ITT: Wamen making You depressed

Story from class today please help me anons.

>am 18
>senior in high school
>taking AP Government
>walk in first day of school, it’s 20 girls and 5 guys including a girl-to-boy tranny.
>oh fuck, this is going to be great
>teacher says I have assignment
>”make your own political ideology poster/collage and right a 3 page report”
>don’t want to expose my power level, but wanted to be honest. I just put pro-Trump stuff and claimed to be “right-of-center”
>it was due today
>class is set up in a discussion forum, talking one on one with a single person and then switching seats to talk to a new person every two minutes.
>get paired with the tranny first.
>says she identifies with the Democratic Socialists of America, and listens to Chapo Trap House.
>oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
>I don’t know why I’m nervous “just express your opinions user, stand firm”.
>I’m afraid of showing my power level
>claim to it that I’m “fiscally conservative and socially liberal”
>tranny nods it’s head passively and we switch to the next person.
>I literally want to kill myself
>how could I say something so retarded?


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>Then out of nowhere, super cute, brown hair, hazel eyes 9/10 non-thot, shorter girl sits next to me.
>she says she doesn’t really follow politics, “but I guess I’m liberal teehee”
>god she’s hot.
>looking into her eyes as she speaks, she’s smiling and is so god damn pretty.
>I explain my side, and say that I’m a conservative, and a Nationalist. Anti-legal and illegal immigration, so on and so forth.
>she seems really engaged, and genuinely interested in what I have to say.
>”wow user... that’s really cool!”
>holy fuck, she’s not offended
>actually wants to learn more.
>how is this even humanly possible.
>we go back and forth about Trump and such, and she’s not super aware/involved with things, but she is certainly ripe for the red-pill. I am dropping them here and there and she seems pretty receptive.
>we talked for what felt like a while and went in and out of discussing politics, eventually just talking about school in general.
>she’s smiling, laughing at my jokes, even after I said I liked Trump and Andrew Jackson.
>I actually feel comfortable with myself for once at a school that’s 75% Liberal.
>then boom.
>then the teacher comes over and reads my poster
>teacher is liberal and starts attacking me
>I fucking studder and can’t respond to her critique
>9/10 looks at me as I’m arguing with teacher
>”thanks user, good discussion” and walks away without smiling. Clearly she is disappointed.
>fuck fuck fuck
>literally want to break down
>can’t get my mind off of this all day
>now I’m here

What the fuck do I even do Jow Forums? Why am I such a cuck? I just want to speak freely and my brain just stalls when I speak in person.


Your teacher’s at least twice your age, right? Keep learning and debating, on Jow Forums and in real life, and you’ll get there. Keep in mind that after you turn 30, you can wife up a pure qt in her 20s like a lot of guys.

>I just want to speak freely and my brain just stalls when I speak in person.

You're too worried about what others will think. Too worried about outcomes. Have your facts/argument loaded to bear and then just go at it, dont even think how people will react. Dont get nervous when the teacher gets angry and attacks you, and NEVER EVER meet her anger with anger.

Just calmly stick to your argument, never make it emotional, get her to REEEEEEing you out in front of everyone while you stay poker faced.

I've got a great argument you can use if you want here I'll do another post with it

Here’s pt. 2

Nvm, you saw it

Have you ever fucking used this site before?

Jesus christ.

Yes, but right no I’m phone fagging and these Captchas are way to fucking long

Yea got you. I got to shake free of caring about other people’s feelings. It’s hard cause my parents are liberal and they’ve really conditioned me to be reserved and “keep a low profile” as they put it. It’s atought think to break free of

Don't sweat it too much user. You already stand out in this girl's mind for being (probably) the only young person she knows who has given rational, inoffensive right wing perspectives.

True, I can only hope

what you need to do is not be a retarded Jow Forums npc trump supporter and get the facts straight. you're in a government class ffs and public schools are riddled with socialist teachers. its not too difficult to win a debate against them, you just gotta do your research.

True. I could go back tomorrow and try to keep it up, I’ll have to see. But if it really doesn’t work, it doesn’t work and it’s on to the next one

>am 18
fuck off kid

Take some pseudoephedrine and drink a redbull...

Taurine + sudafed, 1 or 2 times a week to prevent CNS tolerance. Try it.

