Jow Forums and the """representative""" democracy unequivocally BTFO

>Jow Forums and the """representative""" democracy unequivocally BTFO

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>what if 40 million people live in california

if only there was a house that was representative to population... huh...

there's a process to amend this business
these rats really think the goyim are retarded

We already had this thread today

kikes never stop kiking do they? I'm starting to understand why they were kicked out of countries 150 times or whatever.

I'm sure the other states would be really enthusiastic about remaining a part of a union that the have no say in running.

did you know that I hate jews?

>spits out tea prepared by slave
Wtf I hate borders now

>shitheels failing Civics class again
Oh, right they cancelled Civics in the '90s during some budget cuts.

>everything a person said hundreds of years ago can be disregarded because slavery was practiced at the time

Changing it so California and New York decided everything... Hahaha!

What a fucking moron, this badly bearded Soyy boy, has no idea the Founding Fathers specifically did this so the southern slave owners would not control the government through their greater population.

What is the argument supposed to be? That founding fathers would have been astonished by how things have changed? And therefore we need to have a direct democracy? The reason the electoral college is so important is laid out right there in the tweet - there's 40 million people in Commiefornia. So lets make sure our elections aren't dictated by just Commiefornia. Leftists need to fuck off with this shit. They always try to appeal to religion, the Founding Fathers, American values, and patriotism in a bid for us to just let them have their way. They have no respect or care for any of these things and outwardly stand for their destruction. Kill yourselves. We're not changing shit for you, and if you try there will be consequences.

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>doesn't know what representative means.
>hates it anyways.

I don’t quite get the joke. Can someone explain it? California was well known in 1788.

>Everybody in California is left-wing.

Every time amigos

- All those 40 million are free 18yold white men?

>implying the founding fathers were so dumb that they couldn't foresee the country being that large

Heh, just a Brand New and Original Idea™ here! I'm so witty and snarky and aloof about all this politics stuff. I just get it, y'know? *blue checkmark'd*

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Senators should be elected by the Congress of each state, not by popular vote. And they were at the time of the founding. Fucking dumbfuck.

Can you guys stop having this blind hatred for jews? It makes us uncomfortable

>the rules don't apply if I don't like them
>also muh slavery

Reason to hate jews #358473230494


Not this part. It had to be written specifically as not subject to amendment in order to get the smaller new england states to agree to ratification.

California should forced out of the Union.

That plus 3/5ths compromise which is still gifting us spicy bantz to this day.
