Ontario Cannabis Store

>Legalize weed
>Can only purchase it online through a store until April (legally)
>Promise 1-3 day shipping
>Uhhhhh 1-5 day shipping
>Uhhhhhhhhhh 2-3 week shipping
>Canada Post is on strike in GTA right now, so even if your stuff is packed and ready, nobody will pick it up
>Orders stuck as "Pending" on CC statements
>Many such orders just vanishing
>Reports of people receiving 40% less than they ordered
>Nobody answering the OCS phone line (>2 hour wait)

The government can't even sell weed right.

Attached: OCS_EN_LOGO_BLK_SM_nav_600x.png (600x225, 45K)

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I got mine in 2 days

They're probably high as fuck
This is what happens
You wanted this

What did you expect? Of course they were going to fuck legalization up.

Attached: IMG_8467.jpg (630x392, 88K)

Dude weed

>Uhhhhhhhhhh 2-3 week shipping
It's still 1-5 days.

yeah they fucked it up pretty bad. now the black market is flourishing more than ever and making bank compared to pre-legalization. the exact opposite of what this was intended to stop lol

>Buying your weed from the gouv

Attached: b57c34c8ae97a2b9a1e4889d0520575fac46af647536102c7bbb30bc41ddcbc9.jpg (546x364, 23K)

Alberta is running smoothly. I can't wait until the west secedes, you useless cunts drag down the rest of the country.

Leaf mailpussies. Dont even work weekends.