Why do they do that to themselves in 21.st century ?
The only ones that are worse are Jews and Chinks
Why do they do that to themselves in 21.st century ?
The only ones that are worse are Jews and Chinks
fuck globalisation tbqh its boring af going anywhere in europe and things are in english
say thank you USA
>Implying turkey is ok
>alphabet of the latin people- "latin"
>alphabet of the greek people- "greek"
>alphabet of the arab people- "arabic"
>alphabet of the armenian people- "armenian"
>alphabet of the georgian people- "georgian"
>alphabet of the chinese people- "chinese"
>alphabet of the japanese people- "japanese"
>alphabet of the korean people- "korean"
>alphabet of the indian people- "indian"
>alphabet of the bulgarian people- "cyrilic"
cocи хyй, пидop
well better in that regard
still changed to latin
based and redpilled