, defensores da familia? Alias eu quero a minha, com bolsa principalmente, quero ver se o Bolsonaro ajudaria os pobres carentes."

"Não se preocupe, confrade, vai ter até decimo terceiro, cortaremos um pouquinho e no final teras o mesmo, pobre fudido enganado - viado assustado - feminista desesperada - esta com medo sua petista safada?"

Pitúmorrow Belongs... Pitúmorrow Belongs... Pitúmorrow Belongs.... To me....

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Why integralism instead of just straight up nazism? inb4 whiteness meme

sunday already

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Unite the Right!

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is this even actually true?

nazism is not capitalist enough

don't forget, bros.
we are repeating history
let's get right this time



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It's molded for our nation, our ethnic background, our culture, our faith.

It's made for us, it don't deny our history and identity, it elevates it to the max.

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also, watch the comments

>Threadly reminder that egalitarianism is a false god

All the evidence points towards intelligence being a highly heritable trait, and one of the most predictive factors in regards to a myriad of social and economic outcomes. And yes, intelligence averages vary significantly between ethnic groups.

Read The Bell Curve, by Charles Murray. If your sociology teacher told you that's pseudoscience, then read the article from the American Psychological Assossiation linked below, in which such claims are addressed.

The egalitarian worldview fails to account for natural differences of outcome among men, thus creating a parallax between world-concept and reality, which bears the shape of Marxism.

>Links to full text and audiobook narrated by the author:



>Conversation between Sam Harris and Charles Murray:


>Document by the American Psychological Association backing Murray's thesis:



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>It's molded for our nation, our ethnic background, our culture, our faith.
It's not, it's an attempt at creating an artificial culture and it tried to destroy the vast cultural differences between regions.
A centralist state and individual liberty/identity are at complete odds against each other.

what about , sounds like shit

Juremir was already BTFO by Olavo.


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>already getting rid of commies without getting hands dirty and before actually being president
bolso is extremely efficient

nice digits. checked.

Muslims have a lot of children. And their children are less degenerate than the children of secular Westerners, so I don't know what you're talking about with "fewer but well-raised children". Half the kids in Germany are Muslim at this point.

This is about population replacement. Evelyn Waugh, the Catholic author, was as high class as one could be, yet he had a of children. It's a matter of Christian duty. Maybe if women stayed home caring for their kids instead of working in a fucking office, "raising their children well" would be less of a problem.

And we are not a mere "species", we are human beings made in the image of Creator. This is not about "naturally occurring reproductive strategies". This whole "spreading one's genes" talk, this fucking Richard Dawkins-style sophistry, it's repulsive. Fatherhood and motherhood are a mystical phenomenon, not a mere "reproductive strategy".

Shitty scientism, Cosmo Magazine, TV ads for margarine, Sex & the City etc. have corrupted the West, and it is being speedily replaced by the still religious Muslims.

Integralism promoted mixing of the few pure european descendents, worse than PT desu

o bolsofalso é uma mentira. sempre fugindo dos debates, com
desculpa esfarrapada dizendo que não tinha liberação dos médicos.
e agora bolsofalso, qual é a sua desculpa?...
fala para o povo brasileiro, por que o senhor tem medo de ir aos debates? vem contar para o povo brasileiro, porque o senhor
tendo imóvel próprio em brasília, recebe auxílio moradia de 900 mil da câmara.
fala aí bolsofalso, do enriquecimento seu, e de sua senpaiília na política.

elenão, elenunca, elejamais. vote 13, vote haddad. elesim!

In hindsight, there were two big mistakes made during the military regime and in its aftermath that could be avoided

1. The "redemocratization" should have happened faster, while the military still enjoyed wide support and were in control of the narrative. I know that the radical leftists didn't help with their terrorist tactics, but I still think they held on power for a bit too long, until most of the popular support was either gone or neutralized

2. During the redemocratization, more attention should have been paid on how the story about the events just before and during the regime would be told. Leftists were simply allowed to do as they pleased, so they created a narrative that raised them up as heros while casting the military and their supporters as completely evil. Avoiding mistake #1 would have helped here

defending muslims? fuck off with this crap

New zaps

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Integralismo seems like an identity created around an ideology, as opposed to a noble goal. As far as civ-nat identities, it falls short of a Roman-like identity.
But I'm not that knowledgeable of it, so I may be wrong.