I’ve done plenty of research, i just studder and get nervous in those situations. I care to much about emotions

My favorite argument is that "Illegal immigration isnt feminist" specifically the south American caravan type immigration. Heres how the argument goes.

"If these people are coming here to work, how much will they be working for and for whom? Is it not true that the majority of people in the caravan are *Young BROWN males*? Is it not true that the majority of people hiring undocumented labor are *older* WHITE males? And the people coming are working for substandard wages no? So this undocumented immigration can be accurately described as thus"

"Older white men are importing younger brown men to make them rich working at slave labor wages." "How is that feminist?"

"Isnt it true that if even a single american woman (of any color) is raped by one of the men in that group, it could be said that the government and the old white men importing these workers were complicit in her rape?"

"Is it not the governments DUTY to make sure that not a single woman citizen of this country is raped?"

"So I ask you, what is more important? That *young brown men of color* be brought into this country to enrich *old white men* at slave labor wages? Or that the government does EVERYTHING it can to prevent even a SINGLE woman from being raped?"

It's a lock tight argument, watch their heads spin.

Just watch out for the "well but what about the women in the caravan"

You can counter that with "and they are being coerced economically to work for SLAVE WAGES for *OLD WHITE MEN* as well, and their chances of being raped during travel are very high. So how is encouraging *young brown women of color* to risk being RAPED so they can work for an *OLD WHITE MALE* at slave labor wages, feminist? How is that feminist"


Now she may try to get you with the "intersectional feminism"

But just always go back to this

>"I just want to get this on the record. So you support *OLD WHITE MEN* bringing *people of color* to work for slave wages to get rich off of them. You support that more than the right of every woman to have the government not enabling and increasing the likelihood of their rape."

She may try to play the "well lots of white men here rape" when she does that accuse her of "whataboutism". Say that those men should be punished but they cannot be preventing from existing around women here as they are already citizens. Drive home that illegal immigration INCREASES a womans chance to get raped and is therefore GOVERNMENT/CORPORATE SPONSORED importing of NEW RAPISTS who otherwise would not have even interacted with their victims."

You will explode heads with this OP, if you know how to handle yourself in the argument.

The problem with debating them with Jow Forums research is that your argument boils down to a very eloquent argument for various things "racialism/nationalism/whatever"

But it doesnt matter how well you state your point because they will always consider those ideas a non-starter so even the most logically perfect arguments will be thrown out. They will simply use "pilpul" (look it up if you arent familiar) to get a rise out of the other students emotional NPC programming.

You need to make arguments that use their positions against them. Force them to hold true to the glaring gaps in their ideals. Arguments that cut to the root of their emotions and claim that "No, you don't really care about the things you say you do, not with these policies at least"

Make sure to always play up the Young brown men/women "OF COLOR" thing and the "OLD WHITE MALES" thing.

Play it as whites enriching themselves off of brown people at the expense of womens rape and watch their heads roll off as they REEEEEEE til they're blue in the face

They might try to spin it as "well this gives a better life" but always hit back with the "slave wages" argument (really kills democrat socialists). If they try to say "well their wages should be made better then" remind them how long it's been since those industries received wage increases that amounted to anything.

Ask them "Does young men and women of color leaving their cultural homelands to work as slaves in the fields for old white men enriching themselves on the PROMISE of MAYBE above slave wages sounds like a fair trade to you?"

You'll know you're winning when they stop and start "whataboutism" with the most non-sequiter shit. Like if the rape thing gets immediately tied into Kavanaugh, that means you're winning. Just accuse them of whataboutism every single time. "There's that whataboutism again, why dont you care about the real topic at hand? Why do you want to change the subject?"

You'll come home with your teachers ear as a trophy my man

To bolster yourself with facts just provide all the facts about
>the approx. number/ratio of men in the caravan
>the low wages they will receive
>the mostly white men making money off of them in farm industries
>the estimated number of women in the caravan who are themselves raped in transit


>"But if even a SINGLE woman was raped due to these policies, then the government and the farmers weee complicit in her rape"

And as soon as they try to make it about grab em by the pussy or some shit just immediately attack "Whataboutism, that's a separate issue to be dealt with separately, even if they had both gone to jail it would not have prevented these womens rapes"

*farmers were complicit

Learn to smile when this happens nothing pisses an angry person off more that you just smiling or laughing at them

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>Chapo Trap House

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So I decided if this chick was truly the one for me she needed to know about my actual views and beliefs. I thought the best way would be talking about pol and showing her it. Well this is how that shit went.

