Fuck niggers.
Fuck niggers
Fuck christians.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck non-whites.
Fuck leftist.
Fuck republicans.
Fuck the world
couldn't he pay one of them to talk and kill the rest?
>If they go on record
Better even - testify in court
That would really be worth it. 10k Niggers is a drop in the sea, a small price to pay for Soros'es head.
Based nigger guys! Let let them all in!
>100 Mossad agents found
>Israeli Trucks
>Being paid
>Immigration minister has Israeli flag
What a mystery
at least the comments are all giving her shit
He should kill the men and take the women as sex slaves.
No need to pay them either, as soon as they taste the Big Orange Cock they'll sing.
No, those niggers will breed like rabbits. You dipshit, do you salt your garden to spite the weeds?