It's Happening!Mark of the beast is already here!

Thousands Of Swedes Are Inserting Microchips Under Their Skin.

In Sweden, a country rich with technological advancement, thousands have had microchips inserted into their hands.
The chips are designed to speed up users' daily routines and make their lives more convenient — accessing their homes, offices and gyms is as easy as swiping their hands against digital readers.
They also can be used to store emergency contact details, social media profiles or e-tickets for events and rail journeys within Sweden.
Proponents of the tiny chips say they're safe and largely protected from hacking, but one scientist is raising privacy concerns around the kind of personal health data that might be stored on the devices.

Around the size of a grain of rice, the chips typically are inserted into the skin just above each user's thumb, using a syringe similar to that used for giving vaccinations. The procedure costs about $180.

So many Swedes are lining up to get the microchips that the country's main chipping company says it can't keep up with the number of requests.

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"The chip basically solves my problems," says Szilvia Varszegi, 28, who also uses it to get into her coworking space.

And she uses it to share her LinkedIn details at networking events, avoiding the need to spell out her name. She simply touches another attendee's smartphone and the information is transferred. "When another phone reads the chip, they see the [link] and they can open it in the phone browser," Varszegi explains.

Sweden's largest train company has started allowing commuters to use chips instead of tickets, and there's talk that the chips could soon be used to make payments in shops and restaurants.

>Mark of the beast is already here
so is the first horseman, we call him trump.

Osterlund says the tougher data-privacy rules that came into effect across the European Union earlier this year, as part of the General Data Protection Regulation, could also help the microchip trend spread more rapidly.

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"It's the heaviest set of laws protecting individual integrity ever," he says of the rules, which affect any organization handling personal information linked to EU residents.

But Osterlund says the fact that this kind of regulation does not exist on a global level could delay the microchip trend elsewhere.

"I have a hard time seeing the rest of the world following GDPR anytime soon. But at least all of Europe — I mean one continent — it's a good beginning," he says.


"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

no thx, i'll wait until the higher capacity ones are available
>then CD
>then DvD
>then HD
>then 3D
>then 4K
>then Beta
>Then VHS

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>good goy, now you will become an NPC for real

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Why don't they put the chip in their phones or just use a normal swipe card? I don't see the benefit other than proving that we're in the time of revelation.

Trump isn't conquering other nations so I don't think that fits. But cool idea.

Get a chip in your forehead. 666 fff

>other nations
it was never about nations, user.
it's about ideologies.
trump has literally destroyed the political left.
every middle-aged fucker in the world knows that trump is correct.

> stockholm hipsters doing hipster stuff.

No one cares about Cuckholm

>I don't see the benefit other than proving that we're in the time of revelation.
That's probably the (((banker's))) goal.

>already here
pick one

Soon the fucking kikes will try to force it on us normal people based on the success it has on shitty NPCs in Fjollträsk.

the mark of the beast has already been here for decades

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Sweden is ground zero at the moment for globalist experimentations. Feel bad for one the more important country at many levels in european history

I meant that to

Yes but the pale rider is conquest. Destroying the left isn't conquest on any grand enough scale. It should slow down the coming if the end, instead, like the righteous kings of old sparing a nation from judgement when they replace a wicked king.

And that's why the (((globalists))) has to be gassed!

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youre dumb. yikes!


it will spread all over europe in tech hipsters circles, and then to the general population as an indispensable tool to buy things, like visa and mastercard, and then...

Is it really that fucking hard to carry a key?!


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I really hate how people put this in a religious context.

MotB is not physical. One can not “get” it installed.

On the right hand: works. One may be identified as the beats by their works. Their lifestyle. In the Bible the hand is the works. The actions.

In the head/forehead: this is the soul. The heart. The inner man. The mind of men will be fixated on sin at all times, worshipping their lusts and desires. Doing anything but the will of God.