>I open by, "You know how I as a certified Christian and my undying strong moral code, well that is not where it ends."
>"I love Hitler. I love Trump. They are some of the greatest people to walk on Earth."
>"Trump will bring America to greatness just as Hitler."
>I then go on to explain why Hitler was great and how the jews deserved it and how the jews are the synagogue of Satan.
>I explain death camps are not real and yes there were concentration camps that were starved out due to allies bombings and how typhoid killed most.
>I explain why the jews needed to be contained and the destruction the jews had brought germany.

>As u might imagine u ebil nazi came after this.

>I continue with how a proper woman should act. I explain how most of these sluts and whores would make previous generations weep.
>I start talking about how a traditional mother is necessary for a family.

>well this triggered her and she stormed out yelling that I am insane and that she will get her nursing degree and will work as a nurse until she retires and that motherhood is not as important as i specified.

Safe to say she broke up with me. Thanks pol i am finally autistic now and women hate me.

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You dun goofed man, women have to be redpilled at a slow boil. You tried to deep fry that shit and burnt it.

Dont over think it user, just talk to her more and not about politics. If you can beat your teacher in an argument that hazel eyed cutie will be soaked

Yea holy fucking crap pal. Jeez. You got to redpill girls slowly.

Your post is genuinely getting me angry. You’re such a spineless faggot. I wish I was still in school so I could bully you

First you do need to believe what you are saying.
Second have general statistical responses to their first obvious arguments. E.g but user illegal immigrants are a net positive for usa who dont take jobs from natives. But miss how can 22 million people come here, not take jobs but also cover the costs of them being here. Also a lot of the money they get in usa goes back to their home countries.
Third approach some of your points from an emotional point. E.g a year ago i was redpillijg my gf on abortion and she was like well what if you were a girl user, without thinking i tapped into what that would be like and i was like but id be a mummy and i wouldn't wanna kill my lil baby. She was like awwww baby.

this is what happens when you don't listen to strike and mike. When a liberal catlady lectures you and a hot grill is listening, go full striker on them and be the bad boy.

Holy shit you hit her with a trainload of redpills didn’t you

>Third approach some of your points from an emotional point
I'm telling you this works the best on them. They can turn off uncomfortable facts but they cant turn off uncomfortable feelings.












Your teacher wants his own qt latina harem

Call him out on it

>P-plz teacher b nice to me and tell me I'm right

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If you sit next to her again drop redpills while the teacher spews bullcrap. Worked for me. Had liberal teacher during political science class. Anytime she said something false, lean over and just whisper a joke explaining while its bullcrap to the person next you. Depends on the person, but if you're subtle (and funny) enough, you can avoid having to deal with th emotional rhetoric or shaming from the teacher. If the teacher ever asked me to explain what I whispered, just agree and amplify a ridiculous thing.

>Teacher says marriage has only existed since 1600s (I don't know where tf she got that but oh well)
>Whisper to qt3.14 next to me
>"Do you hear that?"
>What user?
>It's my bullshit meter, it just keeps going through the roof
>She laughs and teacher notices
>So user do you have anything you want to share?
>No no no Ms. Teacher. I was just agreeing with you that marriage in the Bible, Herodotus and the Quran are all completely made up.
>*Flash shit eating grin
>Teacher rolled her eyes and would end up calling me her favorite conservative after about a year of this.
>Girl next to me went from Stacy THOT to /ourTHOT/ (eh win some lose some)

Just gotta find the balance and keep your cool

fugg wimmenz hehee

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your arguments sound logical, but I'm sorry user, they don't work in real life at all on liberal seems rape is their deep dark sex fantasy that will never happen to them int heir minds and every woman wants to tame wild animal.they don't feel threatened at least that's how they see middle eastern and africa shitskins here.maybe you should explore the fact your caravan consists mostly of mildly retarded manlets unfit for anything their sexuality desires.don't know if it woul work, just a thought, might be worth a shot.

lmao mogged

>fiscally conservative and socially liberal
What is wrong with that?

