Why are Americans so afraid of socialist policies? Is this the result of years of anti communist propaganda?
Most burgers don't even seem to know the differences between socialism and communism. They immediately start REEE'ing.
Why are Americans so afraid of socialist policies? Is this the result of years of anti communist propaganda?
you think in reverse.
we don't fear them, we destroy them.
Disparaging a position by accusing holders of it to be merely afraid of the alternative is a rhetorical tactic without intellectual value
because socialism leads to communism every time if nothing is done to prevent it
Explain to me the difference between socialism and communism.
>the differences between socialism and communism
There isn't one.
My taxes already pay for Shanaynay's kids to buy iPhones, why would I want more?
maybe 60 years ago but sadly this isn't the case in current year
1. We want the government to leave us the fuck alone
2. We took the niggerpill when it comes to welfare leeches