How do a stateless society (anarchy/communism) protect itself from an enemy state in war?

How do a stateless society (anarchy/communism) protect itself from an enemy state in war?

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"global government"

Mass Suicide

I've read some AnCap literature and they assume all the totally like-minded citizens of the non-state will pool their money into Private Military corporations who will protect them.

By having nothing of value. Or lots of guns and recreational explosives.

It cant which is why anarchist street fags get folded up into new authoritarian governments so easily

For Anarchy I guess the local warlords would just form a temporary coalition. Communists just bend over and hope the enemy takes the bait and contracts HIV.


>who will protect them.
Why wouldnt that military corporation just take over that non-state?

That's how Murrica happened

Through peaceful means or/and through violence.
How do you prevent a rock going through your window in a sufficiently windy storm? You have a whole fucking massive assortment of options.

No it isn't.

Sure is

It seems like the goal of at least communism is to keep a centralized individual states until communism has taken over all societies and governments of the world. Once all of them have been united and met their goals the final step in achieving the communist utopia would be to have all those governments eliminate themselves simultaneously.

everyone is equally the enemy


Communism has no goal. It's an endless dialectic conflict - an eternal struggle.
It's literally just a crazed civic religion.

"In all the practical work of our Party
all correct leadership is necessarily “from
the masses, to the masses”. This means:
take the ideas of the masses (scattered and
unsystematic ideas) and concentrate them
(through study turn them into concentrated
and systematic ideas), then go to the masses
and propagate and explain these ideas until
the masses embrace them as their own,
hold fast to them and translate them into
action, and test the correctness of these
ideas in such action. Then once again con-
centrate ideas from the masses and once
again go to the masses so that the ideas are
persevered in and carried through. And so
on, over and over again in an endless spiral,
with the ideas becoming more correct, more
vital and richer each time. Such is the
Marxist theory of knowledge." - LRB

Simple, arm everyone.

The mass suicides will begin soon.

I was just gonna shoot motherfuckers that needed to be shot.

I plan to take over a good portion of the East Coast and establish my own empire. AMA


Which is why most of us have become racists since homogeneous societies tend to think the same.

I only hate the Jews.

dibs on va and nc combining for the ethnostate.

How do anarcho-communist expect to enforce the policy of no private property?

idk, I was really hoping for the coast.

By fucking your wife.

They would never get as much funding as a tyrannical government that wanted to attack them.

The anarchos go to the gulag first just like real life

Take the northeast. Still a lot of good land up there for you to do warlord activities. We need the mountains and our farmland for the ethnostate, though. We will gladly die for this soil, probably should have led with that.


They don't know.
They'll just be in favor of violence against you if they don't like you/you don't conform to their feelings.
It's not about either principles or outcomes - it's about the religion itself. Communism for communism's sake.

Would you be interested in a non-aggression pact with Greater Ohio? Followup question, how should Pennsylvania be partitioned?

nc confederates will declare war on ohio, specifically, due to the 'first in flight' controversy.

I plan to use central Pennsylvania to supply food to the entire region. All of the major surrounding cities will be occupied after they fall and we will build a massive transportation network between them all.

I think I already did make a pact with some Ohioans about protecting the Great Lakes from Canadian encroachment or some shit like that. I'll have to loook it up.

im sure a country of individual civilians with guns can stand against a modern army with artillery, tanks, air superiority etc...

Why would a state go to a war with a stateless society? There's literally nothing to gain for them.

You can produce capital.
Capital is not some static thing.

wow this stateless society just happens to have oil

Land and resources bb

It worked in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc...

It wouldn't thats why anarchists always get wrecked by nationalists or tankies

Attached: Rise up gamers.jpg (1242x1513, 969K)

Not worth it at all. Learn to war.
Again, not worth it for any country at this point.

>thinking that having a windy beach is a bigger contribution than the aircraft, or the engineers who built it
You better believe there'll be war.

We need Pittsburgh, but drawing the line one or two counties eastward and running the north-south line from there should be fine.

> t. autist without the military experience to be an effective warlord, or the personal magnetism to be an effective demagogue.


Mini nukes, ICBMs, lasers from space.

Weaponized weather balloons of course.

didnt work in Iraq and Afganistan, it worked in Vietnam because of the fucking jungle that made tanks and aircraft useless.

You didn't explain the reasoning behind your proposition so I don't feel the need to explain you some absolute basics.

Lichtenstein has a population of 38,000.

If Norway becomes a stateless place tomorrow im 100% sure it would be in Swedens favour to go in a sieze and oil and land. How could it not be profitable.

>By having nothing of value
What about land?

We will be a nomadic tribe of shitposters.