That's what millennials are. Look how that turned out.

>Keep in mind that after you turn 30, you can wife up a pure qt in her 20s like a lot of guys.
Lol. Yeah, take that one to the bank fellas.

Stop being a fucking spineless coward and stand up for your cover ideology.

go to r9k you miserable fagot

If you have money, and aren't a faggot it's very possible. Just gotta find a girl who hasn't been indoctrinated into the kike sex orgies that make up modern universities

I feel your pain brother. A girl in my class once asked one of my female professors, happened to be an immigrant, if the wage gap meant that women were getting paid less with the same qualifications for men doing the same job. My ears perked up and I started bubbling. The teacher honestly looked unsure and didn't have a well defined answer. She just kind of sheepishly nodded. The student responded, "how can they do that?" . Sheepishly the teacher said "well... its.. uhh... getting better". I was so surprised at the opportunity I couldnt get my thoughts straight in time to engage in rhetoric or give anything worthwile. Felt so stupid. Im just gonna try to keep learning and refining my positions on things. Good luck user

>. I just put pro-Trump stuff and claimed to be “right-of-center”
>I explain my side, and say that I’m a conservative, and a Nationalist. Anti-legal and illegal immigration, so on and so forth.
>we go back and forth about Trump and such,

Holy shit u have to be underage or a literal cuckservative retard

You'll be fine. Just don't go full 1488 or men's rights. Study liberal ideas as much as you study conservative ideas. Not only will it strengthen your conservative core it helps a lot in debates. I suggest joining liberal Facebook groups too, it's fun seeing what the latest 'REEE' is.

My wife was liberal before we dated, as most women are. All it takes is one strong responsible male figure. Girl's today think degenerate behavior is normal, even if they don't identify with it. Show them something they haven't seen before, a responsible well-balanced man, and they fall head over heels.

You are young, you have a lot of time to prepare yourself. Start caring more about money and your self. Learn how to invest your money now before you start making it.

Thank you, and good luck to you too. I’m seeing a lot of these anons calling me a fag for not standing up, but not everyone is as good as that stuff as others. Sometimes the pressure is a little much and you just can’t think of anything. In this battle of Us vs. the world, It’s all about practice, and failure brings later success.

Don't think of it as us vs them. If you do you will alienate yourself and others in your life. It is unhealthy.

Im a Trump supporter and i let my classmates know.

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the word is stutter


Can you pls gib TLDR?

You sound like a spineless faggot. If a woman doesn't like you for who you are and what you believe, she's not worth it.

So you want to fug ur mum? Because ur mum is wimminz

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>Thanks pol i am finally autistic now
You did it champ! Proud of you

My family is very liberal as well. Its one thing to absorb a lot of information about a topic compared to actually verbalizing it. By making the effort to verbalize your points, not just stew on them, you can develope them better I think. Try talking with liberal friends or family members without letting things get heated. If you both respect each other you can keep a lid on it and both benefit from working out your own and each others positions. Helps me a lot at least.

He is some underage aspie trump supporter and hes telling some qt about trump but his teacher cucks him in front of the qt. He spergs out and is made a bottom bitch.

Hmm, maybe he should consider suicide

>I’m seeing a lot of these anons calling me a fag for not standing up, but not everyone is as good as that stuff as others
You're fucking 18. At that age few people are prepared to stand up for their beliefs against an authority figure or peer pressure except if they deliberately want to be seen as "the edgy contrarian kid". You shouldn't take online insults seriously, especially on Jow Forums of all places, unless you come here to feel validated, in which case I have nothing but pity and scorn for you and will recommend you to neck yourself.

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Fugg you vulgariaa

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He ended up being Beta

The only thing I dislike about this argument is that it argues the point from the pre-supposed position that men are bad (as the intimation here is that rich white men are bad, and younger brown men are only slightly less bad due to victim status bonuses).

I'm all for hoisting the feminist by its own pitard, though. I would simply reframe the argument slightly, by making the point that this is very much an economic matter that undercuts both men AND women, whether or not they have direct contact with these (or any) illegals as they attempt to enter the country.