Question: the devil is one of the most cunning and clever beings in all of creation. Why is it that he would resort to such blatant methods, making it easy for those in Christ to identify his ways and repent?

I posit that he does not. I don’t think it’s a chip. Discuss.

...identified as the beasts..*** ^^^

There is a Swedish author who wrote a triology about how all electronics suddenly stopped working. It would be hillarious to watch the hipsters being unable to do anything once their stupid chips stops working.

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What happens when muslims steal swedish arms?

What happens when I steal muslims arms and get their gibs instead?

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they don't have the right to bare them.....

doesn't the apocalypse start with a loud TRUMPet being blown?

Every day I thank god Finland is the placebo control group.

Why is forehead the soul? Is it conceptually related to third eye?

mate the world is full of people with decades of brainwashing. and even those in Christ nowadays are nothing like the ones before, it's almost like a new religion since decades now. Blatant methods could easily work in this world, it doesn't need to be that clever

>inserting chip in arms to open doors and share Linkedin accounts

>Is it really that fucking hard to carry a key?!
exactly. I always carry a key in either my rucksack or in my fucking pants

Yeah you’re right but the devil wants those who are actually in Christ. The gate is narrow. He wants the gate shut.

I agree but it’ll get much worse than it already is is what I’m getting at moreso.

but you're right about the metaphorical aspect. The people in actual power will turn it into a physical one tho

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Why the fuck would you chip your hand when phones can already do the same fucking thing.

they will be able to buy stuff, pay restaurants, etc in a few months. It will not stop here

I remember being in church as a kid being told how credit cards were the mark of the beast. I feel so old.

>remember being in church as a kid being told how credit cards were the mark of the beast.

Wise man whoever said that.

They are, user. Look at (((who))) made them.

Sweden is wierd. You need a credit card to buy things. In America you have a choice most of the time and in the cities you often can't use credit.

so shed rather inject a monitoring chip into her arm than spell out her name? I know swedes have dumb names and all but still

Instant access to usury is pretty sinister. I chose a bank that pays my ATM fees so I can use any ATM I want without having to worry about some ATM fees and the bank fee.

You're years late. But yes, that is it.
Will you take the mark of the beast, user ?

Why is it always Sweden anyway?

Isn't Sweden the same country that had that crazy bizarre fucked up satan parade for the opening of a new freeway or something that freaked everyone the fuck out a couple years back?

why does the third world agree to import their raw resources/materials to places like Europe/Sweden which allows them to live this bourgeois life style in the first place despite much of Europe being leftist shit holes.

Was communism actually a good thing since it was causing many third world nations to close themselves and their resources off from the capitalist globalist west?

>be swede
>must ware a protective rfid glove all the time
>gets his identity stolen nevertheless
>commit sudoku

Sweden is filled with NPCs.

The RFID chips they have today aren't like the ones we had in credit cards 10 years ago. They have a one time code. If somebody steals your code they can only use the card one time and that's only if they use it before you. The banks will cover fraud.

dios mio.....abominicia americana..........

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I suspect it will become mandatory and indispensable in a cashless society and will replace credit cards in a decade or two. Also for gov and corportate tracking. And then every baby will have one when they're born, etc I will be dead or in the woods by the time

>share LinkedIn details
>save twenty seconds
>have awkward moment afterwards because of how retarded that ordeal was
>get job
>no longer need to share LinkedIn park info
>worth it
>bump into stranger
>somehow give him my Linkin park info
>crawl in my skin

>Buy stuff

Wow that sounds cool, so when I go buy some gay looking hipster clothes I just wave my hand floppily over a scanner?
And I can even buy a decaffe latte with my hand at a comercial coffee shop with all my sickening other hipster friends who I secretly hate?
Count me in, I love trendy fads.


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that sounds prety cool

btw. why does estonians obsess about us?

Why are Swedes so full of self hate?