Stateless does not equate defenceless nor others not responding whatsoever. Also the Swedish army couldn't take over Norway, even if no one lived there.

I figured you were pointless contrarian Finn but I wanted to make sure. Disregarded

And that's why stateless countries don't exist. Just an example: samurais were hired at the beginning but eventually became the Shogunate.

you are a fool to think we are fighting wars in the classic or ww2 sense. there are no great armies lined up against each other. nuclear age put at end to that. its all asymmetrical and meme now.
how did iraqis or vietcong fight the war against americans?
how did we fight the war against the nwo in 2016?

It doesn't. It also can't do a number of other things. AnCap is pure LARP from ivory tower faggots.

They make all sorts of faulty assumptions like
And discard any conflicting data. Most of these retards also think they can slap racial diversity on top of it.

The only name even somewhat realistic in all of it is Hans-Herman Hoppe, who just says it's about property and doesn't seem to be an actual AnCap but more a small state guy who says you have to physically remove elements that prevent whatever order you're trying to achieve from working.

>It doesn't

A stateless society can only exist as a worldwide entity. The existence of other hostile states would always mandate a state to defend the revolution. This is elementary socialist and anarchist theory.

The American military wasn't ordered to go total war and annihilate the Iraqis and Vietcong, and were held to ridiculous rules like can't chase them over X arbitrary border.

It rests on a bunch of assumptions that aren't true and don't align with actual incentives and costs associated with policies they advocate, and a lot of it is just ends up being plain moral hazard.

Libertarianism is an intellectual holding pen for above-average intelligence white men. It is astrology for men.

>It rests on a bunch of assumptions that aren't true and don't align with actual incentives and costs associated with policies they advocate
Such as?

No one has any plans on how to prevent competing states comprised of groups (most commonly biological) who band together for their own interests. Communists like the worst of libertarian ivory tower shitheads will always say that X would work if ONLY everyone would do Y things that are against their actual interests and incentives.

stateless society ; filatelists

That everyone is going to just voluntarily pay their fair share into this system and not free-ride or abuse the commons, that the system won't be rife with the same kinds of monopolistic exploitation recreating whatever Robber Baron situation of the past you can think of.

It all assumes everyone's going to play nicely when we know that's not the case. They have completely unrealistic views of what it would actually take to defend a territory and how to incentivize a population to want to do that, and this "Fuck You Got Mine" profit maximization bugman that most AnCap types are all about will not be able to foster enough goodwill among whoever lives in the territory to prevent being invaded and conquered easily.

>That everyone is going to just voluntarily pay their fair share into this system and not free-ride
But we don't need to assume there won't be free riders. People aren't going to not provision defense for themselves in lieu of a threat of violent pillage and subjugation just because some people who don't "chip in" will benefit. Positive externalities of activities aren't impenetrable walls that box in possible human activity despite all other incentives those activities might carry with them - it's a mistake to pretend they are, right?

All you're going to have with this method of organization is a bunch of atomized le radical individualists who won't be able to defend anything from outside aggression.

The closest thing to libertarianism was early Iceland and it just ended up becoming a vassal to Norway. Could have been worse if the people they became vassal to weren't related by blood.

You're assuming that shared interests are biological in nature, that conflicting interests can't be resolved peacefully by means of a common framework, and that cooperation to achieve greater things would be against everyone's interest. Read the vast scientific literature on the evolution of cooperation. Or some Kropotkin, if you'd be willing to give it the time of day.

>All you're going to have with this method of organization is a bunch of atomized le radical individualists who won't be able to defend anything from outside aggression

>not worth it,learn to war
Do I have to inform you that he US has had several wars over middle eastern politics and oil? If there ever was a succesfull stateless society other countries will invade it because the goverment of the invading countries would that stateless country as a threat to the continuation of a goverment.

I don't "assume" anything. I study history and I look at contemporary reality to make that claim.

AnCom is even LARPier tha AnCap. Like every faggot who reads Kropotkin and takes it seriously, you're a bougie trustfunder who wouldn't last five minutes in an actual state of anarchy.

Common frameworks are never applied equally and we see this today in forcibly "diverse" countries with ostensibly neutral law. Whatever groups are the outgroups to the power elite end up getting fucked. Right now that's the native white population of the western world.

You're not providing anyone with incentives besides "I should cave your skull in and take your stuff" which creates weak bonds and a lack of willingness to protect much of anything.

>You're not providing anyone with incentives besides "I should cave your skull in and take your stuff" which creates weak bonds and a lack of willingness to protect much of anything
But there are lots of incentives for other people not violently attacking me. Most of them have to do with risk vs reward dynamics and generally in costs.

what if you can randomly print money ? there are no risks, no costs

You can randomly print money. The question of whether anyone is going to be willing to trade with it is something you probably want to think about if you have dreams of dealing in currency.

