Remember the Alamo
get ready to grab on to that chain link fence
And so it begins
ala.. alapoh?
Posting in end world scenario thread
Pray to the Sneed
Is this serious?
And its fucking nothing
The US is going to get enriched with radioactive Hondurans.
and so, when the caravan closed in, America had chosen its fate. one where if its own people can't thrive, than no one will. a sacrifice unlike any other to stop an invasion force, because war...
war never changes
99% accident. Pantex plant problems highlighted in 2016:
Of course. This is America not some shithole like Slavland. We dont have meltdowns.
>checked to see if it's on the border, maybe the caravan will get nuked
>it's at the very top of Texas
Kuwabara, Kuwabara.
Potentially relevant.
>1 post by this id
Not happening
This is reassuring:
In March 2005, a nuclear warhead almost exploded in Texas. The near miss accident occurred in Amarillo, when workers at the Pantex nuclear weapons plant bungled the dismantling of a W-56 warhead, a weapon 100 times stronger than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima during World War II.
You can't come with us, Jack. Go home.
Pray for a southerly wind
That doesn’t mean it’s nothing.
It’s a nuke assembly plant, a “security event” means that there’s a breach of security.
As in someone trying to steal a missile or set one off!
All bombs are "almost exploded" until they are.
Yes goyim, just a drill, nothing to worry about.
That would be fooking EPIC bros
Or maybe
Its fucking nothing
oshit lol glad I left bomb city
fuck that place
Digits for broken arrow scenario.
Amarillo underground tunnels... do they lead to the Pantex plant?
just 1 sheriff closing all the roads? this must be one of those american superhereos.
super clone texas ranger sherif rabbi
>No Shadow of Texas
an operational emergency is "nothing" ?
are you nuts?
>shilling shitcoins to the end
I admire the dedication if nothing else
Why isn't this shit done somewhere safe like a deserted island or Israel?
Fuck this shit, I'm voting for Beto.
Carson County Sheriff Department is reporting that FM 2373 is closed from I-40 north.
Officials are also reporting the east side of the Pantex Plant is completely inaccessible.
Is... Is it habbening?
fake and gay
Ted Cruz needs to helo drop in there and find out exactly what the fuck is going on!
Why do happenings never happen?
Need to take breaking 911 with a grain of salt. Most of the time it's literally nothing.
possible happening.
oh well, nothing to see here, pack it up goys.
My father actually works there
Sending him good thoughts, stay safe
This is fake news so we let down our guard.