Holy fuck, you guys are good

I can't believe people can not see the meme behind the meme. People are upvoting the shit out of it and have no clue what it is or who they are uprooting for. Started lurking here in 2017, wish I found it sooner. Bravo /pol, bravo.


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at 1.58.52 PM.png (812x644, 118K)

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Wait untill maga tards realize they are just as souless as lefties.

They aren't the only ones who think the left and the democrats are a bunch of cringes faggots desperate to fit in t b h.

Oh user, I am quite aware of how soulless I am. I don't seek a moral victory, just destruction.

Attached: images.jpg (224x224, 6K)

Nearly. Im a trumptard, but I support trump out of the hope he plunges us into fiery chaos.

You know, I thought the NPC thing was a just another stupid meme that people on this board just kept spamming. Until now.

No u

oh shit, which digit do we believe?

You're right.

MAGA turds are a cult.
They have a massive blind spot where they should be able to recognize that Donald Trump has been a continuation of Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama.

Donald Trump's not stupid. He knows how to work a crowd and exploit his appeal as a non-professional politician.
However, if you dig beyond his flamboyant rhetoric, you'll notice very quickly that Trump's policies are not all that different from Obama's or any other Republican president for that matter.

All the differences between Trump and his predecessor are just window dressing.

Attached: TrumpVsHillary.jpg (656x870, 103K)

I want to thank these soldiers for their service