Hello. I must remain anonymous...

Hello. I must remain anonymous. I have a friend that is employed by Democratic lobbyist group in DC with ties to prominent Democratic leaders. Last Friday, he overheard laughter and discussion of sealing the election with a major lead for the Democratic party by using strategic events to get an emotional reaction in American citizens.

These were the 3 main strategies :

1. They staged the sexual assault claims with Kavanaugh.

2. They started the massive migrations (caravan) from South America. Funded by wealthy Europeans.

3. They have worked with major shareholders/fund management groups over the past two weeks to significantly impact the stock market. People are frantically pulling out investments out of fear of losing more money from their retirement.

These three strategic events are going to create chaos and push people to vote for Democrats.

Attached: philly-gritty.gif (720x477, 231K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is the most basic of larps. You're going to have to try a LOT harder than this retard. 0/10 get back to the drawing board.

Give proof or gtfo

well then let's trash all of it, it's clearly as bad as we all thought

yo come the fuck on, use common sense, some data analysis, and think strategically here for A SECOND you horselover

My dad is a lobbyist for the democrats and I can confirm op is telling the truth

i hardly doubt it will fucking work, only retards feel sorry for the caravan.

top democrat scientists have discovered that proscribing opiods to trump voters could help them be more accepting of the planned destruction of the entire western world by jewish groups who feel that unless they demographically genocide white people, its only a matter of time

They have 45,000+ "NPC" posts in the past 2 months and they are prepping a false flag shooting to attack the Chans, Donald Trump, and The Right.

Look at who is pushing it.

Rosanne's Manager

Soros & Buffett are going to stage a leftist protest and then use someone to to shoot it up "VEGAS STYLE" on camera.
>Facebook will craft his profile to be very anti-left and "Hates NPCs".
You can already see this based on the paid AstroTurf posts here, the "We Hunted The Mammoth" & Otaku media outlets being paid to push it further as
>"Right-wing trolls embrace new “NPC” meme, taking aim at basedboy cuck libt*rds who respond to everything with meaningless buzzwords"
>Taking Aim At

They will Stage A False Flag Shooting And Blame These Posters And Everyone.
Do Something About It, Spread This Information/Meme.

You Have The Power To Fight Back Against These Murderers.

They Used Roseanne to Launch the Narrative on Joe Rogan's podcast because he has one of THE Largest Public Reaches into the Middle Ground Political Spectrum.
>Someone Tweet/Send This & The Meme to Him, he would appreciate it considering they were going to drag him & Roseanne through the mud.
>They used Him.

We Can Finally Stop A False Flag Before It Happens; Think Of The Possibilities.

You forgot the Elizabeth Warren October surprise.
The abandoned Russia investigation
The Stormy Daniels non-event.
Antifa shenanigans
Separating families at the border drama
Pussy hat comedy
they're all driving normal people to the right in droves so good going guys.

A lobbyist just flew over my house

lol that's exactly what they did, and they did it to all the red gerrymandered districts thru the niggas that serve the local Chabad kingpin

every fucking time

Occam's razor is always applicable to the strategic level, and these fucks are about to learn that a stale strategy is the deadman's strategy

there are no more targeted opiate kickback programs based on this or that, and the Chabad movement is to return to nothing before long, because that is where it started in thought and in physical practice

holy fuck they aren't getting away with another single thing, and they're answering for the subjugation of the black middle and lower class effective immediately while we are at it

that's retarded all those things make people think trump is right.

No shit. A blind man could have seen that,

>that moment leftypol makes a thread and the only retards agreeying with op are the idiots he brought with him.
Oh yes my fellow 4channer i see it makes sense yes lol nigga get the fuck outta here.

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>1. They staged the sexual assault claims with Kavanaugh.
Which backfired and drove men and blacks away from the Democrats in droves, and didn't bring on nearly the amount of women they hoped for.
>2. They started the massive migrations (caravan) from South America.
All this will do is bring the Wall back to discussion, which will backfire on the left.
>3. They have worked with major shareholders/fund management groups over the past two weeks to significantly impact the stock market.
Good thing that the democrats think the market is for retards, and that they don't usually hold much for investments. Me, I've been making money during the downturn, it's not hard.

None of these strategies will help the left in the end, because they've isolated themselves in their echo chambers and aren't listening to what's happening with the rumblings of the average person who is sick of all this shit.



your narrative keeps changing you tin-foli wearing schizo, do yourself and your family a favour and kill yourself.

Spread the information, tweet it to Joe Rogan and others, post it in other threads
>stop replying in NPC threads and explain what hey are doing.
>Post this in Reddit
>Post this everywhere they've posted the NPC Memes.

They should/will just cut their losses because it is smarter cheaper to stop wasting funds on bot programmers & find a new narrative.

Think of the amount of money it takes to print all the shirts, hats, signs, bus all the people in, pay for the promotion, directors, media, all of this is set up months in advance.
>they sped up the time frame and the shooting was probably going to happen before the midterm elections or around that time frame.

That is a lot of money to waste only to have it blow back.

This takes them months of planning.

Attached: IMG_0887.jpg (3264x1803, 1.13M)

>narrative keeps changing
Only thing that changed was from "27,000" to "45,000".

One thing is common though, they try to push you to the same room the media wants you to be.
In this case "STAHP MEEM" they try to tell you to stop it because it is offensive now they try to tell you it is because a shooting will take place.
Just like they do with El trumpo, "hate him coz he is racist" doesn't work "hate him coz he won't nuke israel" oh boy i sure gotta obey now, right? no. i still like trump, lefties can suck my cock.

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1 post by this ID
it goes in all fields

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