Is aborting a homosexual child moral?

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Romanians are literally the purests and best whites. Also gays are created through abuse not born (in general)

Yes. Homo kids need to grow up knowing that they’re going to burn in Hell when they eventually kill them selves or die from AIDS.

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si laso dracu pe curva aia (LDR)

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Both of these are true in a parallel universe. Where's the Stargate to it? Does it open by 3 years of nofap and cold showers?

80% din bărbați care ascultă Lana sunt homosexuali. Nu știai tataie.

Fml can't hold the phone from laughter. You killed my sides.

seems about right
It's the future but we must will it into existence. Can't wait to come there to get my pure Romanian virgin wife

If aborting a healthy child is moral then aborting a fag should be mandatory.

How to know if babby homosex?

DNA test. You are born with it silly.

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Aborting a homosexual adult is moral so I don't see why not.

>Children are born gay
Nice try Shlomo

>Lana Del Rey is basically brunette Lauren Southern

It's caused by a hormonal imbalance in the womb, not genetics.

Yes, OP, you should have been aborted.

It’s not

Data trecută cineva mi-a zis că avea două diplome din SUA, și Harvard și Stanford vine acasă că să ne salveze, tare m-a făcut curios. Da să vezi că domnul respectiv trăia într-un sat lângă Brașov, avea două pisici, era virgin că era caz psihiatric și conducea un Suzuki second hand și băga niște imagini pe net pe care zicea că el le a făcut în vacanța puii mei dar de fapt alții au făcut l-o și o postau pe flickr fără protecție pe copyright. Deci să fii și tu sănătos.

Fuck. I have been found out.

I unironically told that to my mother myself while she still lived.

Speculations. Sexual orientation is concordant with male monozygomatic twins but discordant in case of females.

sunt destul de sanatos ..cut ie posibil find Roman.

whats the race?

There is no such thing as a gay child

Is executing a woman who produces gay children immoral?


Mummy and daddy were great and attentive, and never abused me.
How fucking dare you call my mother.