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How can I, as a Brazilian citizen, help destroy the Workers Party (PT), Dilma and Lula?
Elton Mesquita

1. Start looking for God (if you start looking for Him, He’ll start looking for you). Seek spiritual guidance from a Catholic priest or catechist with a solid intellectual, spiritual and moral formation and start the process to convert/revert to Catholicism. IMPORTANT: I mean real Catholicism, not that Theology of Liberation cancer. Those are the ideological drones which in fact helped elect Lula and made the Workers’ Party the behemoth it was until quite recently. Fight them whenever you can and in this way you’ll help cleanse the Church. If you find a good priest/catechist he’ll put you on the good track.

2. Start living the Christian life. Learn the value and nobility of self-sacrificing and of giving yourself to others. In all things strive to get to know and live the spiritual life, study and pray and alwats be trying to get nearer to God.

3. Start a family. Find a good God-fearing wife and build a communal life with her based on your mutual love and obedience to God.

4. Have many children. Teach them to live in love and fear of the Lord.

5. When they come of age, send your many children out into the world so they can lead christian lives and in turn attract more and more people towards the Church. They will occupy positions in many different areas and will be able to influence those near them, leading them to Christ.

6. In their time, they will also start Christian families, and the process will repeat. More and more real Catholics will find their way into every area of society, effectively changing culture towards a more spiritual, God-centered existence, away from the toxic historical materialism which has possessed Brazilians’ imaginations for so many decades.

7. This kills the Workers’ Party.

What the fuck? Are people actually this insane? He is not a fascist. He's just right wing. Chill. Jesus.

I'm not a creationist, sorry.

I'm not defending muslims. I'm stating a mere fact. Muslims are religious and have large families. The West has become secular and Western families have become small. That is why the West is being replaced by Islam.

It's pretty much just a personality cult, note how all integrafags just talk about their dear leaders and imagery and not the actual merit of their ideals.

>I'm in favor of a dictatorship. - 24 June 1993

>The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing. - 7 August 2008

>The Military Police should have killed 1,000 rather than 111 prisoners in the Carandiru massacre. - 3 October 1997

>Pinochet should have killed more people. - 3 December 1998

>I'm in favor of torture. You know that. And the people are too. Through the vote, you'll change nothing in this country. Nothing, absolutely nothing. We'll only get change, unfortunately, when we go into a civil war here someday and do a work the military regime didn't do, killing as much as thirty thousand people, starting with FHC. It's all right if some innocent people die. Innocent people die in many wars. - 23 May 1999

>There is no doubt. I would launch a coup on the same day. [Congress] doesn't work and I'm sure that at least 90% of the population would applaud. Congress nowadays does nothing; it votes only for what the president wants. If he's who rules, who decides and who gloats above the Congress, then let the coup be launched, let it be a dictatorship. - 23 May 1999

>I defend torture. A drug dealer who acts on the streets against our children must to be immediately put on a pau-de-arara. There would be no human rights in this case. There would be pau-de-arara, beating. The same thing for kidnappers. The guy must to be broken to open his mouth. - 14 February 2000

>I think execution by firing squad is even an honorable thing to certain people. - 14 February 2000

>PSOL is party of dicks and faggots. I will respond to the senator with toilet paper. - 11 December 2014

>They lost in 1964, and now they have lost in 2016. [...] To the memory of Colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, the dread of Dilma Rousseff. - 17 April 2016

>Jesus Christ was not totally passive. He drove the money changers from the temple. If he had a firearm, he'd have used it. - 18 August 2018

>Brazil above all, God above everyone. - Campaign Slogan

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What is this?

religious that defend a sick religion. and no the west is replaced because of globalists. if you just remove them from european countries, that's it

He tried to take away our zaps. But zap fought back.

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Every day im glad im not a journalist.

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Nicely put. I personally value duty and purpose above rights and freedoms, but indeed, regional diversity should be preserved. What globalists call "diversity", of course, is actually its opposite.

