How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

Attached: 3124.png (622x631, 288K)

>Using an electoral map literally from 2004

Michigan is joining "dumbfuckistan" in 14 days


Its hella funny obviously

Not as accurate as this.

Attached: 14cu5853cz4y.jpg (1536x1536, 213K)

About as accurate as a CNN poll

Attached: 1482490501637.jpg (657x527, 53K)

If you're gonna be a retarded faggot hide your flag.

Problem with that image is the people in blue burn american flags and scream America is shit.

> Americans want California gone
> Californians want California gone
Why doesn't it happen?

Imagine being so original and create that you steal your meme from fucking Kidd Rock of all people

Attached: lefty-memesright-wing-memes-e-i-when-u-kill-nigs-e-26771838.png (500x305, 85K)

thousands in sweden are choosing to get microchipped so they dont have to use keys or cards

Hell the tweet is from 2016 so you know how well it turned out for this tweeter.

western america should read Israeli Communist China. also its antisemitic what they did to florida

How are we already not part? Get over here Wisconsin, we can share a case of beer.

fuck, this was the last straw
it's over for me
i'm deleting my internet

>hurr hurr were never going to win a national election again
>hella funny

so..the non jewish parts?
confirmed jewish supremacy

I know it's impossible, but if California ever leaves, the USA would be about 90% conservative for decades

You have it backwards

That map should be way more red though. The only blue part of NY is NYC and a few other counties.


Fuck is wrong with Colorado and New Mexico


Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, are Red now... deal with it..

Only Mexicans that hate America are real Americans

New England is pretty neat. They’d be a hell of a lot more red if they actually had Blacks and Mexicans, though.

Because the commie leaders over there know that the minute US gibs dry up, their economy collapses, Hollywood and Silicon Valley evacuate, and the rest will starve to death within sixteen months before the US swoops in again to annex.
Also it would inconvenience the US to lose its harbors for a few months

America = Babylon
Dumbfuckistan = Ephraim

Babylon will burn in the span of 1 hour.

WI went red in 2016 tho :)

Attached: awooflag_WI.jpg (3072x2048, 3.89M)

New Mexico is populated by Spanish descendants, they threw a fit back in the day to not be a part of Texas and opened their borders to Mexicans long ago.

Colorado is a federal outpost, literally the site of the backup for the feds.


>asian girl
>white name
disregard this fake americanized asian also as a michigander id like to join dumbfuckistan instead of being grouped in with those useless faggots

>"The real America" is all the parts of the country that hate America
Not very, OP.


There's an obvious Cowgirl joke there.


Attached: 1540326688270.jpg (1280x720, 383K)

Michigan went for trump in 16. The democrats thought they had a safe seat in the senate this year, but they're in for a surprise.

>How accurate is this?
Not very.
Here is a more accurate one.

Attached: amerimap.jpg (521x355, 101K)

Attached: 1529449807626.jpg (1053x671, 103K)

Not at all

Dumbfuckistan is california and the mexican border, and the heart of the bible belt

All the smart people live in Coldfuckistan

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

I support #Calexit

Attached: 1534723246591.png (888x1192, 174K)

>Best and most powerful country on the world
>Retardeds that are ruining it are calling it idiotic
>Want to replace it all with tranny socialism

>no cow gf to milk and make cheese curds from her milkies

Attached: apusafetyhoodie.jpg (952x645, 47K)

Why aren’t we in dumbfuckistan? Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Hopefully it is a swing state after all.

Calling the south dumb is as bad as the 56% meme.
Its obvious we'd have the lowest average IQ because we have the most black people.
But it actually speaks to the quality of our white people that we manage to pull the average UP to 95.

James went from down 23 to down 7 as of today. And turnout for stabenow in Detroit and Flint is going to be lower than projections.

Boulder Denver and Beaners. Also a shit ton of commieforniuans. Please save us

Why does it say america where it should say butthurtistan!

Attached: bait-meme1.jpg (400x400, 24K)

"istan" refers to middle easterners, so you literally have it backwards


Attached: 1512231005801.png (1179x777, 256K)

Californians don't live there, They live in Texas and Oregon.

Trump Land one looks like when you burn cheese on a toaster plate. In a good way though.

>profile picture is not only a woman, but a non-white

Unlike Texas, our pride is well-deserved. When the water wars begin we will be kings

Attached: it-appears-that-my-superiority-has-led-to-some-controversy-26087597.png (500x522, 73K)

This is true.
>white and (((white))) Californians vote for ultra liberal, pro-beaner policies
>California becomes an irredeemable toxic shithole full of beaners and retards
>white Californians escape that shithole to Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Washington, Nevada etc only to vote for the EXACT SAME SHIT that ruined California