It's okay to kys.
/activism/ IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE !!
>Stage 1: Anger
Potential Ideas:
freeway banners
In books at bookstores, libraries
Tucked into newspapers before paperboy delivers/at newsstands/on driveways
On cars in large parking lots/malls/stores
Stickers for fast deployment (place high so they can't be easily removed)
Chalk drawings (sidewalks/walls)
Things I've thought about since last time:
1. Cover a large geographic area. This maximizes the people exposed + obfuscate how many people are posting IOBTW, which makes libshits afraid.
2. Bikes are good for transport for OpSec. If using a car be careful where you park and who may follow you to it.
2. Don't put a poster/sticker in immediate line of sight with your next one. Otherwise people will follow behind you ripping them down too easily.
3. Posting in obvious public areas produces great immediate shock/anger but are quickly removed. Doing both quick reveal and slow reveal methods would be good. E.g., posters on Halloween, but also less obvious bookmarks in library books which will be discovered at a slower rate.
4. Follow up after Halloween. If last year is any indication, the butthurt articles and salt will begin Nov 1st. We can magnify the spread of the story by conducting a second large effort to post to public areas after Halloween but before the articles die down.
5. This is a funny prank you absolutely can involve your friends in. Provided they are non-pc and hate the libs it won't be a hard sale. (I did it with Mexicans, so even non-whites think it's funny). This will increase the sheer number of posters you will be able to put up + provide you some physical safety in numbers.
Is this becoming a thing in the US? I've seen many threads already.