I just watched the video. Not only Juremir walked away, but a few seconds later one of the hosts just praised their absolute record ratings provided by the Bolsonaro's audience. KEK.

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I think the most important thing is their pocket.
End government money to the media and leftist groups and ban socialist/communist ideology from the country.
The people will support

>I personally value duty and purpose above rights and freedoms

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This is an 18+ site.

>He drove the (((money changers))) from the temple

Só gostaria de lembrar que quem votou no Amoedo tem a mesma culpa de quem votou no Haddad.

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Too small

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What is duty and purpose? Who defines your personal purpose and how do you do that without destroying diversity?

His mom is a cutie pie though.

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who are these people?

Agreed and checked

>haddad the fucking genius
>accuses Bolsonaro's VP (gen. mourão) of having tortured a musician during the dictatorship
>mourão was 16 years old and not in the army at the time

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Kinda need a shorter term solution.

>duty and purpose above rights and freedoms
how about no?

Chora petista safada.

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>Muh candidate

He obviously lies.

This man makes me proud

Andrade and Folha

>if you have a family or you follow the most popular religion in the country, you are a son of a bitch
that's why leftists lose

absolutely based
but this must get published, otherwise just spamming it on whatsapp without sources is useless

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But why? Also who's that

Does anyone know when we'll get the ibope results?

>duty and purpose

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Yes but when?

wait, why would Haddad leak his own zap?
this one is too obviously fake frens

>user loves the senzala, isn't that right user?
>You can see how happy he is with his newfound duty and purpose.

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Are you afraid, workers party bitch?
It's the new era

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>spamming it on whatsapp without sources is useless

Integralismo tem uma saudaçao mais legal, e a parte da uniao é legal. Nazismo tem mt autismo por raça e é coisa de alemao safado

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Even if it was real, it is too easily faked to have much impact.

The kike media in Germoney has already started brainwashing the population. Can someone give me a quick rundown on him though? I already know he's /ourguy/ because
>lefty coalburner tried to confront him
>he responds with "you aren't even worth raping"
Literally based and redpilled

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don't spread these yet, we need to check the reliability first

This post does not use the expected, default language for Jow Forums.com and is extremely low quality. Reported.

See That's our Bolsonaro.

Duty and purpose is the difference between men and boys. You'll understand when you get older.

getting some repressed ancestor memories there?

I'm a Traditionalist. I believe a people may live better if they are expected to do their part, instead of bitching like a Swede about what the State owes them. Purpose is derived from acting in accordance to one's own nature. Who defines man's nature? That has been done already, we have these guidelines called TRADITIONS, which can lead man to a wholesome life. I'm talking about a traditional family, religion and a healthy sense of community, among other things. Is that so bad? And how would that destroy diversity?

>Can someone give me a quick rundown on him though?
dude at least read the OP

Probably around 7 - 8 pm.

>Equipe de Bolsonaro discute legalização de cassinos no Brasil

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>t. gordão that lives with his mother and has no job

Are you a fucking child?!


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every time I post literally any info whatsoever in my family nad work groups, there's always one or two saucefags whining and calling everything fake until I post a link.
one day I even had one of these fucks literally going full MACACO because his 3g was too weak and didn't open the website, so he blamed me instead, convinced himself that the link was fake and said SEE EVERYONE I KNEW THIS GUY WAS SPREADING FAKE NEWS KKKKKKKK

>'fucking' this 'fucking' that

Once a monkey.

Subtitled stuff

Maybe you should stop typing like one.

It's false, it calls for the integration of OUR ethnic background, as ONE PEOPLE, with ONE LANGUAGE, ONE FAITH and ONE PARTY representing our nation.

It's not about adding ethnic peoples of the world together, but the union of the BR people.

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We'll have our own Vegas.

what about , sounds like utter trash

what I read
>I'm in favor of coercing people into living their lives the way I see fit
>man's nature is inherently good and defined by an actual, non meme social construct

haven't posted in here since the first round, but take my energy brazil bros, only 5 days to go till our guy bolsonaro wins

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