Well that's why there must not be a "power elite". Delegation of power must be strictly controlled if it happens at all so no "political class" can form.

this goes againts how animals form societies.

pro tip = social animals form hierarchies.

Unironically nuclear weapons. If another hostile country forms an invasion of land, anarchist country nukes invading country.

how do u develop nukes without a sort of form of educational ministry and country wide college network and other shit.

Do other animals build indoor plumbing, write contracts, or calculate the digits of pi?

Steal the already existing nukes

Anarchists are merely neo-hunter gatherers. They wish to break down the state only to insinuate the former free-for-all the was concurrent in Paleolithic society, but in modern times.

What does "hierarchy" mean to you?

animals build shit like nest and damns.

literally the sexual market in humans operate under a social hierarchy.

humans even develop tribes over stupid shit like their soccer teams and they kill other humans because they had another team shirt.

you're fucking retarded if you think humans wont naturally develop tribal groups in their anarchy states.

>destroy state
>humans naturally go back to developing small tribes and repeat history

social order based on whatever shit the specie uses to organize themselves.

buy a pack of random chickens and they will form a social hierarchy based on pecking order.

>social order
What's that?

They expect someone else to do it for them.

I don't. So isn't that not true?

how animal layers into alpha beta social order.

>social order is... social order
I'm afraid you must define a thing in terms other than itself sirrah.

some animals are more agressive than others and will try to dominate the weaker males into what constitutes some pyramid.

get a random pack of males in a enclosed place and they will start to sodomize each other just to form a social hierarchy.

humans do the same shit in jails.

It will, that's why minarchists/objectivists are right and anarcho-capitalists are retarded. The state is a necessary evil, might as well cut the Mad Max part and directly establish a governement that is as limited as possible

That doesn't answer the question.
Do any other animals have a society which is as structured and complex as ours, and is able to use reason instead of instinct in order to pursue defined aims?
We are not lower animals. We do not eat our young or shit in the woods or other stuff like that. To say that humans are nothing more than monkeys with nice suits, is to deny emperical reality.

>some animals
And some don't.
I still don't know what you mean by "hierarchy", since you're saying hierarchy is social order and social order is hierarchy.
You are a man. What is YOUR place in these words you're touting, so that you might explain by reference since by terms you seem lost?

most of human behaviour can be explained by evolutionary psychology.

humans still behave under the same rules as most social animals.

humans are hypergamous animals.
males compete for a place in the social order, since women only fuck the males at the top of the social chain.

humans automatically will sort in some kind of pyramid scheme, because that's how hypergamous species work.

women will automatically seek to breed only with males of a superior social order, and males will compete in diferent ways just so women pick them and have a bigger reproductive success.

males eventually developed tribes, politics, art, civilization, engage in conquest of smaller tribes as a result of this biological drive to compete over the females.

Any form of specialization (the best warrior, the most intelligent sage, the richest guy, the best artist, the fastest atlete, the most inspiring leader) in the tribe is used as a heuristic by females to pick the best husband (genes) they can compete over.

This is human sexuality.
Not all species work this way, but humans does.

The state is just a form of this social hierarchy humans use as animals.

Rather than get into nitty-gritty line-by-line arguments with ESL, I'll just repeat my question.

What is YOUR place in the social order/hierarchy?

depends on how usefull you are to the social order.

Communist blame capitalism, anarchists blame the state.

both are just simple manifestations of the male social pyramid, the so called patriarchy by the feminists.

It can't be destroyed because is ingrained in a biological level at maybe our brains, and is even older than humans.

Any attempt of trying to get rid off it by anarchy are doom to fail because humans will automatically return to it after a while and some kind of goverment will develop, there has been dozens and unlimited types of goverment in history, not only capitalism or democracy.

Any attempt to destroy the state by revolutionary or communist means will always develop in totalitarian shitholes because comunism is anti natural and humans will only be comunists under totalitarian rules where the party controls their lives, just like all totalitarian comunists shitholes.

human sexuality in the west is the most anarchy market there is, yet we can see how it devolves, basically in yet another market where there's an elite taking all the wealth, a big middle class and a incel demographic.

>humans x
>humans are x
Where are YOU in your monologue?

>no YOU
Lel faggot, you don't have an argument, so you have to solicit information about your opponent so you can ad hominen him.

I'm asking because if you can't even position yourself in some "order", then you can't possibly even begin to place other people of whom you know FAR less than yourself.