Why not just put the chip on a watch or bracelet or ring instead of in your ducking body

>abdul has chip implanted in his dick so every time he puts it into a white swede, social media sends a notification to the cuck

why even have cash at all when it's so much smoother to pay with your card? i guess we're just a little hipper and more modern than the rest of the world.
t.every single swede

what the fuck is wrong with you people

>ISIS attempts to bring the end times by bringing the Antichrist forth with their Dabiq prophecy slaughtering tens of thousands and luring in the "crusader states" into Syria as the prophecy said would happen.
>Trump elected on year 5777 of Hebrew calendar
>He was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on his first full day of office.
>The world is turning to shit
>Contactless chip payments in testing across the west. Physical money is becoming redundant(just as was prophesied in revelations)
>The political parties and media establishment have lost their minds.
>Israel declares an ethno state in 2018, the temple project is imminent and will likely require the destruction of the Dome of the Rock which means 1.5bn Muslims will bring fanatical hellfire down on the Jews and their allies.
>The signs are beginning
>The doomsday clock is at its closest since its inception matching the same time as 1953.
>World war is becoming a possibility due to overpopulation,widespread poverty,lack of resources and destruction of living space among the shutting down of globalisation,unstable markets and the rise of nationalism for the first time since the 1920's.

Wew lads.

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>mfw we will be alive for the greatest happenings in known human history

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This book explains it, if you don't mind reading.

Swedes love to be oppressed and controlled, so much that the government sometimes steps in and tells Swedes to consider what they're doing. It's like the cash situation. We have lots of economists, the military etc who are telling people it's a fucking terrible idea to get rid of all cash, but Swedes are so eager for destruction and catastrophes that they seek out more of it.

Some Swedes might tell you everything is the j00s' fault. These people are lying. Swedes are a self-destructive people whose corrupt government is hardly worse than what they deserve.

Lmao idk why but I thought there would be a merchant hidden in the barcode when I expanded it
This fucking place has ruined me

Mark of the beast is your SIN, but yeah this is dumb too.


>The chips are designed to speed up users' daily routines and make their lives more convenient

That pic seems very uncomfortable.
What's unconvenient with using a key card?

No that was Switzerland opening the Gotthard Base Tunnel, yeah it was kinda satanic but there was just a lot of regular weird alpine stuff as well, see Krampuslauf in Austria/bavaria for example, heck even my city has 'Hänselejuck' as part of the yearly carnival lmao. Just typical freaky folk traditions for us

I'm glad I'm not the only one that immediately thought: Epidemic of hands being chopped off in 3, 2, ...

kek, swedistan is /belgian congo/ now

but with niggers chopping off hands for welfare instead of bullets

why don,t you get that brain chip dude ?

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They will get what they deserve, because they are a NATION OF BASTARDS

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>Feel bad for one the more important country at many levels in european history
There is no history anymore.
Existance dates back to 2001. Everything prior to that point has no influence on this current timeline.

I thought the mark of the beast was suppose to be in the forehead.


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>getting surgically implanted with botnet for tiny convenience
what the fuck?

QUEER will revolt soon
Onions will be no more in the sweden lands

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The last time a president got blown was in the 90s

Can anyone confirm if its majority white people getting the chips?



Lol you could just use a bracelet if you're the kind of smug faggot cuck who wears a watch as well. Or even have them in or attached to nice watches

But swedes are too eager to take jew nigger dick up their ass to not do this


Yea and all christians are taken to heaven but christfags can’t be bothered to read

Szilvia Varszegi is not a swedish name

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Now it’s even easier for peole to steal person info all it takes is a quick scan and you have their credit card number, address, and blood type. doxxing has never been easier!

The country were, up until a couple of years ago. So a lot of citizens still are. That'll change soon, as the bankruptcy of the country is recognized. Like us, they opted out of the €, so those citizens with money, will have worthless money pretty soon. Unless they are jews, and have made sure their savings are in a nice and safe currency.

No we mostly use debit cards

>not using a phone for this
Swedes are the dumbest white race

And these sounds from the sky too